Kris Wolf vs. Azumi vs. Haruka Kato
Evie & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kellie Skater vs. Alex Lee & Kaori Yoneyama & Momo Watanabe
Mayu Iwatani vs. Starlight Kid
Kairi Hojo vs. Hiromi Mimura
Io Shirai vs. Jungle Kyona
15 Woman Battle Royal: Momo Watanabe vs. Alex Lee vs. Azumi vs. Kellie Skater vs. Haruka Kato vs. Io Shirai vs. Jungle Kyona vs. Hiromi Mimura vs. Kaori Yoneyama vs. Kris Wolf vs. Mayu Iwatani vs. Starlight Kid
Azumi vs. Alex Lee vs. Starlight Kid
Haruka Kato vs. Hiromi Mimura
Kaitlin Diamond & Viper vs. Kris Wolf & Kyoko Kimura
Evie & Kellie Skater vs. Kairi Hojo & Kay Lee Ray
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
Starlight Kid vs. Azumi 5:03
Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano 10:15
Chelsea Green vs. Haruka Kato 6:37
Goddess of Stardom Next Challenger Decision Match: Kaitlin Diamond & Viper vs. Evie & Kellie Skater 11:15
High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Kay Lee Ray 13:48. Though this is for the high speed title, it's actually much slower and more conventional than there 8/21/16 5STAR Grand Prix bout. Ray isn't looking nearly as confident or advanced in this contest, there's really no next level chaining of holds or anything, as in the rematch. This is more a straight up junior heavyweight bout, matching athleticism and just trading flying moves. Ray is still carrying the match, and generally doing more to make it good spamming topes and whatnot, but Mayu looks much better here in so much as this is really in her wheelhouse, just asking her to be the spectacular athlete that she is. It's a good match because you have two top ten females going at it, but it's less than the sum of its parts. ***
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kairi Hojo 29:31
Starlight Kid vs. Azumi 5:03
Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano 10:15
Chelsea Green vs. Haruka Kato 6:37
Goddess of Stardom Next Challenger Decision Match: Kaitlin Diamond & Viper vs. Evie & Kellie Skater 11:15
NEO High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Kay Lee Ray 13:48
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kairi Hojo 29:31
Chelsea Green vs. Momo Watanabe 4:39
Kay Lee Ray vs. Alex Lee 7:36
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hiromi Mimura 8:29
Artist Of Stardom Title Match: Evie & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kellie Skater vs. Kaitlin Diemond & Kyoko Kimura & Viper 15:46
Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo 20:35
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Azumi
Haruka Kato vs. Starlight Kid
Kaitlin Diamond vs. Hiromi Mimura
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Alex Lee
Elimination Match: Chelsea Green & Evie & Kellie Skater & Santana Garrett & Viper vs. Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani & Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo & Momo Watanabe
Evie vs. Haruka Kato
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Kellie Skater
Chelsea Green & Santana Garrett vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Jungle Kyona
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kaitlin Diamond & Viper
Azumi & Haruka Kato & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Maki Natsumi & Saori Ano & Starlight Kid
Chelsea Green vs. Hirom Mimura
Cat Power vs. Momo Watanabe
Kellie Skater vs. Jungle Kyona
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Kaitlin Diamond
NEO Highspeed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Evie
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Santanna Garrett vs. Kairi Hojo
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Viper 16:20
Osaka Gauntlet Match: Viper vs. Hiromi Mimura vs. Jungle Kyona vs. Kaitlin Diamond vs. Kaori Yoneyama vs. Momo Watanabe
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Evie & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kellie Skater vs. Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Alex Lee vs. Azumi vs. Haruka Kato vs. Natsumi Maki 4:50
Kagetsu vs. Hiromi Mimura 7:45
Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe vs. Mayu Iwatani & Starlight Kid 11:28
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #1: Kairi Hojo vs. Saori Ano 11:00
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Io Shirai vs. Kaitlin Diemond & Viper 15:15
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Alex Lee vs. Azumi vs. Haruka Kato vs. Natsumi Maki 4:50
Kagetsu vs. Hiromi Mimura 7:45
Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe vs. Mayu Iwatani & Starlight Kid 11:28
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #1: Kairi Hojo vs. Saori Ano 11:00
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Io Shirai vs. Kaitlin Diemond & Viper 15:15
Azumi & Haruka Kato vs. Natsumi Maki & Starlight Kid
Kaitlin Diamond & Viper vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona
Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo vs. Alex Lee & Kaori Yoneyama
Io Shirai vs. Saori Ano
NEO Highspeed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Momo Watanabe 10:52
Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki & Starlight Kid vs. Azumi & Emi Nishina & Kaori Yoneyama 9:16
Kaitlin Diamond vs. Alex Lee 6:09
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kagetsu vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 12:07
The Alpha Female vs. Viper 8:42
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kairi Hojo & Meiko Satomura 24:21. ****3/4
Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki & Starlight Kid vs. Azumi & Emi Nishina & Kaori Yoneyama 9:16
Kaitlin Diamond vs. Alex Lee 6:09
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kagetsu vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 12:07
The Alpha Female vs. Viper 8:42
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kairi Hojo & Meiko Satomura 24:21. Watch Review. 21 years into their career, most wrestlers should simply be retired, rather than hanging on like crippled zombies. Satomura, on the other hand, had the best match of her career tonight, and while it certainly helps that both of her opponents are amazing, this was very much a brutal Satomura striking war. Satomura was treated as the big conquering hero, a total wrecking ball. All her segments were electric. This was really unlike her typical match in the sense that didn't feel patterned and formulaic, but rather she was so urgent the entire time, really precise with her execution and flowing in a the more organic manner Shirai was known for. She really kept things on point, ensuring the battles were fast, full energy and impact skirmishes. This allowed Hojo to be the underdog, which is a role she is much more suited for given her offense not only lacks spontaneity but is just pretty lame in general, and she isn't exactly dynamic or creative in any way. As with the "better" robots, what she can do is allow the opponents to do the work for her, and adapt to the match enough that she stays within the parameters the people who know what they are doing have set forth. Hojo's slaps