Yoshimoto Pro-Wrestling Jd' Videos ISO

Jd' BS Japan 1/19/02 taped 12/29/01 Tokyo
& Jd' BS Japan 1/26/02 taped 1/13/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

Jd' TV 1/19/02 taped 12/29/01 Tokyo

Hiromi Yagi & Kyuuseininja Ranmaru vs. Ariya & Cyber Iizuka

Athtress sings "Happy * Happy"

Jd' Jr Tournament Round 1:

MARU vs. Haruka Matsuo

Emi Tojo vs. Ayano Omori

1/26/02 taped 1/13/02 Tokyo

Jd' Jr Tournament Semifinals:

MARU vs. Emi Tomimatsu

Emi Tojo vs. Chiaki Nishi

Athtress live performance & video of "Happy * Happy"

The Bloody & Toshie Uematsu vs. Sumie Sakai & Chikayo Nagashima

Jd' Jr Tournament Final: MARU vs. Emi Tojo

Jd' BS Japan 2/2/02 & 2/9/02 taped 1/27/02 Differ Ariake
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

2/2/02 taped 1/27/02

AWF & QOR Double Title, Metal Garage Match II: Fang Suzuki vs. Sumie Sakai vs. Sachie Abe vs. KAZUKI

2/9/02 taped 1/27/02

Athress Battle Royal

Jd' Jr. Title Triangle Match: MARU vs. Chiaki Nishi then MARU vs. Haruka Matsuo

Megumi Yabushita & Hiromi Yagi vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

Jd' BS Japan 2/16/02 Jd' No Holds Barred taped 1/13/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& Jd' BS Japan 2/23/02 taped 2/17/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex


Marloes Coenen vs. Megumi Yabushita R1 2:27


Teruko Kagawa & Keiko Furuta & Emi Tojo vs. Chiaki Kashiwada & Yumi Oka & Mizuho Ishikawa 9:25

Kyuseininja Ranmaru vs. Ariya 9:25

AWF Women’s Title Match: Sumie Sakai vs. Hiroyo Muto 17:35

Battle Station Jd' 2/19/02 PROJECT; NGK taped 1/20/02 Osaka NGK Studio
-1hr 55min. Q=TV Master

MARU vs. