Miho Abe modeling DVD from 2019.
Miho Abe modeling DVD from 2020.
Miho Abe modeling DVD from 2020.
Miho Abe modeling DVD from 2021.
Sachie Abe's 1st nude modeling video from 2003.
6/2/03: Sachie Abe & Obacchi Iizuka vs. Apple Miyuki &
6/23/03 Tokyo Differ Ariake: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. The Bloody & JYAGIE
8/18/03 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall, TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision One Night Tournament
1st Round: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. JYAGIE & Apple Miyuki
b) Semifinal vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI
c) Final vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru
Aika DVD from 2006.
Aika Ando's 1st modeling DVD from 2007.
Aika Ando modeling DVD from 2008.
Aika Ando modeling DVD from 2014.
Yuzuki Aikawa's 1st modeling DVD from 2004
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2004
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2005
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2006
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2006
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2006
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2007
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2008
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2009
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2010
Yuzuki Aikawa modeling video from 2014
Document of Aikawa's training with Fuka and others as she essentially goes through STARDOM's version of wrestling school in preparation for her debut match aganst Nanae Takahashi.
Saki Akai modeling DVD from 2006.
Saki Akai modeling DVD from 2007.
Saki Akai modeling DVD from 2009.
Saki Akai modeling DVD from 2013.
Saki Akai modeling video from 2014.
Kei Akiyama modeling.
Akiyama sexy modeling.
Saori Ano modeling video from 2021.
10/13/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall WWWA Sekai Superlightkyu Senshuken Jiai: Chapparita ASARI vs. Pequena Azteca (Alda Moreno). An exhibition of spots. Cool flying moves, but Pequena is not exactly known for her execution. **1/4
ASARI shows us her parent's shop, her house, and her room. She has a lot of cool originals that she's on, and plenty of stuffed Disney animals.
Costume Collection Part 1. She models in half the costumes she's ever worn to the ring or wrestled in.
11/4/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall Tag League The Best '96 Koshikisen: Kyoko Inoue & Chapparita ASARI vs. Aja Kong & Yoshiko Tamura. ASARI did her cool moves, but didn't execute close to her normal level, in part because her and Aja didn't work that well together. 3:43 shown
ASARI goes to Mexico, and they show her climbing a pyramid and walking around in a church
11/8/96 Arena Mexico, D.F. CMLL World Women's Title Decision Tournament: Highlights of Lady Apache vs. Xochilt Hamada & ASARI vs. Diabolica then ASARI vs. Apache Final. The final was short, but it was good while it lasted. They got a lot more out of the big spots than I expected by putting them over and doing dramatic near falls.
Interview where ASARI is asked about her various flying moves, which are shown
Short where ASARI saves a little girl from Yone Genjin and his mini estrella thugs. I was amazed that I never realized how short Pierroth was when I saw him in the ring with ASARI...until I realized it was Pierrothito.
Costume Collection Part 2
11/10/96 Arena Coliseo, D.F.: Lola Gonzalez & Lady Apache & Chapparita ASARI vs. Martha Villalobos & La Diabolica & Lady Star. Technicos had a pretty good team, but you have to have something to work with and they didn't. Martha is so good that she makes makes Eagle seem like the greatest big woman in history.
ASARI practices her gymnastics
Bambi modeling DVD from 2005.
5/30/04 Pre Debut: Mitsuharu Gisawa (Shoichi Ichimiya) & Showa-ko vs. Shuji Ishikawa & Super Strong Machine-ko (Cherry) 8:14
6/16/04: Cherry & Mineo Fujita vs. Masahiro Takanashi & Showa-ko 9:53
8/30/09: Cherry & Masa-ko Takanashi vs. Kyoko Kimura & Atsuko Emoto 15:20
11/3/10 JWP Openweight Title: Kaori Yoneyama vs. Cherry 16:41
1/3/11: Cherry & Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata vs. Black Cherry #1 & Black Cherry #2 & Black Cherry #3 12:49
5/4/12: Emi Sakura vs. Cherry 5:03
6/17/12: Yuko Miyamoto vs. Cherry 10:24
5/18/14: Ladybeard & Saki Akai vs. Cherry & Danshoku Dino 8:02
2/22/15 Get the Glory R1: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Cherry 7:43
3/1/15 UPW Fly to Everywhere World Title: Mio Shirai vs. Cherry 7:21
Cherry modeling video from 2021.
Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita profile tape from 1989. Shows them outside of the ring. Lots of training footage, also shopping, Q & A, etc. DVD comes with Mimi Hagiwara LOVE Phoenix.
Fairy Nihonbashi's 1st modeling video from 2016.
7/30/11: Mima Shimoda & Portia Perez & Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Daizee Haze & Sara Del Rey & Makoto 20:18
7/31/11: Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Makoto 7:07
Tsukasa Fujimoto's 1st modeling video from 2009.
Tsukasa Fujimoto's 2nd modeling video from 2014.
IR 8/25/13, ICEXinfinity Title Match: Tsukasa Fujinamo vs. Manami Toyota
Tsukasa Fujimoto's 3rd modeling video from 2015.
IR 3/21/15 Korakuen, ICEXinfinity Title Match: Tsukasa Fujinamo vs. Kurumi
Tsukasa Fujimoto's 4th modeling video from 2017.
7/29/15: Tsukasa Fujimoto 32 Woman Gauntlet. Digest
Fuka modeling DVD from 2005.
Fuka, Moeka Haruhi, & Misato Nishijima modeling
Ayumi Kurihara playing with fireworks
WRESTLE EXPO 2006 8/19 & 20 highlights
Fuka modeling video from 2007 celebrating the 3rd anniversary of her puroresu debut.
Fuka's 3rd modeling video from 2008. Documents her trip to Mexico from 5/6-5/12/08.
DRAGONMANIA III 5/11/08 Mexico City: Fuka & Saori vs. Mima Shimoda & Hiroka
IWRG 2/25/10: Flor Metalica & Fuka vs. La Diabolica & Lady Metal
2/28/10: Fuka & Princesa Sugehit vs. Dark Angel & Hiroka
horse riding
Fukawa's first modeling video from 1996. Lots of cosplay.
2/7/96: Yumi Fukawa vs. Sakie Hasegawa
9/24/95 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan: Yumi Fukawa & Yuka Shiina vs. Rie Tamada & Yoshiko Tamura
10/4/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Yumi Fukawa & Rie Tamada & Yoshiko Tamura & Nobue Endo vs. Chaparrita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa & Misae Watanabe & Mina Taniyama
Yumi Fukawa vs. Misae Watanabe at a water park
vs. Nobue Endo in a street fight, almost literally, fighting on the sidewalk next to a road and high rise at night
vs. Yoshiko Tamura in a shopping center
vs. Bull Nakano on a subway
vs. Lioness Asuka by a fountain at night
Video complement to Fukawa's photobook of the same name. Footage of Fukawa's vacation to the Republic of Palau where they made the book. A good amount of bathing suits footage is from the photo shoots themselves. There's also the usual "different" footage that they show on these longer "personal videos" like Fukawa learning how to fish. The wrestling segment contains two matches; Fukawa vs. Tamada & Fukawa & Bennett vs. Watanabe & Genki. Fukawa comes into the 2nd match with a bad cut and the cut gets opened up during the match. After the match they show very graphic footage of the backstage medical treatment Fukawa receives, including her getting stitched up.
*Review and vidcaps in Quebrada #44*
This video goes along with the photobook of the same name. Taking everything into account, this ranks right up there with the best modeling videos I've seen. This was really well made. It keeps a good pace and has almost no wasted time. It's also a fun video because they show some of the "bloopers" from the production such as people getting tossed in the pool and Fukawa trying to escape from the crew on her bike. Fukawa is such a babe and she looks that much more impressive than just about every wrestler when she's in a bathing suit, which she is for most of this video. However, the highlight is Fukawa rolling around in bed with no top on. She does wear a sheet to cover herself, but she purposely doesn't do the best job of it when she is turning over. I just love ARSION.:) DVD comes with Artemis in Michiko Omukai
Yumi Fukawa image CD-ROM from 1998. 117 photos plus making video.
A more complete version of the video (the same sections have more footage with some of the matches now being complete or fairly close) plus 4 bonus sections. This version doesn't have the Complete ARSION feel because you actually get to see a good amount of wrestling, but there's still a lot of outside the ring footage.
2/18/98 vs. Candy Okutsu. Really good match that was the best singles of Fukawa's career and on par with the best stuff Candy has done with her JWP peers. Exciting, flashy, and well executed submissions and high spots, but also focused attacks. Fukawa is like a new woman with a more mature look and an entirely different move set. Candy looked like her old self. ****
12/7/98 vs. Michiko Omukai. Omukai had Fukawa all but finished, but Fukawa turned Omukai's rolling savate into a hizajujigatame for the win. Not complete.
9/9/98 vs. Mariko Yoshida. Submission oriented Yoshida style match. It doesn't flow as well as it could have, but it's interesting to see them chain the holds together. Not complete
2/18/99 vs. Rie Tamada. Yumi tried to work on a broken foot. Tamada focused her entire attack on the foot, which was good, except Yumi after 3 minutes Yumi legitimately couldn't even stand so the ref had to stop the match. *1/4
5/4/99 vs. Mariko Yoshida. Really beautiful match. Both women were on top of their game displaying smooth, clean technique and doing great counters. Fukawa just keeps improving, the difference between this match and their match from 5/8/98 is incredible. There Fukawa didn't know how to counter, here Fukawa had an answer for everything and it wasn't like she just watched what say Gami did against Yoshida and copied her. This booking of this show wasn't good because it didn't tell any stories, this was the only match that they really made you care who won. Fukawa was made credible and the fans got into her because she was trying so hard and doing so well. There were a couple spots where she had Yoshida beat, and this is what the fans wanted to see. Instead, they got a lot of upsets that just happened without anything being done to make you want to see them. Even though Fukawa lost in the first round, they gave her kanto sho (courageous fighter award) because her performance was so impressive. Normally I'd have a really hard time giving an 11 ½ minute match such a high rating, but I can't say enough about how good this match was. ****
6/30/99 vs. Aja Kong. Aja emphasized the size difference without doing it in a way that helped Fukawa. Fukawa was hardly allowed to get any offense in. All her offense was submissions, but she wasn't able to use her speed or quickness to get them on and Aja showed no disadvantage on the mat as she was able to use several submissions. The match was dull because it was basically a squash, and Aja did dated matwork in a dated way that negated most of the good Fukawa can do on the mat. Too much talent involved to be bad, but hardly the match they could have had. **
7/25/99 Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda. The match itself was good, but it was done all wrong. It made no sense to introduce LCO in this manner. I mean, Yumi was the only one that even showed that there was some semblance of a rivalry. It's pretty simple, if anyone is going to think it's a big deal that some evil force has invaded the league, everyone has to fight hard and play their roles right. You can't be nice or indifferent, it has to look and feel like something special. Otherwise, what's the point? A lot of the problem was the match was too long. It needed to be heated right off the bat, but since they were going over 21 minutes, they didn't do that much in the first 10. The pace was kind of lethargic and the action was rathe dull. Some things they did were good like Mita acting arrogant and making fun of Yumi's diminutive size. It was good that LCO didn't adopt to ARSION style because why should they start doing things the ARSION way, wrestling like all these women they are in opposition with? They still had to adjust to Yumi's submission style, of course. It became a good match because three of the four have too much talent for it not to be, but anyone with half a brain should have been able to see that doing it in this manner would kill off LCO's potential as a draw in ARSION. It didn't help TamaFuka either because no one gave them a chance to win. They would get a move in more often as the match went on, but in the end Fukawa only had a few near finishes that you might be able to call credible. I hate the blade, but if there was ever a time for it, this was it. They needed to get LCO over, and they needed to show TamaFuka wouldn't give up even though they were really overmatched. Once again, they failed to give the fans a reason to care. 16:18 shown. **1/2
9/26/99 vs. Mariko Yoshida. One of the last matches that was at least close to Yoshida style. Very technical with great movement on the mat. Not as dynamic or exciting as their 5/4/99 match, but it was amazing how much better Fukawa did, mainly her counters, than when they fought on 5/8/98. Fukawa was on Yoshida's level both in portrayal and reality, which propelled her to the period where she was the most consistently good and entertaining wrestler in ARSION until she suffered another concussion and was forced to retire. ***3/4
5/7/00 vs. Rie Tamada. I was surprised by how good this match was. Nice flow. Everything was so well done, and for the most part even made sense. Fukawa deserves tons of credit for getting Rie to not only leave her spot style, but for carrying Rie to a good match in the submission style which Tamada really is not good at. My only real complaint is at one point either Fukawa really injured her knee or her selling was awesome, but Rie didn't keep on it, instead using a few arm submissions when the opportunity arose. Perhaps the best match of the tournament. 3:21 shown
5/7/00 vs. Michiko Omukai. Fukawa is the only wrestler in ARSION that has stuck to the submission style. Omukai was rusty at it and Fukawa tried some moves she shouldn't have due to the huge size differential, so it wasn't as good as their past matches. Omukai was back to her old top notch ways of showing emotions. It was kind of annoying that Fukawa trapped her in a submission about a dozen times, only to have Omukai win with a Tiger suplex hold out of nowhere. It should be noted that Fukawa's near submissions get no reaction now because all the people that were pulling for her last year now know she'll never beat anyone of note. 4:00 shown.
7/16/00 Michiko Omukai & Yumi Fukawa & Bionic J vs. GAMI & Rie Tamada & Red Lynx. This is the match where Fukawa suffers the final injury, but I'm not sure if it's shown. 4:32 shown
YUMI'S FIGHT in the ARSION - digest of her 250 ARSION matches
BEST BOUT COUNT DOWN - 3-4 minutes of each of her "10 best bouts"
YUMI'S BEST TECHNIQUES - clips of her performing her favorite moves
YUMI'S ROOM - Last Image Video
Hikari's first "sexy image video" from 1996. Filmed in Hawaii. Basically the same thing as Ozaki's Fascination (that is a good thing), expect it's Hikari instead of Ozaki. Roughly 2/3 of the tape is Fukuoka looking very pretty modeling, mainly in bathing suits. Highlights of Fukuoka vs. Sumiko Saito 7/9/92, Fukuoka & Kansai vs. Ozaki & Cuty-4/3/92 main event of debut show of 2nd coming of JWP, & Fukuoka vs. Kansai from 8/10/96, which is really cool because the highlights were shown in slow motion with the tracer effect (leaves a shadow behind the things that are moving). DVD comes with Hikari Love Fall Vol. 3.
Hikari Fukuoka "Sexy & Image Video" from 1998. This is a companion to her Agelle photobook and La Fiesta DVD. DVD comes with Hikari Sunshine & Starlight.
Hikari Fukuoka modeling DVD. This is a companion to her Agelle photobook and Love Fall making video.
Mimi Hagiwara nude modeling video. Mimi is an actress and does some interesting artistic dramatic scenes playing up her frustrating back injury, starting with injurying it giving Tarantula the Mimi special on the beach. There's also a weird scene where Mimi is whipping herself, and a couple of songs. DVD comes with Dream Orca Youth Explosion.
Mimi Hagiwara nude modeling video.
Mimi Hagiwara nude modeling video from 1993. DVD Comes with Takako Inoue Takako Kiseki no Tobira.
Hamada's personal video. Similar in style to Athena in Candy Okutsu. All these ARSION modeling tapes are excellent! Then again, all ARSION wrestling tapes are excellent, so why should this be any different? DVD comes with Kaori Nakayama Future.
4/21/01 QUEEN OF ARSION Title Match: Ayako Hamada vs. Mariko Yoshida
5/6/01 TWINSTAR OF ARSION Title Match: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Ayako Hamada & Azumi Hyuga
5/11/01 Arena Coliseo: Ayako Hamada & Ai Fujita & Flor Metalica vs. La Diabolica & Amapola & Andromeda
5/13/01 Arena Coliseo: Ayako Hamada & Amapola vs. Ai Fujita & La Diabolica
Ayako Hamada hanging out, showing us her home, going to the beach and shopping w/ Ai Fujita, and wrestling in Mexico
Pre match activities - setting up ring, warming up, acting as ring girl for Tamada vs. Takase
7/14/01 Kyoto KBS Hall: Ayako Hamada & Azumi Hyuga vs. Michiko Omukai & Bionic J 18:28. Good efforts here. Didn't build, but good throughout and never dull. Ayako & Azumi worked well with Omukai, good sequences and counters. J looked plodding with Ayako, but they did a vicious exchange of chops and everything she did was high impact . ***1/4
post mach activities - signing at table, taking down ring, loading bus
4/21/01 QUEEN OF ARSION Title Match: Ayako Hamada vs. Mariko Yoshida 6:21 of 16:06. Seemed to be a back and forth match, unfortunately in Ayako's style. In this form it all seemed meaningless.
Ayako highlight reel
5/6/01 TWINSTAR OF ARSION Title Match: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Ayako Hamada & Azumi Hyuga 5:20 of 19:03. Good chemistry and some drama. Seemed good if not better.
Moeka Haruhi modeling DVD from 2006.
Sakie on the beach, looking at pictures from her youth, eating, making pottery, learning the traditional Japanese walk, clicking some hand instrument, wearing a Super Delfin bodysuit, modeling various costumes & outfits
Highlights of: Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Akira Hokuto (2/3 Falls 5/26/91), Sakie injuring her arm (6/23/91),
Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura (4/29/92), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Hikari Fukuoka (4/11/93), Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Leo Kitamura & Mikiko Futagami (9/29/93), Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue (10/10/93), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Aja Kong (5/2/94), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Manami Toyota (6/3/94), Blizzard Yuki vs. Manami Toyota (12/4/94)
3/19/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Lioness Asuka 3:52 shown. Fast paced back and forth match that made for a nice highlight reel.
4/15/95 Saitama Toda Shi Sports Center, 2/3 Falls: Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito vs. Kyoko Inoue & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Takako Inoue 11:39 of 39:26. Excellent Toyota workrate match. Everyone was wrestling at a high level, though Kyoko appeared to be the best.
4/16/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Zenjo GREATEST 4* Dome Again: Sakie Hasegawa & Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue & Aja Kong 18:16. Great work and execution. Everyone was on and everything was clicking. Hasegawa was beat on for several minutes then the match really took off with Toyota's hot tag. ****
Sakie on the beach, in bed, riding her bike, gun shooting, dolphin communication (gets lessons with dolphins to prepare to team with Super Delfin), in Hawaii
12/17/95 Osaka Rinkai Sports Center: Super Delfin & Gran Naniwa & Sakie Hasegawa vs. The Great Sasuke & Kendo & Mima Shimoda
2/3/96 Tokushima Shiritsu Taiikukan: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Mariko Yoshida
10/31/04: Misae Genki vs. Aika & Haruka Matsuo & Hinata & Maki & Yuki 12:19
Hinata vs. Aika vs. Kinoko vs. Hikari vs. Emi Sakura
blowing bubbles, riding at amusement park, milking goats, racing a pig through an obstacle course, painting a mug
Miyako Matsumoto's 1st modeling DVD from 2015.
10/31/13 Koharu Hinata Debut: Koharu Hinata vs. Kayo Kobayashi
Various sightseeing including visiting the pyramids and training with Rey Bucanero & Marcela
CMLL 4/19/18: Kaho Kobayashi & Princesa Sugehit & Tae Honma vs. Dalys la Caribena & La Amapola & Reyna Isis 15:33
CMLL 4/23/18: Dalys la Caribena & La Comandante & Metalico vs. La Guerrera & Lluvia & Tae Honma
CMLL 4/26/18: Kaho Kobayashi & Marcela & Tae Honma vs. La Amapola & La Comandante & La Seductora 10:32
Video of Azumi's trip to Hawaii. Kana Mizaki & Cuty Suzuki make appearances. DVD comes with Kana Mizaki Sweet Adventure.
Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue 7:57. Entire match is shot in close-up on Hokuto. She mainly works with Yamada. Seems to be a good match, though they aren't working as hard as they typically do on commercial tapes or TV tapings.
Akira Hokuto vs. Toshiyo Yamada 17:53. Early portion takes place on the mat with Yamada working Hokuto's injured shoulder, though in a fairly uneventful manner. They killed the first 15 minutes more than they utilized it, but it picks up tremendously for the final three. The match would have been more interesting if they spread the high spots out over the course of the 18 minutes rather than saving them all for the grand finale. As it stands it's almost like two separate matches, an uninspired 70's style match followed by a hot 90's style sprint. ***
Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Yumiko Hotta & Manami Toyota 21:51. Started good, and kept getting better and better. This was a match you believed could end several minutes before it did, but I'm thankful it didn't because Toyota really put on a show in the final minutes. Fierce and furious action between Yamada & Hotta, both in peak form. Yamada worked with Toyota a lot as well, but Yamada wasn't trying to match Toyota or Hokuto in the spectacular department today, sticking with her stiff kicking strength. Hokuto wasn't exactly featured here, but the others were good and motivated so that shouldn't matter unless you are only a fan of Hokuto. Hokuto was excellent in spots, but Yamada was in a lot more lending her brand of credibility and intensity without diminishing the match quality. Hokuto did a post match angle with Rumi Kazama and the LLPW contingent showing up and challenging Hokuto and her LCO group. ****
Akira Hokuto vs. Kurenai Yasha 2:17. Hard to call this a match. Yasha attacked, but Hokuto no sold half of her offense. Hokuto didn't even bother using Yasha's weapon on her when she had the chance. Instead, she literally beat her with her first offensive move. It's amazing LLPW would let one of their stars get embarrassed beyond believe, even AJW rookies were likely to withstand more and last longer. But that's the flaw in their Kandori or bust philosophy, as by not protecting opponents that could be legitimate (Harley for instance) she never had any truly credible opponents within the league (Eagle was the only one that you believed had a 33% chance).
This tape predominatly uses match clips to chronicle the career of one of the best wrestlers ever.
4/28/95 North Korea Mayday Stadium: Akira Hokuto & Bull Nakano vs. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida. Short GAEA style match, but the work was better. They packed a lot into the time they had. It was exciting and everyone was impressive. ***3/4
4/29/95 North Korea Mayday Stadium: Akira Hokuto vs. Bull Nakano. Really good action while it lasted, mainly due to Hokuto. Bull was stiff, but she wasn't made for these kind of spot matches, especially at this point in her career. ***1/4
The rest of the tape is non-wrestling footage shot during the North Korean tour; sight seeing, dancing, etc. There's also backstage footage where we see that Hokuto needs to get 2 needles so she can withstand the pain and go out and entertain us.