sound better than they look, but this was the most effective she has ever been. She may not have added to the match, as she was largely just bent and beat on, but for once I can't really say she detracted from it. Her segments were all good, just not as shot out of a cannon riveting as Satomura's. Even though Satomura was simply an outsider randomly thrown into a title match between pals, this felt like an interpromotional war from the glory days. It was super intense and energetic right from the outset. For the most part, this match was in the style Satomura excels in, but Thunder Rock are underrated in this style largely because they rarely do it, as shown by the tremendous quality of their first singles title match. Of course, they were able to work other aspects into the match to keep things entertaining, and have a bit of diversity, but while one could say that the intensity wavered from time to time in the middle because they obviously left the hard-hitting now and then to do some of flashier stuff that separates Thunder Rock, it never felt like they were waiting or screwing around. Thunder Rock especially did quite a bit of running and jumping, but it was all done in an opportunistic fashion, at lightning speed and with great urgency, so it didn't feel like the usual contrived lucha exhibition. I mean, when they ran, they sprinted, and when they jumped, they catapulted themselves at the opponent. Thunder Rock, of course, provided amazing work, but this was truly a textbook example of how phony high flying can reasonably be incorporated into an otherwise serious war. Thunder Rock were even super stiff, but also very precise in everything they did, especially Shirai, whose execution could always be counted on to be so tight and crisp during this period. Mayu pushed Shirai out of the way to force a start between her and Satomura, and Satomura went at her full boar from the get go. Iwatani had some counters of her own though, and proved that she could hit Satomura back hard enough to command her respect. Similarly, Hojo did enough to hang in the exchanges, but where Satomura was winning them, Hojo was losing them. Thunder Rock are obviously the much more cohesive unit, as Satomura's previous interactions with Hojo were carrying her to shocking respectable matches that went a long way toward creating her unwarranted stardom in STARDOM. It felt like it took both of Thunder Rock to gain an advantage on Satomura, while Satomura also opened up a lot of Hojo's offense with her saves, setups, and interference. Hojo was mostly just getting bullied, and not offering Satomura much assistance, even in storyline I mean, but Satomura didn't really need help here, and was really able to steps things up in protecting Hojo in the later stages, though even Satomura was hampered by the team's lack of coherence. Of course, the battle everyone really wanted to see was Satomura vs. Shirai, and with Shirai having defeated Satomura to win the World Of Stardom Championship for the 2nd time on 12/23/15, Satomura was very much out for revenge. Shirai definitely gave back to Satomura here, but in the end, she left with two belts after pinning Hojo following her moonsault. I liked this more than the two great Shirai vs. Iwatani singles matches from 2016, it was simply more frantic and intense, feeling like the best interpromotional joshi matches of 1993. Unfortunately, none of these women work this style of electric battle, with this amount of urgency or intensity, really ever. That's what made this STARDOM's best match of 2016, and probably all-time, but also a reason 2017 and onwards STARDOM keeps getting less interesting (though obviously a minor reason when compared to the general style ultimately becoming untrained idols trying to do BS Road epics). The most similar STARDOM match would be the great 9/23/15 Thunder Rock vs. Jumanji Sisters match, which was also an electric interpromotional war. ****3/4
Azumi vs. Alex Lee vs. Starlight Kid
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hiromi Mimura
Kaitlin Diamond & Viper vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kagetsu vs. Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. The Alpha Female 13:18
Clips of Stardom Stars in Okinawa
Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo & Alpha Female vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani
Io Shirai vs. Kaitlin Diamond
Azumi & Momo Watanabe vs. Hiromi Mimura & Starlight Kid
The Alpha Female vs. Jungle Kyona
Kyoko Kimura & Viper vs. Alex Lee & Kaori Yoneyama
Kairi Hojo vs. Kailn Diamond
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kagetsu
4/11/16 Las Vegas, Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match: Thunder Rock (Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani) vs. Cheerleader Melissa & Kairi Hojo 15:00
8/8/16 Shinghai, CN Eastern Jiading Industry Park Hotel: Kairi Hojo vs. Jungle Kyona 11:05
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Alex Lee vs. Azumi vs. Eimi Nishina vs. Natsumi Maki 5:47
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Starlight Kid 4:52
The Alpha Female vs. Haruka Kato 8:01
Diosa Atena & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kagetsu & Lizzy Styles 12:30
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 17:57
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Alex Lee vs. Azumi vs. Eimi Nishina vs. Natsumi Maki 5:47
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Starlight Kid 4:52
The Alpha Female vs. Haruka Kato 8:01
Diosa Atena & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kagetsu & Lizzy Styles 12:30
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 17:57
Gasho Nishoka Calligraphy
Alex Lee vs. Hiromi Mimura
The Alpha Female vs. Kaori Yoneyama
Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona
Diosa Atena vs. Lizzy Styles
Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe
Lizzy Styles vs. Hiromi Mimura
The Alpha Female vs. Alex Lee
Kyoko Kimura vs. Momo Watanabe
NEO High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Diosa Atena
Kairi Hojo & Saori Ano vs. Io Shirai & Jungle Kyona
Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Eimi Nishina & Starlight Kid 4:43
1st Round Match: Jungle Kyona vs. Saori Ano 6:09
1st Round Match: Santana Garrett vs. Alex Lee 4:25
1st Round Match: Kyoko Kimura vs. Kaori Yoneyama 2:05
1st Round Match: Kari Hojo vs. Momo Watanabe 7:01
1st Round Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiromi Mimura 3:26
1st Round Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Kagetsu 5:34
1st Round Match: Queen Maya vs. The Alpha Female 4:32
1st Round Match: Io Shirai vs. Diosa Atenea 4:43
Quarterfinal Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Jungle Kyona 2:25
Quarterfinal Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Queen Maya 4:35
Quarterfinal Match: Kari Hojo vs. Santana Garrett 10:00
Quarterfinal Match: Io Shirai vs. Kyoko Kimura 8:53
Final: Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto 13:19
1st Round Match: Jungle Kyona vs. Saori Ano 6:09
1st Round Match: Santana Garrett vs. Alex Lee 4:25
