JWP PROJECT JWP Joshi Puroresu Videos ISO

JWP Nico Recapture 2016 - Tag League The Best 1/31/16 Itabashi Green Hall
-1hr 45min. Q=Ex

Kagetsu & Sawako Shimino vs. Cat Power & Yako Fujigasaki

Tag League The Best 1st Round Match: Konami & Syuri vs. Akane Fujita & Leon

Tag League The Best 1st Round Match: KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Meiko Tanaka & Sareee

Command Bolshoi & Makoto vs. Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura

Arisa Nakajima vs. Rabbit Miu

JWP Nico Recapture 2016 - Tag League The Best #3 2/21/16 Tokyo Hanayashiki Amusement Park
-1hr 40min. Q=Ex

Tag League The Best 2016 Semi Final Match: KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Konami & Syuri 10:25

Tag League The Best 2016 Semi Final Match: Hanako Nakamori & Makoto vs. Kagetsu & Sawako Shimono 13:28

Command Bolshoi vs. Yako Fujigasaki 11:48

Arisa Nakajima & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Leon & Rabbit Miu 17:29

Tag League The Best 2016 Final Match: Hanako Nakamori & Makoto vs. KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane 16:40

JWP Nico Road To Korakuen 4.3 Z 3/21/16 Lazona Kawasaki Plaza Sol
-1hr 35min. Q=Gd

Cat Power vs. Yako Fujigasaki 9:15

MIZUKI & Rabbit Miu vs. Meiko Tanaka & Sareee 11:07

Leon vs. Kagetsu 10:32

Command Bolshoi & Hanako Nakamori vs. KAZUKI & Megumi Yabushita 19:42

Arisa Nakajima vs. Rydeen Hagane 14:45

JWP JWP-MANIA X 2016 DVD 4/3/16 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

MIZUKI & SAKI vs. Yako Fujigasaki & Yuina Onasaka 10:39

Rabbit Miu vs. Manami Katsu 10:56

Two Count Rules Match: Leon vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto 9:11. ***

DASH Chisako & Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki vs. Command Bolshoi & Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura 14:10

KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Kagetsu & Sawako Shimono 16:48

JWP Openweight Title Match: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Arisa Nakajima 15:36. ***1/2

JWP Nico JWP-MANIA X 2016 taped 4/3/16 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 40min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

MIZUKI & SAKI vs. Yako Fujigasaki & Yuina Onasaka 10:39

Rabbit Miu vs. Manami Katsu 10:56

Two Count Rules Match: Leon vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto 9:11. The Plum Mariko style rules turned this into something of a lightning match. There was never any sense that they were going to go long, but as always I'd rather see wrestlers go all out for 10 minutes than bloat a 10 minute match into 30 minutes of inaction. They set the tone of flash pins at the outset with Tsukasa avoiding the spear in the corner then trying the schoolboy 3 times in a row. I wouldn't want to see these rules all the time, but they make for a really fun change of pace for workers such as these two who can really counter because suddenly everything becomes dangerous. Another nice early spot that works better in this type of match was Leon dropping to her back to avoid the penalty kick then hooking Fujimoto's arms with her legs into a sunset flip finish style pinning predicament, which they rolled back & forth on. The match was really urgent from start to finish because you just had to be on guard. You couldn't just play it safe, but at the same time, each mistake was magnified because you had so much less time to rectify it. I felt the rules gave Fujimoto the advantage because Leon is a lot more apt to use submissions, which are kind of pointless here, whereas Fujimoto has a variety of no damage cradles. The finish saw her try the best of these, the Tsukadora, but Takase dropped on top. I think it would have been better to just end it here than to have Fujimoto kick out then lose to a jackknife cradle, which really wasn't a fluid transition since Leon had to back up after the kick out in order to get Fujimoto's feet in front of her. Overall, the match started better than it finished, but it's nice to get something with both skill & effort early on the card. ***

DASH Chisako & Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki vs. Command Bolshoi & Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura 14:10

KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Kagetsu & Sawako Shimono 16:48