Various sightseeing including visiting the pyramids and training with Rey Bucanero & Marcela
CMLL 4/19/18: Kaho Kobayashi & Princesa Sugehit & Tae Honma vs. Dalys la Caribena & La Amapola & Reyna Isis 15:33
CMLL 4/23/18: Dalys la Caribena & La Comandante & Metalico vs. La Guerrera & Lluvia & Tae Honma
CMLL 4/26/18: Kaho Kobayashi & Marcela & Tae Honma vs. La Amapola & La Comandante & La Seductora 10:32
The usual type of tourist/sightseeing features 4 matches from their tour
10/28/22 CMLL International Women's Grand Prix 2022 Torneo Cibernetico: Dalys & Faby & La Amapola & La Jarochita & Lluvia & Marcela & Princesa Sugehit & Reyna Isis vs. Alex Gracia & Avispa Dorada & Hikari Shimizu & Ivelisse & Lady Frost & Mei Suruga & Stephanie Vaquer & Tae Honma 47:20
10/29/22: Alex Gracia & Lady Frost & La Vaquerita vs. Hikari Shimizu & Mei Suruga & Tae Honma
10/30/22 ERLL: Hikari Shimizu & Tae Honma vs. Miss Panther & Queen Panther
11/1/22: Hikari Shimizu & Metalica & Tae Honma vs. La Guerrera & La Magnifica & Princesa Sugehit
Mai Ichii modeling DVD from 2006.
Mika Iida's 1st modeling video from 2016.
Takako Inoue "lifestyle" video. Activities include a pre-match workout, Takako at a restaurant, modeling, Takako in a wedding dress, and Kyoko & Yamada going through things in her apartment. The tape also has three matches. Toshiyo Yamada & Takako Inoue vs. Suzuka Minami & Mima Shimoda and Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa are shot in what I'll call the Takako camera. It's a one camera shoot by a guy running around ringside. It's shot in strobe with all close ups, mainly focusing on what Takako is doing even if she's not in the ring. You can't really judge how good a match is seeing it like this, but it's good as a one time thing because you see a whole different side of the action since all the shots are so tight.
Toshiyo Yamada & Takako Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Suzuka Minami & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda. A regular effort on a regular house show, but these women were working on such a high level at this point that it's still a very good match. ***1/2
Takako Inoue modeling video. Also contains a music video for her single Kiseki no Tobira. DVD comes with Mimi Hagiwara Love & Light.
Takako sexy modeling DVD.
Ishikawa semi-nude modeling. Companion to her Naked of Passion photobook.
Mizuho Ishikawa modeling.
Modeling video featuring Keiko Furuta, Mizuho Ishikawa, Emi Tojo, Yumi Oka, Teruko Kagawa, Chiaki Kashida, & Ayano Omori
Yuki Kamifuku's 1st modeling video from 2018.
AJW TV 7/87 taped Sendai Miyagi-ken Sports Center
Chigusa Nagayo sings "STAY"
Kazue Nagahori vs. Velvet McIntyre
Yukari Omori & Reibun Amada & Sayumi Nakajima & Yasuko Ishiguro vs. Yumi Ogura & Megumi Kudo & Noriyo Toyoda & Kyoko Aso
All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumiko Hotta
Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Condor Saito & Dump Matsumoto
Kanako Nagatomo Simple Mind Commercial Tape
Rumi Kazama Heat Up Venus Commercial Tape 1988
3/20/08: Kana vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto 11:45
4/4/08: Kana & Yumi Oka vs. Hikaru & Saki Maemura 16:17
5/4/08: Kana & Kuishinbo Kamen vs. Shu Shibutani & Kanjuro Matsuyama 14:16
5/13/08: Shu Shibutani & Yu Yamagata vs. Yumi Oka & Kana 14:47
5/25/08: Sayuri Okino & Shu Shibutani & Kana vs. Kyoko Kimura & Yumi Oka & Moeka Haruhi 13:05
6/4/08: Kana & Shu Shibutani vs. GAMI & Moeka Haruhi 18:33
9/15/08: Kana & Magnitude Kishiwada vs. GAMI & Kikutaro 13:12
9/15/08: Atsuko Emoto & Kyoko Kimura & Tomoka Nakagawa vs. Kana & Moeka Haruhi & Toshie Uematsu 15:38
9/21/08: Kana & Mio Shirai & Io Shirai vs. GAMI & Ran YuYu & Kyoko Kimura 21:52
10/8/08: Command Bolshoi & GAMI & Vanessa The Mountain vs. Bullfight Sora & Kana & Yumi Oka 20:24
10/21/08: GAMI vs. Kana 15:00
NEO 7/5/09 Midsummer Tag Tournament: Kana & Ayumi Kurihara vs. Fuka & Yoshiko Tamura
WAVE 8/23/09: Megumi Yabushita & Kana vs. Shu Shibutani & Mika 21:28
NEO 8/15/09 Kana & Nanae Takahashi & Natsuki Taiyo vs. Io Shirai & Mio Shirai & Yoshiko Tamura 22:04
NEO 11/22/09 NEO Tag Title: Passion Red Kana & Nanae Takahashi vs. Passion Red Natsuki Taiyo & Passion Ray 20:30
NEO 12/31/09 NEO Tag Title: Kana & Nanae Takahashi vs. Ayumi Kurihara & Yoshiko Tamura
NEO 11/1/09: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Kana
Kana vs Chihiro Oikawa 10/26/08
Kana & Nanae Takahashi vs AKINO & Chihiro Oikawa 12/28/08
Kana & Natsuki*Taiyo vs Chihiro Oikawa & Ayako Sato 5/6/09
Kana vs Chihiro Oikawa 2/15/09
1/17/10: Natsuki*Taiyo & Ayumi Kurihara vs. Kana & Hiroyo Matsumoto 15:25
1/23/10: Toshie Uematsu & Tanny Mouse & Yuki Miyazaki vs. Nanae Takahashi & Natsuki*Taiyo & Kana 13:04
2/6/10: Kana vs. Mio Shirai 10:22
2/14/10: Kana vs. Kagetsu 8:34
3/14/10: Emi Sakura vs. Kana 9:12
Kana's 1st modeling DVD from 2011.
SMASH 4 6/25/10: Kana vs. Syuri
SMASH 5 7/24/10: Kana vs. Syuri
SMASH Happening EVE 12/24/10: Kana vs. TAJIRI
SMASH 20 8/11/11 1st SMASH Divas Title Decision Tournament Semifinal: Kana vs. Syuri
8/28/11: Kana vs. Ayumi Kurihara
9/4/11 Dual Shock Wave 2011 First Round Match: Ayumi Kurihara & Kana vs. Cherry & Shu Shubutani 15:08
9/26/11 Dual Shock Wave 2011 Semifinal Match: Ayumi Kurihara & Kana vs. GAMI & Tomoka Nakagawa 25:18
10/30/11 Dual Shock Wave 2011 Tag Tournament FINAL & WAVE 1st Tag Champions Title Decision Match: Kana & Ayumi Kurihara vs. Ran YuYu & Toshie Uematsu
11/16/11: Kana & Mio Shirai vs. Ayumi Kurihara & Shu Shibutani 17:58
Kana modeling DVD from 2012.
SMASH 21 9/8/11, 1st SMASH Divas Title Decision Match: Kana vs. Serena
Triple Tails 11/2/11: Munenori Sawa vs. Kana
SMASH 1/19/12, SMASH Divas Title Match: Tomoka Nakagawa vs. Kana
Kana modeling DVD from 2015.
12/26/14 REINA World Single Title Match: Syuri vs. Kana
Kana & Mio Shirai modeling DVD from 2012.
Triple Tails.S 12/18/11: Kana & TAJIRI vs. Mio Shirai & AKIRA
Triple Tails.S 2/25/12: Kana & Masato Tanaka vs. Mio Shirai & Shinjiro Otani
Haruka Kato's 1st modeling DVD from 2013.
Haruka Kato's 2nd modeling DVD from 2014.
Haruka Kato's 3rd modeling DVD from 2015.
REINA 10/30/14: Haruka Kato vs. Arisa Nakajima
Rumi Kazama naked modeling. Video companion to her Orage photobook.
Aoi Kizuki's 1st modeling DVD from 2014.
IR 7/30/14: Aoi Kizuki vs. 235 vs. Akane Fujita vs. Meari Naito 8:35
Aoi Kizuki's 2nd modeling DVD from 2015.
6/24/15 ICExInfinity Title: Kurumi vs. Aoi Kizuki 13:59
Aoi Kizuki's 3rd modeling DVD from 2017.
Yuka Kobayashi idol video from 2007. Karate training, karate match highlights, modeling, behind the scenes footage.
Konami's 1st modeling DVD from 2015.
Kana Pro 3/8/15: Kana & Konami vs. Syuri & Hikaru Shida
Sugao more specifically means a face without make-up, so this is kind of Megumi Kudo unmasked. It focuses on Kudo's life outside the ring showing her intense workout routine of lifting weights, jogging, and training at the dojo as well as going clothes shopping, cooking, and working with school children (she used to be a teacher).
Private footage of her trip to L.A. and best bouts highlights.
Kudo image video. Footage includes Kudo at the beach, working out, feeding fish, taking a bath, taking a shower (gratuitous butt shot.:), Kudo's birthday party. Also has some match highlights. Kudo looks SUPER!
Career retrospective video charting Kudo's career from her AJW days to the present. 30 matches shown in highlight form along with Kudo vs. Kandori barbed wire match from 3/14/97 in unedited form. Jaguar, Combat, Reibun, & Onita hang out with Kudo and look back on her career.
Megumi Kudo image video from 2015
4/29/97, Megumi Kudo Retirement Match, No Rope 200 Volt Double Hell Double Barbed Wire Barricade Double Landmine Glass Crush Electrical Barbed Wire Death Match, WWA & Independent Women's Double Title Match: Megumi Kudo vs. Shark Tsuchiya
Kurihara's trip to Mexico
5/29/10 Circo Volador, 1st X-LAW Women's Title Decision Match: A*YU*MI vs. La Chola vs. Dama X vs. Lady Afrodita vs. Lady Monster vs. Luna Magica vs. Casandra vs. Xena
5/29/10 Arena Mexico: Ayumi Kurihara & Marcela vs. La Comandante & Mima Shimoda
6/3/10 Arena Naucalpan: A*YU*MI vs. Tomoko Nakagawa
6/5/10 Arena Lopez Mateos, X-LAW Women's Title Match: Ayumi Kurihara vs. Tomoko Nakagawa
Lovely Butchers first modeling DVD from 2014.
7/30/14 Image DVD Elimination Hardcore Street Fight: Mochi Miyagi & Hamuko Hoshi vs. 2 Masked Men. Poolside garbage comedy match at the house the DVD is filmed at with Butchers using hot candle wax on the opposition, doing a big splash into the pool, etc.
*Vidcaps in Quebrada #47*
This is Motoya's first modeling video, which in this case they call "Idol wrestler sexy & image video." This is about what you would expect from a first video. Motoya in bathing suits was all I had to hear, and I wasn't disappointed. Of course, Kanako looks awesome. Read Comments.
Video of Kana's trip to Hawaii. Azumi Hyuga & Cuty Suzuki make appearances. DVD comes with Azumi Hyuga Azumi Aloha.
Motoya modeling video filmed in Hawaii. Companion to Love Fall making video.
7/23/01 Fukuoka: Kana Mizaki vs. Ran YuYu
7/29/01 Tokyo, Kana Mizaki Retirement Match: Ran YuYu & Kana Mizaki & Yuki Miyazaki vs. Azumi Hyuga & Carlos Amano & Tsubasa Kuragaki
Madusa Miceli modeling video.
Makoto's 2nd modeling video from 2009. Bonus bungy jump and training with Tsukasa Fujimoto.
Makoto's 2nd modeling video from 2012.
WAVE 4/8/12: Makoto vs. Moeka Haruhi
SMASH 17 5/3/11 Korakuen Hall: TAJIRI & Makoto vs. Hajime Ohara & Jessica Love vs. Michael Kovac & Lin "Bitch" Byron
Makoto's 3rd modeling video from 2013.
SMASH 1/29/11: Makoto vs. Serena 12:40
SMASH 12/30/11: Hardcore & Full Dress: Lin Bairon & Makoto vs. Kana & Tomoka Nakagawa 15:37
Makoto's 4th modeling video from 2013.
SMASH 8/11/11, 1st SMASH Divas Title Decision Tournament Semifinal: Makoto vs. Serena 13:10
Makoto's 5th modeling video from 2015.
9/30/14 WNC Women's Title: Makoto vs. Syuri 12:36
Makoto's 6th modeling video from 2017.
3/25/16: Makoto vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto. Digest
Makoto's 7th modeling video from 2017.
REINA 5/5/16: Makoto & Hanako Nakamori & Haruka Kato vs. Akane Fujita & Kaho Kobayashi & Miyako Matsumoto. Digest
Makoto modeling video from 2019.
Makoto modeling video from 2020.
Miyako Matsumoto's 1st modeling DVD from 2013
IR 2/11/13 Triangle Ribbon Champion Decision Tournament Final: Mio Shirai vs. Miyako Matsumoto vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto
Miyako Matsumoto's 2nd modeling DVD from 2018.
Haruka Matsuo private video from 2002.
Apple Miyuki modeling DVD from 2005.
11/8/19: Dalys la Caribena & La Amapola & Reyna Isis vs. La Jarochita & Sanely & Shoko Nakajima 14:17
11/11/19: La Jarochita & Lluvia & Shoko Nakajima vs. La Comandante & Metalica & Reyna Isis 12:56
11/15/19: Dalys la Caribena & Reyna Isis & Tiffany vs. La Jarochita & Princesa Sugehit & Shoko Nakajima 13:4
sightseeing, training at Rey Bucanero's Gym, making of Pinata photobook, etc.
Hiroe Nagahama's 1st modeling DVD from 2016.
Hanako Nakamori's 1st modeling DVD from 2012.
JWP 7/10/11, Hanako Nakamori Debut 5th Anniversary Special Match: Hanako Nakamori vs. Takako Inoue
Hanako Nakamori's 2nd modeling DVD from 2017.
6/26/16: Hanako Nakamori vs. Cat Power. Digest
Aja Kong & Bull Nakano & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa. This was shot in Bull-cam. Basically the showed close shots of what she was doing the whole time. This is interesting since you never get such close shots otherwise, but it's hard to enjoy the match this way since you aren't really seeing what's going on between the legal wrestlers on several occassions.
Bull Nakano & Kyoko Inoue vs. Aja Kong & Akira Hokuto. Not an all out effort, but it shows how good these four were when their matches on non-descript house shows at this point are better than most of the women's matches on the "big" shows of today. Aja seemed to work the hardest. ***1/4
Aja Kong & Bull Nakano vs. Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue. Like the last match, it wasn't their A match, but it was still quite good. Toyota looked really good at times, but was also kind of sloppy. ***1/4
Interspersed between the matches is footage of Bull's room, Bull eating, walking around with her leather jacket that says "fuck" on the back, etc.
Kaori's 1st modeling video from 1997. Making video for her ETUDE photobook. DVD comes with Ayako Hamada Andromeda.
Mika Nagano training and self defense video from 2011. Pervy footage of Nagano's daily workout showing what she does to tone each part of the body, sparring, and self defense instructional fending off DDT's Tanomusaku Toba.