1st Round Match: Kyoko Kimura vs. Kaori Yoneyama 2:05
1st Round Match: Kari Hojo vs. Momo Watanabe 7:01
1st Round Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiromi Mimura 3:26
1st Round Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Kagetsu 5:34
1st Round Match: Queen Maya vs. The Alpha Female 4:32
1st Round Match: Io Shirai vs. Diosa Atenea 4:43
Quarterfinal Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Jungle Kyona 2:25
Quarterfinal Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Queen Maya 4:35
Quarterfinal Match: Kari Hojo vs. Santana Garrett 10:00
Quarterfinal Match: Io Shirai vs. Kyoko Kimura 8:53
Final: Mayu Iwatani vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto 13:19
Handicap Match: The Alpha Female vs. Azumi & Hiromi Mimura & Starlight Kid
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Alex Lee vs. Diosa Atena
Hiryo Matsumoto vs. Momo Watanabe
Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Jungle Kyona & Queen Maya
Io Shirai & Santana Garrett vs. Kairi Hoko & Mayu Iwatani
Starlight Kid vs. Azumi 2:30
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Starlight Kid 1:50
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Azumi 2:40
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Santana Garrett vs. Diosa Atenea & Kyoko Kimura 12:31
Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 17:35
Alpha Female & Queen Maya vs. Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani 3:41
Alpha Female & Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani & Queen Maya 14:26
Emi Nishina & Haruka Kato & Starlight Kid vs. Alex Lee & Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Natsumi Maki
Diosa Atena & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
The Alpha Female vs. Queen Maya
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Santana Garrett vs. Kairi Hojo
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani 21:54. Great match!
Emi Nishina & Haruka Kato & Starlight Kid vs. Alex Lee & Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Natsumi Maki
Diosa Atena & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
The Alpha Female vs. Queen Maya
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Santana Garrett vs. Kairi Hojo
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani 21:54. The 4th meeting between the Thunder Rock partners, but their first proper big singles match, after two shorter tournament/league matches in 2015. Io beat Mayu quickly when she was just a 2nd year wrestler in 2013, but Mayu faired much better last year, winning the Cinderella semifinal and drawing in the 5* GP. As with the classic Crush Gals battles, these two did not wrestle as though they were friends. In fact, it's the least polite of the trilogy, even though it's the only one where they are teammates. One would have expected this to mostly be an athletic spectacle, which is where these two excel the most. However, while they did some nice fast and athletic stuff here and there, in general, rather than being fancy or cute, both were super serious and just doing their best to win by beating the living crap out of each other, putting the belt above their partnership. It was a much slower match than I expected, but while they took their time by their standards, we were rewarded by both women really making sure they laid into the opponent. They literally bumped heads at the outset, which set the tone for the whole dickishness encounter. This was an extremely physical match, to the point it might be the most physical match either ever wrestled. It was overloaded with ill will, with Mayu, in particular, showing a lot more attitude than usual, and working far far stiffer. She appeared to have a chip on her shoulder, having failed to win the World of Stardom Title twice in 2015. She was probably feeling a bit left out, with Shirai on her 2nd run and Kairi Hohum having defeated Io to win the title then Mayu in her 1st defense. Mayu had to do everything she could to reach the level of the promotion's ace, but Io wasn't giving an inch, and was constantly putting Mayu back in her place. If you're thinking they should leave the striking to someone like Satomura, you haven't seen this match yet. Trust me, Satomura has never made striking seem this intense and vicious. These two really went the extra mile to execute all the strikes, as well as the dropkicks, suplexes, virtually everything they did had extra precision and impact. The hard hitting largely replaced the matwork you'd usually see early on in a longer joshi match, which obviously was more of a plus than that it also replaced a lot of the flying we'd usually see from them later in the match. This was intense and urgent wrestling of the highest calibre though, so I wasn't missing the spectacle. These two know each other so well that there was extra urgency to avoid anything resembling a moonsault from Io or a Dragon suplex from Mayu. Their unwillingness to hold anything back eventually escalated to the point that when an opportunistic Mayu finally managed to Dragon suplex Io, it happened to be on the hard ring apron, which nearly led to a ring out after Shirai collapsed at the 13 count trying to reenter. It seemed like the match was just gearing up, which shows how good it was because I didn't realize they were already 20 minutes in. Unfortunately, it was almost over already. Shirai was able to incapacitate Iwatani enough with two big suplexes that she could stomp on her for good measure on the way to walking to the corner for her winning moonsault. This match felt a bit incomplete to me because there was a lot more they could have done had Mayu been allowed to push further. It was fine for the first match in the trilogy, even though Mayu should have been considered a stronger challenger in my opinion. They strayed quite a bit from what they normally do exceptionally, and also didn't really do a blowout match, but they did such a masterful job of pulling the audience into the match with their stiffness, urgency, and intensity that the match just flew by regardless.This beatdown arguably wasn't the best match they could have done, but thankfully there's still some wrestlers who are willing to challenge themselves to excel at different things, rather than just doing the same old shit. ****1/2
High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Camile 4:55
WWS Title Match: Diosa Atenea vs. Toni Storm 5:03
RCW Women's Title Three Way Match: Leah Owens vs. Kay Lee Ray vs. Santana Garrett 6:46
ABC Women's Title Three Way Match: Heidi Katrina vs. Kairi Hojo vs. The Alpha Female 11:23
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kasey Owens 11:43
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament First Round Match: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 6:59. They brought their C game for this brief tournament match in front of about 50 fans in Spain. This was all very competent, and you could see they worked well together and had chemistry, but neither were particularly interested in beating their bodies up anymore than they had to.