JWP Openweight Title Match: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Arisa Nakajima 15:36. A matchup between two of the all-time greats is likely to disappoint when there's more than two decades difference in their age. Though these two would undoubtedly have torn the house down if we could pit the '90's version of Ozaki against the current version of Arisa, they actually managed to both do the best match they could given reality and thus overachieve. Taking place in JWP was key because Bolshoi frankly held Ozaki to a much higher standard than Ozaki holds herself to in her own Oz Academy promotion, and thus Mayumi was expected to actually do her own work rather than relying on the fuzz, who thankfully was not invited. It's not uncommon to see two women who are only around 5' headlining a JWP show, Baba liked guys who were tall like him, Bolshoi likes women who are skilled like her. This wasn't your typical JWP match though. While it was similar to a handful of Dress Up Wild Fight matches Ozaki had in JWP before her career went downhill moving to Chigusa's retirement home, bloody brawls that largely center upon weapon use aren't exactly running rampant in the pure wrestling oriented J. Certainly the '90's Ozaki would have enjoyed engaging Nakajima in a series of lightning counters, but at 47-years-old Nakajima would just run circles around her, and Ozaki had to use her brawling in order to have a chance. She riled Nakajima up before the bell by heaving the JWP title belt to the floor then, not long after it was retreived, she managed to stop Nakajima's early charge by nailing her with it. Much of Ozaki's offense was just beating down with belt and chain, but this wasn't the sort of overbooked trash we see in Oz Academy or the many increasingly American oriented Japanese promotions, it was more of an old school brawl with little b.s. and enough moments of good striking and wrestling. Nakajima bleed like a stuck pig, regularly having to wipe blood out of her eyes to see while Ozaki kept working it over to make things even gorier. The match was mostly Ozaki's because she was armed and also the one doing the job, but I like that Nakajima did her thing rather than just conceeding to do Ozaki's match by fighting fire with fire. This allowed Ozaki to be the consistency, while Nakajima could be the skill & excitement. While Ozaki worked as close as she could to her old JWP days, her formula for dragging Nakajima through the match was not only unnecessary but not beneficial given this wasn't some young scrub who had 1/50th of Ozaki's ability, but rather one of the most talent & creative women in the game. Nakajima had a few nice counters turning a punch in a wakigatame and a chain shot into a flying armbar, but generally the transitions to her brief offense were a lot less interesting than they should have been. Actually, rather than leading to Nakajima's offense, the mostly served the purpose of setting up a striking exchange, which Ozaki inexplicably tended to win, and/or giving Ozaki a reason to use her actual wrestling before she got the weapon back. The deck was clearly stacked against Nakajima since there was no rule enforcement, even when she nearly caused a double KO with a huge Shibata headbutt, the chain was right next to Ozaki to regain the advantage with when she came to her senses, though in this case Arisa finally used it on her. The finish was gimmicky with Ozaki accidentally taking out ref Tessy Sugo when Nakajima ducked the mist spew, but the whole serves her right for being so underhanded & disrespectful worked in their advantage as Sugo wasn't there to count her falls then finally stumbled to her feet when Nakajima knocked Ozaki back with a front kick, causing Ozaki to unexpectedly boomerang off Sugo into a big Nakajima elbow for the KO. The big problem with the finish was that Nakajima was inexplicably making no real traction with her striking until this point. She should have gotten more offense, but the length was right for what Ozaki can do these days and the result of beating a legend to start her 3rd reign with the JWP Openweight Title is going to be more memorable than how she got there. Ozaki had the last laugh though, kicking the trophy before they could present it to Nakajima, and though Nakajima made a mad dash to save it from being tossed to the floor like the title earlier, Ozaki still managed to smash it in the ring. ***1/2

JWP Arisa Nakajima Battle History 2 DVD 8/18/13-4/3/16
-4hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

2013 digest: 8/18 Kana, 12/15 Kana

2014 digest: 4/20 Kimura, 7/13 DASH, 7/27 Abe, 9/14 Leon,

12/28/14 JWP Openweight Title: Arisa Nakajima vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto 16:03

2015 digest: 1/11 Tsukasa vs. Miu & Tsukushi, Haruyama, 5/3 Kagetsu, 5/4 Yabushita, 5/5 Shida, 7/11 Shida, 8/16 Tsukasa vs. Mio & Nakamori, 8/23 Matsumoto & Shida vs. Kato & AKINO & Tsubasa, 10/25 Tsukawa vs. Haruyama & Tsubasa, 11/1 Sareee, 12/23 Haruyama, Tsukasa vs. Jumanji

4/5/15 JWP Openweight Title: Arisa Nakajima vs. Kayoko Haruyama 24:20. 2/3 shown

12/27/15 JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title: DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko vs. Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto 14:07

2016 digest: 1/11 Bolshoi, 2/14 Ozaki vs. Bolshoi & KAZUKI 2/21 Ozaki vs. Leon & Mio, 3/9 Tsukasa vs. Nakamori & Makoto, 3/14 Tsukasa vs. Kagetsu & Kaho Kobayashi, 3/14 Tsukasa vs. Command Bolshoi & Sonoko Kato, 3/14 Ozaki & Oka & Tsukasa vs. Hinata & Miu & Sareee & Yuuka, 3/20 Ozaki & Oka vs. Aja & Toyota & Kizuki, 3/20 KAZUKI, 4/17 Tsukasa vs. KAZUKI & Hagane, 4/24 Hagane