Mika Nishio & Mirei modeling DVD from 2004.
Noumi and partner Miho Wakizawa make their 1st image videos in Hawaii. Since they are both there, Miho is in some of the scenes, including putting Kayo in a udehishigigyakujujigatame on her bed.
Kayo's 1st modelling DVD from 2003. This isn't the glamourpuss self promoting crap we are stuck with in the US. For most of the DVD, you can actually see Kayo's face rather than that of an amateur of disguise hiding behind gobs of gook. She doesn't spend the whole time trying to sell you on how sexy she is, which makes perfect sense because this isn't drop a coin in and hope like a peep show; with millions of models you wouldn't spend $30 on her if you didn't already like her. Kayo pretty much goes about her business, not being overly concerned by the camera's presence. She mainly does her normal routine like working out (which focuses on flexiblity necessary for actual women's wrestling rather than tightening her body so she can look more like a Barbie) and taking a shower, letting the production team do their job. On that end their are mixed results, especially the way the lone match highlights (her 5/11/03 upset over Shimoda) are shown with mostly tight shots of Kayo and just a little box in the corner for the regular distance footage that lets you observe the match rather than just Noumi, but putting the rest to classical music almost always helps.
*I have a limited amount of 1st gen SP VHS copies available*
11/3/06 Nagisa Nozaki Debut: Kyoko Inoue & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Takako Inoue
Yuki Miyazaki vs. Nagisa Nozaki
12/31/06 Yuri Urai vs. Nagisa Nozaki 7:17
2/18/07 Aya Yuuki vs. Nagisa Nozaki 10:39
5/3/07 Aya Yuuki & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Arisa Nakajima & Kaori Oki 8:03
some behind the scenes footage including training & bungy jumping
Ofune modeling. Billed as the "World's first masked women's pro-wrestler image DVD".
Misaki Ohata's 1st modeling DVD from 2012.
10/9/11 WAVE: Misaki Ohata & Cherry vs. GAMI & Sakura Hirota
4/18/12 WAVE: Misaki Ohata vs. Toshie Uematsu
6/17/12 WAVE: Misaki Ohata vs. Yumi Oka
Misaki Ohata's 2nd modeling DVD from 2013.
WAVE 11/27/11, WAVE Tag Title Match: GAMI & Tomoko Nakagawa vs. Misaki Ohata & Tsukasa Fujimoto
Yumi Oka modeling.
Yumi Oka modeling DVD from 2005.
Yumi Oka modeling DVD from 2006. Includes her song resurrection.
Yumi Oka highlight video featuring clips from the various stages of her career
Departure: Jd' 2001 - 2002
Graduation: Jd' 2003
Challenge: Jd' 2003
A Bond: Jd' 2003 - 2004
Responsibility: Jd' 2004 - 2005
Confidence: Jd' 2005
Despair: Jd Star 2005 - 2007
Resurrection: Jd' Star 2007 - 2010
Wish: Stardom 8/28/11
Yumi Oka modeling DVD from 2013
JD Star 11/24/03: The Bloody & Yumi Oka vs. Fang Suzuki & Crow
WAVE 12/5/10, NWA Pacific & NEO Single Double Title Match: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Yumi Oka
Cuty image video from 1990. Candy image video from 1995.
Candy Okutsu modeling video from 1996. DVD comes with Candy Okutsu ATHENA.
Candy's 2nd modeling video from 1998. This goes along with her photobook of the same name. *Review and captures in Quebrada #48*. DVD comes with Candy Okutsu Maiden Voyage.
*Vidcaps in Quebrada #47*
Omukai's first modeling video, which goes along with her (2nd) photobook of the same name. This is one of the great modeling videos. I can't really chose between this video and Fukawa's, but both rule because they are really well made and the women look great. I guess it's a matter of taste. Fukawa is incredibly beautiful, while Omukai is incredibly sexy. Fukawa has an awesome face, while Omukai has an awesome body. Omukai's video has a lot more footage where she doesn't have a top on, so maybe that gives this the edge? Read Comments . DVD comes with Aphrodite in Yumi Fukawa.
Michiko Omukai nude modeling DVD. Goes with her photobook of the same title.
This is a 5-member personal video. The tape has a feature on each woman which consists of modeling in a dress, modeling in a bathing suit, an interview, and an activity, for example Wakizawa surfing or Motoya taking a trip to an amusement park. In between the features of one woman there are group activities such as them lighting off fireworks, which is kind of funny because Chiharu is so scared of them (she hides under a table). Motoya carries this tape like Shiro Koshinaka used to carry the NJ stiffs. She is incredibly attractive. Kosugi looks prettier than normal and Chiharu is no slouch either, but they simply can't hold a candle to the exotic young babe Motoya.
Mayumi Ozaki & Cuty Suzuki modeling video
Ozaki & Cuty sexy modeling video + Mayumi Ozaki's "Sexual Private Video." Fascination is unfortunately Ozaki's only solo modeling video, from the A La Carte photobook shoot.
8/17/95 Osaka: Ozaki vs. Hikari Fukuoka. Excellent match.
3/17/95 Hakata Starlanes Street Fight: Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai. ****1/2 in unedited form, but this version ruins the build of the match by snipping parts out.
10/15/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Ozaki vs. Cuty Suzuki
11/4/95 Kawagoe: Ozaki & Cuty vs. Fukuoka & Kansai
Plus extra curricular activities such as Oz learning to ride a horse, learning to scuba dive, etc!
RENA career highlights DVD
Reika Saiki modeling DVD from 2016.
Reika Saiki modeling DVD from 2017.
The first "all nude" video from the top heavy idol/jockey/announcer/failed shooter, filmed in a "private paradise" in Mexico in 1999. This is not one of those making videos videos that plays like an infomercial for the book, and it's a lot more risque than any similar video the wrestlers have put out.
Sakuraba nude modeling. Companion to the photobook and her Ultimate Hunter action movie (from the same Guardless series as the Cuty Suzuki movie).
Unagi Sayaka modeling DVD from 2015.
Risa Sera's 1st image video from 2017.
7/3/16: Risa Sera vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto. Digest
Shu Shibutani modeling DVD from 2006.
Hikaru Shida's 1st modeling video from 2014.
4/13/14: Hikaru Shida vs. Athena
Hikaru Shida's 2nd modeling video from 2015.
8/28/14: Hikaru Shida & Masato Tanaka vs. Kana & Kenny Omega
Shimoda lifestyle video from 1996 celebrating the 10th anniversary of her debut. Shimoda looking very hot modeling in bathing suits and lingerie! Footage from her trip to Bangkok including her parasailing and going to the zoo. Some match highlights.
8/16/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Class of 1987 10th Anniversary Match, 2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Mima Shimoda & Manami Toyota vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita 6:28 of 6:33, 0:47 of 5:53, 5:21 of 7:21. Spectacular, hyper action from start to finish. They went for a blow away match, pulling big spots from the outset. The audience threw tons of streamers before the match, and were rabid throughout, believing in every near fall. Toyota was really on today, but the edit obviously featured Shimoda, who gave a big effort but couldn't control her body as precisely. Yamada mainly worked with Shimoda, and gave one of her better performances of the year. **** range
Making of the Mima Shimoda nude photobook from 2003
10/31/10: Cynthia Moreno & El Gato Eveready & Mary Apache vs. Kaguya (Mio Shirai) & Oyuki (Io Shirai) & Yuriko
10/18/10: Alissa Flash & Kitzune Nanoko vs. Cynthia Moreno & Esther Moreno
11/22/10: Jennifer Blake & Kaguya & Oyuki vs. Cynthia Moreno & Faby Apache & Mary Apache
11/7/10: Kaguya & Oyuki vs. Faby Apache & Mary Apache 8:40
Io Shirai Debut 5th Anniversary ~Carino!~ 3/4/12 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st Ring
IOTICA vs. Yuzupon Mask
Io Shirai & Dark Angel vs. Nanae Takahashi & Miho Wakizawa
5/9/12 Mexico LUCHA FAN FEST 5: Io Shirai & Keira vs. Chica Tormenta & La Vaquerita
7/22/12 Tokyo, 5-STAR Grand Prix Entrance Rumble: Io Shirai, Mayu Iwatani, Kairi Hojo, Yuhi, Yuuri Haruka, Saki Kashima, Miho Wakizawa and Natsuki*Taiyo
9/30/12 Tokyo: Io Shirai & Dark Angel vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Kairi Hojo
Kana & Mio Shirai modeling DVD from 2012.