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament First Round Three Way Match: Dragonita vs. Camille vs. Diosa Atenea 8:54
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament First Round Match: Toni Storm vs. Heidi Katrina 4:41
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament First Round Match: Santana Garrett vs. The Alpha Female 5:31
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament Semifinal Match: Io Shirai vs. Dragonita 7:17
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament Semifinal Match: Toni Storm vs. Santana Garrett 6:17
Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kasey Owens & Leah Owens 13:14
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Tournament Final Match: Io Shirai vs. Toni Storm 10:11
BEW 5/22/16 Tooting Tram & Social SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 8:53. What a difference a day makes! This match also took place before about 50 people, but it was in the UK now, and Ray was suddenly going all out to impress her countrymen, knowing even a short match against Io would be one of her better chances to deliver something memorable. Both women were posing on opposite corners during the ring introduction, but as Shirai got off her corner, Ray leaped at off hers for a missile kick, and continued to wrestle like she was shot out of a cannon. Shirai just sees the game so much better than Mayu, so this was much more of a back and forth match where both were identifying and reacting to what the other was throwing at them. There was a lot of fighting on the outside early on, but even though this isn't Shirai's style per se, she seemed totally at home, whereas Iwatani was uncomfortable there in the 8/21/16 match against KLR. This was quite rushed because it was really short, but today they tried to pack as much as they could into it. The level was very high, not just in the sense that both are fantastic, but moreso because they had to keep upping their game to keep up with and answer the opposition. It's disappointing the match was so short, but Io won three matches the day before in Spain to become the first SWA World Women's Champion, and had a World Of Stardom Title Match vs. Kasey Owens the day before that in France, so this was a rough tour physically where it made sense to not give them the opportunity to do something truly special. ***1/4
International Grand Prix 2016 First Round: Mayu Iwatani vs. Kirsty Love 5:58
International Grand Prix 2016 First Round: Santana Garrett vs. Danielle Hunter 6:26
International Grand Prix 2016 First Round: Nixon Newell vs. Ayesha Ray 4:57
International Grand Prix 2016 First Round: Diosa Atenea vs. Dragonita 7:45
Kairi Hojo & The Alpha Female vs. Dahlia Black & Toni Storm 11:21
International Grand Prix 2016 Semifinal: Mayu Iwatani vs. Nixon Newell 15:00
International Grand Prix 2016 Semifinal: Santana Garrett vs. Diosa Atenea 7:42
Heidi Katrina vs. Laura Di Matteo 3:18
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 8:53
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title #1 Contendership International Grand Prix 2016 Final: Santana Garrett vs. Mayu Iwatani vs. Nixon Newell 6:10
Momo Watanabe vs. Arisu Nanase 7:00
Kris Wolf vs. Starlight Kid 6:17
Three Way Match: Kaori Yoneyama vs. Azumi vs. Natsumi Maki 4:45
Shanna vs. Hiromi Mimura 7:12
Chelsea & Kairi Hojo vs. Haruka Kato & Hiroyo Matsumoto 18:38
Diosa Atenea & Kagetsu & Leah Vaughan vs. Jungle Kyona & Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani 12:40
Natsumi Maki vs. Arisu Nanase 3:19
Three Way Match: Starlight Kid vs. Azumi vs. Eimi Nishina 4:48
Chelsea & Kairi Hojo vs. Alex Lee & Hiroyo Matsumoto 15:00
Elimination Match: Diosa Atenea & Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani & Momo Watanabe 15:31
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Shanna 16:24
Eimi Nishina & Natsumi Maki vs. Alex Lee & Azumi 6:35
Hiromi Mimura & Starlight Kid vs. Arisu Nanase & Momo Watanabe 7:37
Chelsea & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Shanna vs. Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 8:49
Chihiro Hashimoto vs. Jungle Kyona 13:47
High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Kagetsu 13:44
Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo vs. Meiko Satomura & Mika Iwata 19:06
Kris Wolf vs. Arisu Nanase 6:41
Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Eimi Nishina & Natsumi Maki 5:46
Chelsea vs. Hiromi Mimura 4:34
Leah Vaughan vs. Jungle Kyona 10:46
Momo Watanabe vs. Shanna 3:02
Artist Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Diosa Atenea & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura 19:20
Alex Lee & Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase & Natsumi Maki & Starlight Kid 7:21
Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan vs. Hiromi Mimura & JKGreeeeN Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 11:09
Chelsea vs. Shanna 15:00
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #3: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Saori Ano 8:47
Kairi Hojo vs. Yoko Bito 13:51
Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura 26:58
Alex Lee & Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase & Natsumi Maki & Starlight Kid 7:21
Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan vs. Hiromi Mimura & JKGreeeeN Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 11:09
Chelsea vs. Shanna 15:00
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #3: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Saori Ano 8:47
Kairi Hojo vs. Yoko Bito 13:51
Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura 26:58
Eimi Nishina vs. Azumi 3:04
Three Way Match: Hiromi Mimura vs. Alex Lee vs. Arisu Nanase 7:32
Jungle Kyona vs. Natsumi Maki 7:03
Chelsea & Shanna vs. Mayu Iwatani & Momo Watanabe 13:14
Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 20:44
Eimi Nishina vs. Azumi 3:04
Three Way Match: Hiromi Mimura vs. Alex Lee vs. Arisu Nanase 7:32
Jungle Kyona vs. Natsumi Maki 7:03
Chelsea & Shanna vs. Mayu Iwatani & Momo Watanabe 13:14
Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 20:44
Three Way: Alex Lee & Azumi vs. Arisu Nanase & Eimi Nishina vs. Diosa Atenea & Kris Wolf 7:11
Momo Watanabe vs. Natsumi Maki 9:03
Yoko Bito vs. Leah Vaughan 7:20
Kyoko Kimura & Viper vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo 19:30
Chelsea & Shanna & Toni Storm vs. Jungle Kyona & Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani 18:10
Alex Lee vs. Hiromi Mimura 8:03
Mayu Iwatani vs. Kris Wolf 8:22
Chelsea & Kairi Hojo vs. Leah Vaughan & Viper 12:36
Yoko Bito vs. Momo Watanabe 8:08
Shanna & Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai & Jungle Kyona 16:44
Alex Lee vs. Kris Wolf 6:51
Toni Storm vs. Hiromi Mimura 9:28
Shanna vs. Chelsea 10:04
Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 13:41
Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Leah Vaughan & Viper 16:42
Arisu Nanase & Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki vs. Alex Lee & Azumi & Momo Watanabe 9:21
Chelsea & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 10:26
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #4: Yoko Bito vs. Saori Ano 7:12
Wonder Of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Viper 16:57
High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Shanna 12:46
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Toni Storm 17:51
Arisu Nanase & Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki vs. Alex Lee & Azumi & Momo Watanabe 9:21
Chelsea & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 10:26
Saori Ano stArt Challenge Match #4: Yoko Bito vs. Saori Ano 7:12
Wonder Of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Viper 16:57
High Speed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Shanna 12:46
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Toni Storm 17:51
Jungle Kyona vs. Arisu Nanase 4:46