4/3/16 JWP Openweight Title: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Arisa Nakajima 15:36

JWP Nico Fly High In The 25th Anniversary #4 taped 5/22/16 Tokyo Asakusa Hanayashiki
-1hr 20min. Q=VG

Sareee vs. Yako Fujigasaki 6:26

Hanako Nakamori vs. Hiroe Nagahama 11:40

Command Bolshoi & Tsubasa Kuragaki vs. Rabbit Miu & Rydeen Hagane 10:56

KAZUKI vs. Manami Katsu 12:59

Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. MIZUKI & SAKI 14:37

JWP Nico Purebred ~Who's The Protagonist?~ taped 6/26/16 Tokyo Asakusa Hanayashiki
-1hr 45min. Q=VG

Leon vs. Yako Fujigasaki 10:21

Rabbit Miu vs. Rydeen Hagane 12:13

KAZUKI vs. Hanako Nakamori 14:17

Command Bolshoi vs. Manami Katsu 16:14

KAZUKI & Leon & Manami Katsu & Rydeen Hagane vs. Command Bolshoi & Hanako Nakamori & Rabbit Miu & Yako Fujigasaki 16:42

JWP Pure Slam 2016 DVD 7/24/16 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect

Ibis Sara vs. RiNO 10:00

Hana Kimura & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Yako Fujigasaki 12:49

Leon vs. Tsukushi 9:22

JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title #1 Contendership Three Way: Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura vs. KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Manami Katsu & Rabbit Miu 12:47

Command Bolshoi vs. Mayumi Ozaki 16:37

Nanae Takahashi & Yoshiko vs. Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto 25:24

JWP Nico Pure Slam 2016 taped 7/24/16 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 35min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

Ibis Sara vs. RiNO 10:00

Hana Kimura & Kyoko Kimura vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Yako Fujigasaki 12:49

Leon vs. Tsukushi 9:22

JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title #1 Contendership Three Way: Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura vs. KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Manami Katsu & Rabbit Miu 12:47

Command Bolshoi vs. Mayumi Ozaki 16:37

Nanae Takahashi & Yoshiko vs. Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto 25:24

JWP Fly high in the 25th anniversary DVD 7/31/16 Nagoya Club Diamond Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=Perfect

Ivy Sara & Rabbit Miu vs. RiNO & Yako Fujigasaki 10:24

Leon vs. Manami Katsu 14:52

Manami Toyota & Otoko Sakari vs. KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane 13:43

Command Bolshoi vs. Tsubasa Kuragaki 11:01

JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title Match: Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Hana Kimura & Hanako Nakamori 17:17

JWP Nico Pure Plum 2016 taped 8/14/16 Tokyo KFC Hall
-2hr 15min. Q=Gd. 2 DVDs

Rabbit Miu vs. Maruko Nagasaki 7:15

Kyuri vs. RiNO 6:45

Manami Katsu & Rabbit Miu vs. Maika Ozaki & Tsukushi 14:29

JWP Junior Title & Princess Of Pro Wrestling Double Title: Rydeen Hagane vs. Yako Fujigasaki 16:03

Command Bolshoi & Dynamite Kansai vs. KAZUKI & Leon 14:12

JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title: Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura 28:50

JWP Fly high in the 25th anniversary #8 DVD 9/22/16 Ryogoku KFC Hall
-1hr 30min. Q=Master

Tsukushi vs. Yako Fujigasaki 7:25

KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane vs. Hiragi Kurumi & Megumi Yabushita 14:31

Hanako Nakamori vs. Cassandra Miyagi 8:25

Command Bolshoi vs. DASH Chisako 8:56

Meiko Satomura vs. Manami Katsu 10:38

Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Leon & Rabbit Miu 21:46

JWP Nico Fly High In The 25th Anniversary #11 taped 10/20/16 Tokyo Asakusa Hanayashiki
-2hr 5min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

Kaho Kobayashi vs. Yako Fujigasaki 9:38

Leon vs. Kyuri 12:18

Hanako Nakamori vs. Natsu Sumire 11:02

Command Bolshoi & Dynamite Kansai & Rabbit Miu vs. Arisa Nakajima & KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane 16:53

JWP Openweight Title: Kyoko Kimura vs. Manami Katsu 22:01

JWP Openweight Title: Kyoko Kimura vs. Rabbit Miu 5:25

JWP PURE DREAM 2016 DVD 11/3/16 Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