Triple Tails.S 12/18/11: Kana & TAJIRI vs. Mio Shirai & AKIRA
Triple Tails.S 2/25/12: Kana & Masato Tanaka vs. Mio Shirai & Shinjiro Otani
Mio Shirai modeling DVD from 2012.
SMASH 9/8/11 No Rule Free Weapon Match: Mio Shirai vs. Takuya Kito
Triple Tails.S 5/6/12: Mio Shirai vs. Tiger's Mask
Triple Tails.S 11/2/11: Mio Shirai vs. Toshie Uematsu
The video complement of The Goddess' photobook of the same name. Kind of a cross between the making of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, without all the wasted time on talking, and a lengthy music video. It's a half hour of The Goddess, IMO, easily the best looking women ever to make a living in the wrestling business, and she's wearing bathing suits or underwear almost the entire time, so what more is there to say?
Being the world's biggest Goddess mark, I probably can't comment objectively about this tape, so I won't even try. I can't help the fact that there's no one I'd rather look at. Anyway, this is the video compliment of The Goddess' #1 and THE BEST modeling photobook Desire. The Goddess wearing bathing suits, bikinis cut off jeans, etc. The Goddess in the bathtub. The Goddess in bed with nothing but a sheet to cover her. Drool~!
2/13/00 Kyoto KBS Hall, CMLL JAPAN Joshi Senshukenjiai: Chikako Shiratori vs. La Diabolica
3/23/00 Strait Messe Shimonoseki CMLL JAPAN Joshi Senshukenjiai: Chikako Shiratori vs. Yuki Miyazaki 12:29
3/24/00 Okayama Budokan, Osaka Puroresu Special Mixed Match: Super Delfin & Super CHIKAKO & Super Demekin vs. Kuishinbo Kamen & Ebessan & Yuki Miyazaki 19:15
Chikako Shiratori sings
Natsu Sumire's 1st modeling video from 2016.
Syuri modeling video from 2013
SMASH 25 2/19/12, SMASH Divas Title: Kana vs. Syuri
WAVE 6/24/12: Syuri vs. Ayumi Kurihara
6/27/13: Syuri vs. Tiffany
5/25/13: Syuri vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru
6/28/13: El Hijo del Pantera & Koji Doi & Makoto & TAJIRI vs. AKIRA & Michael Kovac & Osamu Nishimura & Syuri 22:00
8/10/13 WNC Women's Title: Syuri vs. Serena
8/7/13 WNC Women's Title League: Syuri vs. Makoto
5/18/13: El Hijo del Pantera & Lin Byron & TAJIRI vs. AKIRA & Gran Hamada & Syuri 18:32
3/15/14 Arena Mexico: Dalys la Caribena & La Amapola & Tiffany vs. Estrellita & La Silueta & Syuri
3/18/14 Arena Mexico: Dark Angel & Marcela & Syuri vs. Princesa Blanca & Princesa Sujei & Zeuxis
3/20/14 Arena Mexico, 2/3 Falls REINA-CMLL International Title: Syuri vs. La Amapola
3/21/14 Arena Puebla: Dark Angel & Estrellita & Syuri vs. La Amapola & La Comandante & Tiffany
3/22/14 Arena Mexico: Dark Angel & Goya Kong & Syuri vs. La Amapola & La Seductora & Mima Shimoda
Cuty's first image video from 1989. She plays around on the Island's beach and trains with Atsushi Onita of all people.
Cuty Suzuki modeling video from 1990. Plum Mariko joins her at the pool.
Cuty Fight
Miyagi Kobayashi Shimin Taiikukan: Cuty Suzuki & Harley Saito vs. Moon Ayako & Yukari Osawa
Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Cuty Suzuki vs. Plum Mariko
behind the scenes segments such as wrestling practice, reading in the bedroom, hanging out on the beach, etc
Foul Play
a 25 min version of cuty revolution
Cuty modeling video from 1990.
Cuty image video from 1990. Candy image video from 1995
Mayumi Ozaki & Cuty Suzuki modeling video
Lifestyle video showing Cuty's life outside the ring. It has a little modeling, but it's more a behind the scenes video showing her hanging out with her wrestling friends (Kansai comes to her apartment and starts going through her things to be a pain), having dinner with her parents, playing with her dog. It also shows her wrestling in the dojo (the part where her and Ozaki are practicing a match is pretty good). From 1994.
Profile, music (Cuty & Takako duet Sailing You), talk, fight (5/22/94 Cuty vs. Takako highlights), private, image, together & tomorrow
This is the video complement to Cuty's photo book. Footage from the photo shoots themselves with Cuty in lingerie, bathing suits, etc along with the usual activities that are shown on these hour tapes like footage from Cuty's trip to Hollywood.
Cuty modeling DVD put out to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her debut. Filmed in California.
Cuty modeling. A DVD rerelease of Love Fall Vol. 1
Cuty modeling. A DVD rerelease of her Scholar video idol video.
This is made by the same company, TAKE SHOBO, that made the legendary Ozaki Fascination image video. They once again did a great job. Cuty looks a lot better than she normally does, which says something. She's not nearly as Cute as she used to be, but she more than makes up for it by being a whole lot sexier. She's become a lot better model than she was a wrestler, which isn't really saying much except that she wrestled full time for 13 years and just did some modeling on the side, but I'm all for her getting more practice if you know what I mean.:) The modeling footage is well shot, sexy and erotic, but the making footage is just a waste. I mean, this was hardly the JWP as long as we have Kana in a bathing suit it doesn't matter how pathetic the production is, they had a lot of style. However, it's not like they are Jeunet, Lucas, or Cameron. They are doing it well, but not exactly doing anything revelolutionary. The making part really killed the SM scene because that needed to be shown all the way through first so it could seem "real" and then maybe it would have all the intensity it needed to work. Instead, it was all disjointed because they just did scenes with a lot of time lapse for the book instead of shooting the footage to fill the gaps for the video, and they showed how fake it was by going to shots of them making it. Mainly the making was just a camera farther back so you could see a photographer snapping photos. Luckily, this portion was hardly an integral part of the video like the title might suggest, and this wasn't one of those videos where they showed 10 different versions of the same 15 second scene. Unfortunately, the nudity also wasn't an integral part of the video. I would have bought it without any nudity and been happier in the sense that it's annoying that they advertise nudity, but then are constantly shying away from delivering any during the portions where she has no clothes on. For me, the video was actually better the second time because I knew what to expect and could enjoy all the top quality portions instead of expecting nudity and making and barely getting any for the former and not getting near the quality of the rest of the video from the later.
Cuty Suzuki nude modelling. Companion to her Guardless Second Mission photobook and the second part of the shooting for her Guardless action movie.
Cuty Suzuki action movie.
Cuty modeling video from 2002.
Cuty nude modeling.
Cuty nude modeling.