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Qualifying Battle Royal: Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki vs. Alex Lee & Eimi Nishina & Kaori Yoneyama 10:48
Chelsea & Toni Storm vs. Kairi Hojo & Shanna 20:00
Elimination Match: Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Kyoko Kimura & Leah Vaughan vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani & Yoko Bito 15:18
7/31/16 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st Ring
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Qualifying Battle Royal: Hiromi Mimura & Natsumi Maki vs. Alex Lee & Eimi Nishina & Kaori Yoneyama 10:48
Chelsea & Toni Storm vs. Kairi Hojo & Shanna 20:00
Elimination Match: Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Kyoko Kimura & Leah Vaughan vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani & Yoko Bito 15:18
Eimi Nishina vs. Arisu Nanase 4:28
Hiromi Mimura & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Natsumi Maki 9:00
Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 10:13
Momo Watanabe & Yoko Bito vs. Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani 12:31
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Toni Storm vs. Shanna 15:39
Wonder Of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Chelsea 16:10
Eimi Nishina vs. Arisu Nanase 4:28
Hiromi Mimura & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Natsumi Maki 9:00
Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kris Wolf & Leah Vaughan 10:13
Momo Watanabe & Yoko Bito vs. Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani 12:31
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Toni Storm vs. Shanna 15:39
Wonder Of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Chelsea 16:10
Hiromi Mimura vs. Arisu Nanase 4:58
Toni Storm & Yoko Bito vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 14:03
Fantastic Girl (Mayu Iwatani) & Kairi Hojo vs. Black Paranoia #2 & Kris Wolf 14:11
Natsumi Maki vs. Arisu Nanase 5:07
Toni Storm vs. Kris Wolf 6:19
Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani & Yoko Bito vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe 20:40
Hiromi Mimura vs. Azumi 3:56
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [2] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 6:44
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Courtney Stewart (Isla Dawn) [2] vs. Jungle Kyona [0] 6:34
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [2] vs. Momo Watanabe [0] 6:45
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [2] vs. Yoko Bito [0] 10:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 10:42
8/21/16 5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [2] vs. Mayu Iwatani [0] 11:21. While the format of the 5STAR Grand Prix with the 15 minute time limit and way too many matches in way too few days doesn't exactly lead to a ton of actual 5 star matches, Kay Lee Ray is someone whose style is pretty conducive to still excelling under these less than ideal circumstances. She is going to work hard from bell to bell unless she's specifically doing comedy, and she brings a a lot of intensity and little bit of everything stylistically. Neither fighter truly stepped up and wrestled to their potential in their 1/17/16 High Speed Title Match, but Ray really takes things to the next level here and gives an excellent performance that unfortunately leaves Mayu in the dust. This was Ray's signature speed brawl, not exactly high flying on her part though she did a nice Hokuto dive and was leaping around more than in later years, but certainly very fast and reckless sequence oriented wrestling. There was some good action on the outside early, including KLR taking a couple bumps onto the chairs, then it shifted to more of a traditional junior style match, where Mayu began to shine more, though Ray's sequences and counters were way more evolved, as she was flowing with chain wrestling, whereas Mayu was still doing just looking to exchange running and jumping, as in their first match. Mayu had a great year in 2016, including three of the best matches, two against Io Shirai and Thunder Rock vs. Satomura & Hojo, but Ray gives a spectacular performance, and is very clearly the better wrestler in this match to the point it's basically a one woman show. Ray is just on fire throughout when Mayu is able to keep up with her, which admittedly doesn't always happen. It was too short to reach their potential, and Mayu was sometimes befuddled, but this match was very exciting, and had a lot more action than most 30 or 40 minute main event title matches. ***1/4
Hiromi Mimura vs. Azumi 3:56
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [2] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 6:44
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Courtney Stewart (Isla Dawn) [2] vs. Jungle Kyona [0] 6:34
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [2] vs. Momo Watanabe [0] 6:45
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [2] vs. Yoko Bito [0] 10:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 10:42
8/21/16 5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [2] vs. Mayu Iwatani [0] 11:21
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Jungle Kyona [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 7:33
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [4] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 5:57
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 5:21
Three Way Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Eimi Nishina vs. Kay Lee Ray 9:11
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [2] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 4:56
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [2] vs. Blue Nikita [2] 7:04
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [2] vs. Momo Watanabe [0] 9:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 7:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [6] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 6:20
Tessa Blanchard vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kris Wolf 5:37
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [4] vs. Blue Nikita [2] 9:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 11:37
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [4] vs. Jungle Kyona [2] 11:09
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [3] vs. Yoko Bito [3] 15:00
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [4] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 5:44
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 5:08
Mayu Iwatani vs. Arisu Nanase vs. Jungle Kyona vs. Kagetsu 7:29
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [6] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 6:36
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [5] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 4:47
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [5] vs. Toni Storm [7] 15:00. This was totally Storm's match. It's more of a European match, somewhat technical, solid, well executed, and hard hitting, but not particularly elegant or complex. As always, Storm is building up to her Storm named moves, but it's not apparent how Ray is supposed to be winning, she rarely gets enough separation to even get a few kicks in, and never really does any running and jumping. It's a competitive match, but at the same time, Storm seems to be the one who gets all the suplexes in, and throws are basically the big moves of the match. This kind of seems like a situation where despite the base time limit being more or less a standard length match, the workers hear time limit and are stuck on the idea of it being a really long match, so they pace themselves. It was certainly more of a solid match than the first Kay Lee Ray vs. Mayu Iwatani bout, but at the same time, it never quite took off, and really felt hampered by the finish being a draw, as the match ended before they really got to their best stuff. It's definitely worth watching, but they've had better matches in the UK.
