D2T Videos ISO

DDT Into The Fight 2008 DVD 2/3/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 5min. Q=Perfect

Chon Shiryu & Yukihiro Abe vs. Daisuke Sasaki & Rion Mizuki 9:15

Metal Vampire Seiya Morohashi & Toru Owashi vs. Koo & Masami Morohashi 12:32

Dick Togo vs. Antonio Honda 15:02

HARASHIMA & Munenori Sawa vs. Daichi Kakimoto & Yoshihito Sasaki 14:27

Independent Junior Heavyweight & DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Title: Kota Ibushi [Jr. Heavyweight] vs. Tanomusaku Toba [Iron Man] 16:04

KO-D Openweight Title Contendership Royal Rumble: Yasu Urano vs. Danshoku Dino vs. GENTARO vs. Hoshitango vs. KUDO vs. Masahiro Takanashi vs. Michael Nakazawa vs. Muscle Sakai vs. Poison Sawada JULIE vs. Sanshiro Takagi vs. Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. Yoshiaki Yago 31:35

DDT Judgement 2008 DVD 3/9/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 5min. Q=Perfect

Daisuke Sasaki & Masami Morohashi vs. Rion Mizuki & Yukihiro Abe 9:24

Sakai's Personal Belt Scramble: Yoshiaki Yago vs. Muscle Sakai 7:58

Michael Nakazawa vs. Tomomitsu Matsunaga 0:21 + 3:18

DDT Extreme Title: Masahiro Takanashi vs. Danshoku Dino vs. KUDO 10:10

DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Title: Kota Ibushi vs. Danshoku Dino 13:31

Koo & Seiya Morohashi & Toru Owashi vs. Antonio Honda & Daichi Kakimoto & Kota Ibushi 15:21

Poison Sawada JULIE & Sanshiro Takagi & Super Uchu Power & Tomohiko Hashimoto vs. GENTARO & MIKAMI & Takashi Sasaki & Tanomusaku Toba 16:44

KO-D Openweight Title: HARASHIMA vs. Yasu Urano 18:40

DGPW/DDT Battle Station 4/13/08 DRAMATIC DREAM GATE RETURNS taped 4/6/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect

Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. Akira Tozawa & Kikutaro 5:03 of 8:42

Special Singles Match: Gorgeous Matsuno vs. "Hollywood" Stalker Ichikawa 18:52 of 19:35

KUDO & Yasu Urano vs. Susumu Yokosuka & Anthony W. Mori 5:37 of 15:22

New York-Style Death Match: Danshoku Dieno (as Mochizuki~) vs. Masaaki Mochizuki (as Dino~) 5:52

Triple Threat Tag Match: Poison Sawada JULIE & Ryo Saito vs. Tanomusaku Toba & Kenichiro Arai vs. MIKAMI & Don Fujii 10:58 of 13:02

Kota Ibushi & HARASHIMA & Antonio Honda vs. Shingo Takagi & BxB Hulk & Cyber Kong 20:37. Super fast paced match with everyone going all out to do a match of the year. Ibushi vs. BxB was everything their singles match on the original DDG show was supposed to be. Just wild athletic stuff that was hard to keep up with, if not believe, going back and forth pulling crazy athletic counters. Takagi was an absolute beast, just charging full speed and hammering people. KO-D champion HARASHIMA couldn't even phase him during their first segment, and it was a good thing Takagi tagged or he might have broken HARASHIMA in two! HARASHIMA kept coming at Takagi though, and began to make a dent later on with his strong kicks. Kong & Honda were obviously nowhere near the others, but Honda's segments were generally good anyways. In particular, he worked a fast and brutal segment with Takagi that was arguably as good as what HARASHIMA was doing with Takagi. In addition to the obvious pairings delivering, they made good use of the numbers. These guys were all over the place, coming at each other from all angles. Hulk started out doing a dropkick to Ibushi, but wound up using Kota's chest to turn it into a moonsault on Honda. The DDT team generally seemed overmatched and Honda was the super whipping boy. He even sustained a bloody nose coming down face first when BxB landed a springboard neal kick that flipped him off Takagi's shoulders. This was one of those matches you didn't want to end. ****

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #171 5/1/08 NON-FIX 4.23 taped 4/23/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #172 5/15/08 MAX BUMP 2008 taped 5/6/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT MAX BUMP 2008 DVD 5/6/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect

DDT Legend Poison Sawada JULIE & Tanomusaku Toba & Shoichi Ichimiya vs. Daisuke Sasaki & Rion Mizuki & Yukihiro Abe 8:30

Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. GENTARO & Hoshitango 9:08

KUDO & Yasu Urano vs. Danshoku Dino & Masahiro Takanashi 10:06

Antonio Honda vs. Koo 11:22

Daichi Kakimoto & Kota Ibushi vs. Jushin Thunder Liger & MIKAMI 14:56

KO-D Openweight Title Five Way Elimination: HARASHIMA vs. Dick Togo vs. Sanshiro Takagi vs. Seiya Morohashi vs. Yoshiaki Yago 22:38

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #173 5/22/08 MAX BUMP 2008 taped 5/6/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #174 5/29/08 MAX BUMP 2008 taped 5/14/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT What Are You Doing? 8 DVD 6/1/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

Shigehiro Irie vs. Yukihiro Abe 7:47

Two Count Pinfall: Muscle Sakai & Yoshiaki Yago vs. Hoshitango & Sanshiro Takagi 0:02 + 9:27

Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. Sanshiro Takagi DNA (Mammoth Handa) & HARASHIMA DNA (Naoshi Sano) 0:25

Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. Takeo Otsuka DNA (Danshoku Dino) & Masa Saito DNA (Masa Takanashi) 3:24

Gorgeous Matsuno vs. Yukinori Matsui 12:06

KO-D Tag Title: MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba vs. Daichi Kakimoto & Kota Ibushi 15:36

Antonio Honda & Daisuke Sasaki & KUDO & Yasu Urano vs. Metal Vampire (Dick Togo) & Koo & Seiya Morohashi & Toru Owashi 15:37

HARASHIMA vs. Poison Sawada JULIE 16:28

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #177 6/19/08 NON-FIX 6.11 taped 6/11/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #178 6/26/08 DOTONBORI STORY 2 taped 6/15/08 Osaka Delfin Arena
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT Dramatic Fantasia #179 7/3/08 NON-FIX 6.25 taped 6/25/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #180 7/10/08 KING OF DDT 2008 taped 7/6/08 Osaka Delfin Arena
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT KING OF DDT 2008 DVD 7/6/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

DDT Extreme Title Woman Substitute Three Way: Masa-ko Takanashi (Masa Takanashi) vs. Francoise Takagi vs. Hoshitan-ko (Hoshitango) 5:41

Omori Dream Fair Title: Daichi Kakimoto vs. Keisuke Ishii 6:18

DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Title Nine Man Battle Royal: Arnold Sukesukejaneka vs. Daisuke Sasaki vs. Danshoku Dino vs. Gorgeous Matsuno vs. Michael Nakazawa vs. Muscle Sakai vs. Rion Mizuki vs. Tomomitsu Matsunaga vs. Yukihiro Abe 12:34

Jiyugaoka Six Man Street Fight Title: Metal Vampire Koo & Super Vampire & Toru Owashi vs. Antonio Honda & KUDO & Yasu Urano 8:56

KO-D Tag Title: MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba vs. JARASHIMA & Poison Sawada JULIE 12:02

Independent Junior Heavyweight Title: Kota Ibushi vs. TAKA Michinoku 10:19

KO-D Openweight Title: Dick Togo vs. Seiya Morohashi 19:14

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #181 7/17/08 KING OF DDT 2008 taped 7/6/08 Osaka Delfin Arena
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #182 7/24/08 NON-FIX 7.20 taped 7/20/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT Dramatic Fantasia #183 8/7/08 NON-FIX 7.20 taped 7/20/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #184 8/14/08 BEER GARDEN PRO-WRESTLING taped 8/10/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
-2hr. Q=Perfect



HARD HIT Battle Station 8/25/08 FIGHTING ART HARD HIT taped 7/20/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
-2hr. Q=Perfect

Masanori Ishikura vs. Shigehiro Irie 8:18

Hiroyuki Nozawa vs. Masato Shibata 7:26

Isami Kodaka vs. Shimamoto Soukon 6:07

Tanomusaku Toba vs. Masashi Takeda 6:53

Akihiko Mori & HARASHIMA vs. Mitsuya Nagai & Shuji Ishikawa 16:59

Kota Ibushi vs. Hikaru Sato 11:36

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #185 8/21/08 BEER GARDEN PRO-WRESTLING taped 8/4/08-8/8/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #186 8/28/08 SUMMER PASSION NAGOYA! taped 8/17/08 Nakamura Sports Center
-2hr. Q=Perfect



-2hr. Q=Perfect

Antonio Honda & Daisuke Sasaki & KUDO & Yasu Urano vs. Rion Mizuki & Seiya Morohashi & Tanomusaku Toba & Yukihiro Abe 13:48

Poison Sawada JULIE vs. Michael Nakazawa & Mitsuya Nagai & Tomomitsu Matsunaga 9:40

Kenny Omega vs. HARASHIMA 14:25

Danshoku Dino & Danshoku Dino II & Danshoku Dino III & Masa Takanashi & Muscle Sakai & Seiya Morohashi & Toru Owashi's Mother vs. Metal Vampire Koo & Super Vampire & Toru Owashi 12:43