Keiji Muto puts Cuty Suzuki through his special training workout to make your body strong. Kotetsu Yamamoto oversees, and a lot of the NJPW guys are seen working out at the dojo. I can't help but snicker at Muto showing Cuty the jujigatame but not the vaunted figure 4.
Rika Takahashi's 1st modeling DVD from 2006
Nozumi Takesako modeling DVD from 2006.
Image video & documentary for the entire roster from 2015
AJ Title: Manami Toyota vs. Toshiyo Yamada
Personal video of Yamada & Toyota from 1994 in Saipan for a photo shoot and to make a rock video for "Power on the Dream." Highlight of the tape is Toyota moonsaulting into a pool. Comes with Toyota-Yamada 12/8/89
Manami Toyota vs. Yumiko Hotta 19:52. Toyota vs. Hotta would have been a great series if it were marked by the sort of positive attitude both displayed here. In a sense it was more Hotta’s match becuse she drilled Toyota with kick after kick, but she also sold Toyota’s aerial attack quite a bit, so it was very much a back and forth contest. They didn’t waste must time, and really stepped the action up at the 15-minute mark. ***3/4
Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada 21:50. Yamada worked so much that, until the later stages, you could almost forget Hokuto was even in the match. Normally that wouldn’t be a positive, but since Yamada was Hotta’s best opponent in these days, it definitely wasn’t a bad thing. Yamada could do the quasi UWF style well, more or less matching Hotta’s stiffness and intensity. The two big hitters traded blows in the best manner, making it a big deal when one broke through in any regard by forcing the opponent to sell, go down, or pretend to be injured. The match would have been much better suited to Yamada or Hotta’s tape. Toyota’s offense is never going to connect with the force or precision of those two, so while she did fine, she’s not going to stand out in a match built around stiffness the way she does in the usual match built around ring work or workrate. ***1/2
Manami Toyota vs. Etsuko Mita 16:44. Mita didn’t yield to Toyota even though Toyota is the far bigger star. She played her game, using her size and power, turning it into a brawl when she had the opportunity. They generally worked at Mita’s methodical pace, with bursts of action from Toyota. Though you never quite believed Mita could win, she made a good enough showing. The problem here is neither seemed to take it as a particularly important match, so they were content to apply no more effort than was necessary to make it good. ***
This tape has a very good Toyota vs. Sakie Hasegawa match from 10/4/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, a good Toyota & Ito vs. Kyoko Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe Tag League The Best '95 match from 10/15/95 Hakata Star Lanes, old wrestling footage of Toyota including her Japan Grand Prix '90 win, & highlights of Toyota's favorite spots. It also has several non-wrestling features including Toyota dressing up in a "China outfit."
The first 2 hours show highlights of Toyota's best and most famous matches including winning the Japan Grand Prix, the great series vs. Toshiyo Yamada culminating with the famous hair vs. hair match, Toyota & Yamada defeating Aja & Bison to win WWWA tag, teaming with Yamada vs. Ozaki & Kansai in three classic matches, Toyota defeating Aja for WWWA Title, Toyota's legendary 60 minute draw with Kyoko Inoue, & Toyota defeating Kansai for to win the WWWA World Single Title for the second time. The last 40 minutes is the 30 round match for Korakuen Hall on 12/25/95
Toyota hangs out with Nanae Takahashi & Momoe Nakanishi then wrestles them
Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito vs. Nanae Takahashi & Momoe Nakanishi
Yuka Tsuji document features.training, match highlights, behind the scenes footage, etc.
2/7/20 Arena Mexico 2/3 Falls: Marcela & Princesa Sugehit & Tsukushi vs. Dalys la Caribena & Metalica & Reyna Isis 17:27
2/11/20 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara 2/3 Falls: Avispa Dorada & Sanely & Tsukushi vs. La Comandante & Metalica & Tiffany
2/14/20 Arena Mexico 2/3 Falls: Dalys la Caribena & La Amapola & Reyna Isis vs. Marcela & Princesa Sugehit & Tsukushi
Highlights of Tsukushi's Mexican trip including sightseeing & training & etc.
Miho and partner Kayo Noumi make their 1st image videos in Hawaii. Since they are both there, Kayo is in some of the scenes.
This DVD features several match highlights from the final months of MihoKayo plus out of the ring footage like them posing in the pool, visiting Miho's apartment, bowling, playing tennis, and so on.
12/16/01 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan Miho Wakizawa Intai Jiai Wacky Final Smile: Miho Wakizawa vs. Kayo Noumi. A good match for them. They kept it simple early on then Wakizawa started going to her "big" moves at 8:00. Wakizawa got the majority of the offense in since she was losing, which boded well since even an injured up Wakizawa has far better moves and execution than Noumi. Everything was well executed for Noumi. Well there was a lot of repetition since neither are capable of doing much, I'd certainly rather see more missile kicks, fisherman busters, and doublewrist armsaults and the usual goofiness. Actually, this was probably as serious as MihoKayo gets. Although it had surprisingly little atmosphere, especially for a retirement match, this is probably the best match they've had against one another. Noumi pinned Wakizawa with her own fishermanbuster. During Wakizawa's retirement ceremony, Rumi & Takako made it look like they were going to have Eagle beat Miho up. However, they "doublecrossed" Eagle with a double DDT and had Wakizawa pin her with a diving body press. **1/2
Michael Smith's comments: The match started out slowly being that they were using very basic moves. The first few minutes were very reminiscent of a "green" girls match from say '94 or '95. That and the strategy of using eardrum piercing screams to make each other deaf took away from this match a bit. There were however a lot of nice near falls (which unfortunately were hurt by the lack of heat) over the last few minutes including Kayo rolling through on a top rope hurancanrana for a two count and another two count off Kayo's rolling doublewrist armsaults. It's a good thing this was Miho retirement match in the sense that Kayo surviving 5 fisherman's busters killed Wakizawa's finisher dead. Noumi eventually got the win with a fisherman's buster of her own that came off more like a regular fisherman's suplex (minus the bridging pin attempt). They kept the goofiness down in this match which helped it be better than I had expected going in. As I said before, the lack of heat hurt them but overall I feel they still put out a **1/2 effort. Miho got alot of streamers before and after the match, which makes you wonder why the crowd couldn't support her during it. I think she could come back though and be successful if she recovers from her injuries and decides she wants to wrestle again. She never was or will be a great worker but she and Kayo both have a lot of charisma as a team and since standards aren't as high as they were in the mid-late '90s, she certainly has a solid place in today's era.
Hisae Watanabe document features.training, match highlights, behind the scenes footage, etc.
Yagi training and working out, working with Amano on her matwork, various stills from her childhood and early career, etc.
1/9/94 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Yagi vs. Hikari Fukuoka. Yagi's debut. 2:43 shown
6/16/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall HIROMI YAGI BIG CHALLENGE 3: Hiromi Yagi vs. Aja Kong. 6:09 shown
7/7/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall HIROMI YAGI BIG CHALLENGE 3: Hiromi Yagi vs. Takako Inoue. 6:02 shown
8/16/96 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan 2 HIROMI YAGI BIG CHALLENGE 3 Final Match: Yagi vs. Super Heel Devil Masami. Complete.
9/8/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall HIROMI YAGI BIG CHALLENGE 3 EXTRA!: Yagi vs. Jaguar Yokota. A very good match that's clearly a level above any that were part of the challenge. 5:45 shown
Yinling erotic video from 2002.
Yinling erotic spy movie from 2003 where she's a half Russian agent sent to Japan to retrieve an evil scientist purpetrating Nazi experiments.
Yinling modeling video from 2006.
Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki visit a petting zoo
Maya Yukihi's 1st modeling video from 2017.
7/18/16: Maya Yukihi vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto. Digest
Yuna modeling DVD from 2006.