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [6] vs. Io Shirai [4] 14:34
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Courtney Stewart [4] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 5:26
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [7] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 8:08
Arisu Nanase & Toni Storm vs. Eimi Nishina & Jungle Kyona 10:30
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [5] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 7:19
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [7] vs. Blue Nikita [4] 8:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [6] vs. Tessa Blanchard [6] 10:33
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [9] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 6:21
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [7] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 8:28
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [8] vs. Jungle Kyona [4] 9:52
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [6] vs. Toni Storm [7] 10:08
Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf vs. Saori Ano & Yoko Bito 15:19
Arisu Nanase & Tessa Blanchard vs. Blue Nikita & Eimi Nishina 9:14
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Natsumi Maki [2] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 5:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [8] vs. Jungle Kyona [4] 12:10
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [9] vs. Kris Wolf [1] 9:40
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [8] vs. Toni Storm [8] 9:28
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [9] vs. Kay Lee Ray [9] 14:01
8/21/16 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st Ring
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [2] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 6:44
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Courtney Stewart Isla Dawn [2] vs. Jungle Kyona [0] 6:34
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [2] vs. Momo Watanabe [0] 6:45
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [2] vs. Yoko Bito [0] 10:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 10:42
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [2] vs. Mayu Iwatani [0] 11:21
8/27/16 Niigata City East Plaza
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Jungle Kyona [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 7:33
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [4] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 5:57
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 5:21
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [2] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 4:56
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [2] vs. Blue Nikita [2] 7:04
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [2] vs. Momo Watanabe [0] 9:51
8/28/16 Osaka Minato Ward Community Center
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [2] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 7:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Toni Storm [6] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 6:20
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [4] vs. Blue Nikita [2] 9:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 11:37
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [4] vs. Jungle Kyona [2] 11:09
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [3] vs. Yoko Bito [3] 15:00
9/3/14 Yokohama Radiant Hall
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [4] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 5:44
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [4] vs. Courtney Stewart [2] 5:08
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [6] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 6:36
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [5] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 4:47
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [5] vs. Toni Storm [7] 15:00
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Kairi Hojo [6] vs. Io Shirai [4] 14:34
9/4/16 Rensa Sendai
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Courtney Stewart [4] vs. Kris Wolf [0] 5:26
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [7] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 8:08
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [5] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 7:19
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [7] vs. Blue Nikita [4] 8:51
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [6] vs. Tessa Blanchard [6] 10:33
9/9/16 Nagoya Chikusa Small Theater
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Kay Lee Ray [9] vs. Natsumi Maki [0] 6:21
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [7] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 8:28
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Tessa Blanchard [8] vs. Jungle Kyona [4] 9:52
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Blue Nikita [6] vs. Toni Storm [7] 10:08
9/11/16 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st Ring
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Natsumi Maki [2] vs. Hiromi Mimura [0] 5:24
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Momo Watanabe [8] vs. Jungle Kyona [4] 12:10
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block B Match: Io Shirai [9] vs. Kris Wolf [1] 9:40
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Mayu Iwatani [8] vs. Toni Storm [8] 9:28
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Block A Match: Yoko Bito [9] vs. Kay Lee Ray [9] 14:01
9/22/16 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
Kairi Hojo vs. Hiromi Mimura 11:20
Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani 14:16
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Toni Storm vs. Blue Nikita 10:27
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 13:02
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Final Match: Yoko Bito vs. Tessa Blanchard 16:27
Arisu Nanase & Natsumi Maki vs. Azumi & Saori Ano 6:03
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Kris Wolf 5:33
Kairi Hojo vs. Hiromi Mimura 11:20
Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani 14:16
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Toni Storm vs. Blue Nikita 10:27
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 13:02. They finally had a reasonable amount of time, but they refused to really utilize it. Even though there was essentially a 1/2* difference, this was quite a disappointing match compared to the 5/22/16 BEW match due to their mentality and work ethic. It was wrestled at about 1/3 of the speed of the 5/22/16 , lacking the urgency and intensity. It was, of course, super competent and well executed, with several nice moves and some segments that were pretty impressive, but at the same time it was kind of stretched out and never gained that much momentum before again just randomly ending with a Io moonsault. They didn't just repeat themselves, and they did add some interesting stuff, but at the same time it was kind of building to the explosion that never really happened.