JWP Junior & Princess Of Pro Wrestling Double Title Match: Hana Kimura vs. Natsumi Maki 7:10

Mika Shirahime & Yako Fujigasaki vs. Maya Yukihi & Natsu Sumire 10:05

Manami Katsu vs. Rabbit Miu 17:20

Command Bolshoi & DASH Chisako & Hanako Nakamori vs. Jaguar Yokota & KAZUKI & Tsukasa Fujimoto 12:55

Nanae Takahashi & Yoshiko vs. Leon & Rydeen Hagane 18:08

JWP Openweight Title Street Fight: Kyoko Kimura vs. Arisa Nakajima 29:34

JWP Nico PURE DREAM 2016 DVD 11/3/16 Korakuen Hall
-2hr 40min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

JWP Junior & Princess Of Pro Wrestling Double Title Match: Hana Kimura vs. Natsumi Maki 7:10

Mika Shirahime & Yako Fujigasaki vs. Maya Yukihi & Natsu Sumire 10:05

Manami Katsu vs. Rabbit Miu 17:20

Command Bolshoi & DASH Chisako & Hanako Nakamori vs. Jaguar Yokota & KAZUKI & Tsukasa Fujimoto 12:55

Nanae Takahashi & Yoshiko vs. Leon & Rydeen Hagane 18:08

JWP Openweight Title Street Fight: Kyoko Kimura vs. Arisa Nakajima 29:34

JWP Nico Fly High In The 25th Anniversary #13 taped 12/18/16 Tokyo KFC Hall
-2hr 15min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

Leon & Tsukushi vs. KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane 12:53

Yako Fujigasaki vs. Shiori Akiba 8:59

Rabbit Miu vs. Cassandra Miyagi 9:54

Arisa Nakajima vs. Command Bolshoi 30:00. Their last match together where both were members of the JWP roster, as Arisa finished up dropping the title to Hanako Nakamori at the end of the year, the final death knell for JWP. They went really hard for 30 minutes despite the building being almost empty. There wasn't much in the way of story, but it was a really well worked match, with a lot of great moves. I thought the technical level would be much higher though. The standing sequences were definitely better developed then the mat sequences, which didn't have a lot of interplay, unfortunately. Bolshoi got the best of the submission work, injuring a Nakajima's arm, but by this point, she opted to try to finish with shining wizards rather than continue going after the appendage. The draw wasn't exactly surprising, but they definitely didn't work this in a manner where it was obvious that the match was going to last all night. ****

JWP & Daily Sports Double Tag Title: Hanako Nakamori & Kyoko Kimura vs. DASH Chisako & Hana Kimura 20:26

WAVE/JWP Nico Battles Without Honor And Humanity =Yako vs Natsu= 12/20/16 Isami Wrestle Arena
-1hr 50min. Q=VG

Quiz Challenge: Yako Fujigasaki vs. Sumire Natsu

Apple Eating Challenge: Yako Fujigasaki vs. Sumire Natsu

Dress Up Challenge: Yako Fujigasaki vs. Sumire Natsu

Yako Fujigasaki vs. Natsu Sumire 11:06

Yako Fujigasaki vs. Natsu Sumire 10:14

JWP JWP-CLIMAX 2016 DVD 12/28/16 Korakuen Hall
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

Rina Yamashita & Risa Sera vs. Hiragi Kurumi & Rydeen Hagane 9:50

JWP Junior & Princess Of Pro Wrestling Double Title Match: Hana Kimura vs. Yako Fujigasaki 12:58

Hiroyo Matsumoto & Tsukushi vs. KAZUKI & Tsukasa Fujimoto 11:37

Sareee vs. Rabbit Miu 16:35

Command Bolshoi & Kyoko Kimura vs. Leon & Meiko Satomura 11:09

JWP Openweight Title Match: Arisa Nakajima vs. Hanako Nakamori 15:29

JWP Nico JWP-CLIMAX 2016 taped 12/28/16 Korakuen Hall
-2hr 45min. Q=VG. 2 DVDs

Rina Yamashita & Risa Sera vs. Hiragi Kurumi & Rydeen Hagane 9:50

JWP Junior & Princess Of Pro Wrestling Double Title Match: Hana Kimura vs. Yako Fujigasaki 12:58

Hiroyo Matsumoto & Tsukushi vs. KAZUKI & Tsukasa Fujimoto 11:37

Sareee vs. Rabbit Miu 16:35

Command Bolshoi & Kyoko Kimura vs. Leon & Meiko Satomura 11:09

JWP Openweight Title Match: Arisa Nakajima vs. Hanako Nakamori 15:29