DDT Extreme Title Tables, Ladders & Chairs: Sanshiro Takagi vs. MIKAMI 20:55

KO-D Openweight Title: Dick Togo vs. Kota Ibushi 21:49

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #187 9/4/08 SUMMER VACATION MEMORIES taped 8/31/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #188 9/11/08 SUMMER VACATION MEMORIES taped 8/31/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect


KUDO & Yasu Urano & Antonio Honda & Daisuke Sasaki vs. Tanomusaku Toba & Seiya Morohashi & Yukihiro Abe & Rion Mizuki

HARASHIMA vs. Kenny Omega

DDT Extreme Title, TLC Match: Sanshiro Takagi vs. MIKAMI


Handicap Match: Poison Sawada JULIE vs. Mitsuya Nagai & Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga

Toru Owashi Kyousei Handicap Match: Toru Owashi & Koo & Spelling Vampire vs. Danshoku Dieno & Muscle Sakai & Masa Takanashi & Seiya Morohashi & Danshoku Dieno #2 & Danshoku Dieno #3 & Toru Owashi's Mother

KO-D Openweight Title Match: Dick Togo vs. Kota Ibushi 21:49. Perhaps not quite the match they are capable of, but unlike 3/27/11, this did a nice job of showing why Ibushi is one of the most exciting wrestlers in the business. Ibushi hit some great high spots such as his Bermuda Triangle, but his athleticism, explosion, and special ability to transition to another great move after the first one was avoided were really on display here. I liked the spot where Togo tried to whip him into the post, but Ibushi backflipped off the apron, ducked a lariat, and knocked Togo into the post with an enzuigiri. Their chemistry was quite good, and they put together a more cohesive match than on 3/27/11. The fact that it was shorter mainly just eliminated the dead spots. There wasn't any particular focus here either, but they did a much better job of showing Ibushi pushing Togo by utilizing his superior athleticism, and sometimes the simplest, most obvious story is the most effective, even if in a non story sort of manner. It wasn't rocket science, but they worked on a high level and showed the offense that makes them exciting. Togo mainly sold, but took no chances at the end, hitting an avalanche style pedigree and a swinging pedigree before putting Ibushi away with his diving senton. ***1/2

DDT Dramatic Fantasia #189 9/18/08 NON-FIX 9.13 ALL NIGHT taped 9/13/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #190 9/25/08 CAMPSITE PRO-WRESTLING taped 9/7/08 Yamanashi-ken Campsite
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT Dramatic Fantasia #191 10/2/08 WHO’S GONNA TOP? 2008 taped 9/28/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #192 10/9/08 WHO’S GONNA TOP? 2008 taped 9/28/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT Dramatic Fantasia #193 10/16/08 DRAMATIC DICK TOGO ~NON-FIX 9.29 SPECIAL~ taped 9/29/08 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
& DDT Dramatic Fantasia #194 10/23/08 taped 10/13/08 Saporro Teisen Hall
-2hr. Q=Perfect



DDT Battle Station Near Live DDT Special ~6 Major Brands Collection~ 10/19/08 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-3hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs


HARD HIT Battle Station 11/17/08 MIND taped 10/26/08 Tokyo Shinjuku FACE
-2hr. Q=Perfect

Masashi Takeda vs. Shigehiro Irie 6:11

Hoshitango vs. Tanomusaku Toba 4:24

Sanshiro Takagi vs. Keita Yano 5:33

Atsushi Aoki vs. Isami Kodaka 6:24

Mitsuya Nagai vs. Hikaru Sato 8:58

Shuji Ishikawa vs. HARASHIMA 8:17

Akihiko Mori vs. Kota Ibushi 11:29

DDT BOYS-1, BOYS-2, & BOYS-3 DVD 11/11/08, 12/5/08, & 2/4/09 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st RING
-2hr 45min. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs


Daisuke Sasaki vs. Leo 5:26

KUDO vs. Yumeto Imasei 6:42

Makoto Oishi vs. Masa Takanashi 7:52

Kazuhiro Tamura & Kaji Yamato vs. Rion Mizuki & Daisuke Masaoka 11:28

HARASHIMA vs. Madoka 20:00


Masashi Takeda vs. Yumeto Imasei 6:27

Mineo Fujita vs. Rion Mizuki 8:44

Keita Yano vs. Masa Takanashi 20:00

Madoka vs. KUDO 9:16

Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi vs. HARASHIMA & Daisuke Masaoka 18:54


Shun Kasagi vs. Yumeto Imasei 5:46

Makoto Oishi vs. Rion Mizuki 7:09

Tsutomu Osugi & Hercules Senga vs. KUDO & Masa Takanashi 20:00

HARASHIMA vs. Daisuke Masaoka 15:38

Kenny Omega vs. Madoka 17:00