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Final Match: Yoko Bito vs. Tessa Blanchard 16:27
Arisu Nanase & Natsumi Maki vs. Azumi & Saori Ano 6:03
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Kris Wolf 5:33
Kairi Hojo vs. Hiromi Mimura 11:20
Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe & Mayu Iwatani 14:16
SWA Undisputed World Women's Title Match: Toni Storm vs. Blue Nikita 10:27
World Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray 13:02
5STAR Grand Prix 2016 Final Match: Yoko Bito vs. Tessa Blanchard 16:27
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase 6:25
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Hiromi Mimura 8:44
Kyoko Kimura vs. Natsumi Maki 9:25
Kay Lee Ray & Tessa Blanchard & Toni Storm vs. Blue Nikita & Kagetsu & Kris Wolf 15:48
Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Momo Watanabe & Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani 17:49
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Azumi & Eimi Nishina 4:13
Momo Watanabe vs. Arisu Nanase 5:40
Hiromi Mimura vs. Saori Ano 15:00
Toni Storm & Yoko Bito vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona 13:13
Artist Of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura 21:55
Brad Rain (Kris Wolf) & Mini IOTICA (Azumi) vs. Kumami (Emi Nishina) & Twinkle Rabbit (Arisu Nanase)
Kasey Quinzell (Kasey Owens) & Poison Shamrock (Leah Owens) vs. Osore (Holidead) & Serpiente del Mal (Thunder Rosa)
Princesa Gate (Chelsea Green) & Santana Wonder (Santana Garrett) vs. Lucky Blanca (Hiromi Mimura) & Shin Gorilla (Jungle Kyona)
IOTICA (Io Shirai) & MAYUCHICA (Mayu Iwatani) & Poiman (Natsu Maki) vs. Aloha Bito (Yoko Bito) & Fuzzy Momo (Momo Watanabe) & Pirates Kairi (Kairi Hojo)
Arisu Nanase vs. Azumi vs. Kaori Yoneyama
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block:Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Kasey Owens & Leah Owens vs. Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Chelsea Green & Santana Garrett vs. Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito
Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase & Natsuko Tora
Mayu Iwatani vs. Saori Ano
Kasey Owens & Leah Owens & Santana Garrett vs. Holidead & Kris Wolf & Thunder Rosa
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Kimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Chelsea Green
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Yoko Bito
Azumi & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase & Natsuko Tora
Mayu Iwatani vs. Saori Ano
Kasey Owens & Leah Owens & Santana Garrett vs. Holidead & Kris Wolf & Thunder Rosa
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Kimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. Chelsea Green
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Yoko Bito
Momo Watanabe vs. Hiromi Mimura
Kris Wolf vs. Saori Ano
Yoko Bito vs. Natsuko Tora
Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani
Chelsea Green & Kairi Hojo & Santana Garrett vs. Io Shirai & Kasey Owens & Leah Owens
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase vs. Azumi vs. Natsuko Tora
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Kasey Owens & Leah Owens vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. Chelsea Green & Santana Garrett
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Arisu Nanase vs. Azumi vs. Natsuko Tora
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Kasey Owens & Leah Owens vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. Chelsea Green & Santana Garrett
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf
11/9/16 Tokyo JWP Jr & POP Title: Hana Kimura vs. Mika Shirahime
3/30/16 Tokyo Hana Kimura vs. Reika Saiki Clips
9/18/16 Tokyo JWP Jr & POP Title: Yaka Fujigasaki vs. Hana Kimura Clips
10/30/16 Tokyo Artist of Stardom Title: Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Mimura & Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
10/2/16 Tokyo Artist of Stardom Title: Io Shirai & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura Clips
8/7/16 Tokyo Hana Kimura vs. Kyoko Kimura Clips
1/22/17 Tokyo Hana Kimura vs. Kyoko Kimura Clips
6/21/17 Tokyo Goddesses of Stardom Title: Jungle Kyona & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Hana Kimura & Kagetsu
9/22/19 Tokyo 5Star Grand Prix Final Hana Kimura vs. Konami Clips
12/24/19 Tokyo Hana Kimura vs. Giulia
#024 7/13/20 Jun Akiyama
8/6/00 Tokyo Jun Akiyama vs. Kenta Kobashi
12/23/12 Tokyo Jun Akiyama vs. Naomichi Marufuji
9/9/12 Chiba Jun Akiyama & Masaaki Mochizuki & Yuji Nagata vs. Kazuchika Okada & Shinsuke Nakamura & Yujiro Takahashi
1/2/16 Tokyo Triple Crown Title: Jun AKiyama vs. Suwama
4/29/14 Tokyo Asia Tag Title: Jun Akiyama & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Keisuke Ishii & Shigehiro Irie
Arisu Nanase & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Azumi & Natsuko Tora
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Chelsea Green & Santana Garrett vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Kagetsu & Kris Wolf vs. Kasey Owens & Leah Owens
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League A Block: Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Holidead & Thunder Rosa
GODDESSES OF STARDOM Tag League B Block: Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani vs. Jungle Kyona & Momo Watanabe
Final: Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Io Shirai & Mayu Iwatani
Azumi & Natsuko Toira vs. Arisu Nanase & Ruaka
Thea Trinidad vs. Kris Wolf
Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo
Yoko Bito vs. Jungle Kyona
HZK & Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani & Momo Watanabe
Momo Watanabe vs. Hiromi Mimura vs. Natsuko Tora
Hiroyo Matsumoto & Thea Trinidad vs. Holidead & Kris Wolf
Artist of Stardom Title Match: Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito
NEO Highspeed Title Match: Mayu Iwatani vs. Thunder Rosa
World of STardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Taya Valkyrie
Azumi vs. Arisu Nanase vs. Ruaka
Holidead vs. Natsuko Tora
Taya Valkyrie & Thea Trinidad vs. Kris Wolf & Thunder Rosa
Hana Kimura & Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kairi Hojo & Saori Ano
HZK & Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe vs. Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani & Yoko Bito
Rookie of Stardom Semifinal: Arisu Nanase vs. Ruaka
Rookie of Stardom Semifinal: Natsuko Tora vs. Azumi
Elimination Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto & Taya Valkyrie vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hana Kimura & Kris Wolf vs. Saori Ano & Yoko Bito
Rookie of Stardom Final: Arisu Nanase vs. Natsuko Tora
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Holidead & Thunder Rosa
Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. HZK & Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe
Rookie of Stardom Semifinal: Arisu Nanase vs. Ruaka
Rookie of Stardom Semifinal: Natsuko Tora vs. Azumi
Elimination Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto & Taya Valkyrie vs. Hiromi Mimura & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hana Kimura & Kris Wolf vs. Saori Ano & Yoko Bito
Rookie of Stardom Final: Arisu Nanase vs. Natsuko Tora
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Holidead & Thunder Rosa
Jungle Kyona & Kairi Hojo & Mayu Iwatani vs. HZK & Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe
RCW Women's Title Match: Leah Owens vs. Nina Samuels
Kasey Owens vs. Psycho Lolita
Alex Windsor vs. Little Miss Roxxy
Elimination Match: Damien & Erin Smith & Kyle Ashmore & Rude Boy Matt vs. Adriano Genovese & David Francisco & Jeffrey Pac & Mauro Chaves
British Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Rob Cage vs. Layton Cole
British Empire Women's & TNA Women's Knockout Title Three Way No Rules Purge Match: Nixon Newell vs. Rosemary vs. Toni Storm
Jungle Kyona vs. Natsuko Tora
Hana Kimura & Kyoko Kimura vs. Hiromi Mimura & Saori Ano
Io Shirai vs. Holidead
Kaori Yoneyama & Mayu Iwatani & Yoko Bito vs. Kagetsu & Kris Wolf & Thunde Rosa
Wonder of Stardom Title Match: Kairi Hojo vs. HZK
Azumi vs. Ruaka 4:43
Kaori Yoneyama vs. Kris Wolf 5:04
Holidead & Kagetsu & Thunder Rosa vs. Arisu Nanase & Hiromi Mimura & Natsuko Tora 11:47
Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito vs. Hana Kimura & Kyoko Kimura 20:00
HZK & Io Shirai & Momo Watanabe vs. Jungle Kyona & Mayu Iwatani & Saori Ano 17:12
Arisu Nanase vs. Azumi vs. Ruaka
Konami vs. Hiromi Mimura
Hana Kimura & Kris Wolf vs. Jungle Kyona & Natsujo Tora vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Saori Ano
Vendetta Pro Tag Title Match: Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. HZK & Momo Watanabe
Kairi Hojo vs. Nana Suzuki
Io Shirai & Mariko Seyama vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani 17:11. Shirai has held the title since defeating Meiko Satomura on 12/23/15 at last years Year-End Climax, and while she was a dominant champion in both of her runs, she has become a cocky bully heel. She believed she no longer needed "loser" Iwatani, to the point of breaking up their great championship team during the tag league final, and regularly demeaning her since, telling her she was worthless. Now bitter rivals, this match wais actually less stiff than the previous one where they were still friends, but it was all about upping the ante and raising the bar. Even if in a slightly different manner, both matches were more or less extremely well executed, very hard hitting contests, without doing a lot that's showy purely for the sake of it. This one wais faster, more fluid and explosive, and clearly more spectacular with a higher level of difficulty. It was a lot more reliant on big moves than striking, to the point the striking largely disappeared. Iwatani was more driven than ever, but still a big underdog, and part of the problem is that her regular offense wais once again portrayed as just not cutting it at championship level. Her only real weapon is the Dragon suplex. She was able to push a lot more here, but really all through variations of that one big move, so in a sense she wasn't truly more competitive, she just hit the bomb more this time. The match started out with Shirai offering an insincere handshake, which Mayu slaps her in the face for, and already tried for her Dragon suplex, but Io easily fought it off with elbows. One difference here was Io slid under the ropes when she charged a few times and picked Mayu's leg, damaging the knee early on by slamming it into the post. The early portion was the more different part of the match, with some really good work on the outside of the ring, and general nastiness from Io brutalizing the knee. Thankfully, being a heel hasn't turned Shirai from wrestler to poser, she is arrogant, but, if anything, she's even more about doing damage and winning, and thus there wasn't time for the requisite stalling and playing to the crowd after every move to pad the runtime that we saw in their 3rd match. The wrestling in this one was more challenging, but the second half felt less original, as for the most part it was only building upon what they already did earlier in the year. So then it kind of depends, if you just watch one of their 2016 matches, this one is almost definitely the better one to watch as they did more in less time, but watching both together, it may not feel enough better or more evolved to feel fresh enough when it was still essentially the moonsault vs. the Dragon suplex because Io doesn't have any knee finishers to sustain the portion of the action that was most different here. The match threatened to turn with Mayu hitting her Dragon suplex on the floor. Though Io once again collapsed on the outside before barely beating the count, back in the ring, she still cut Mayu off pretty quickly. Iwatani had to hit the Dragon suplex on the ring apron to slow Shirai down, and then she seemingly had a real chance to win when she immediately followed up doing it again in the ring, but since Shirai kicked out, what exactly did that leave Iwatani with? Well, there's always the avalanche style Dragon suplex, but Shirai landed on her feet, and that was the beginning of the end for Mayu. Mayu kicked out of the moonsault at 1, and hit another Dragon suplex for her final hope spot, but then Io tombstoned her and finished with consecutive moonsaults. Though it was about 5 minutes shorter than their previous match, it felt more like a complete match, in the sense that they really went about as far with the story they were telling as they could. I enjoyed this match a little more of the 2016 matches, as it was really tight, but in some sense, the May match felt more like the bitter rivals match and this felt more like the spot oriented match I was expecting the May match to be. You certainly can't go wrong with either. ****1/2
Arisu Nanase vs. Azumi vs. Ruaka
Konami vs. Hiromi Mimura
Hana Kimura & Kris Wolf vs. Jungle Kyona & Natsujo Tora vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Saori Ano
Vendetta Pro Tag Title Match: Holidead & Thunder Rosa vs. HZK & Momo Watanabe
Kairi Hojo vs. Nana Suzuki
Io Shirai & Mariko Seyama vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Jungle Kyona
Goddesses of Stardom Title Match: Kagetsu & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kairi Hojo & Yoko Bito
World of Stardom Title Match: Io Shirai vs. Mayu Iwatani 17:11. Great match
Act Yasukawa documentary from 2016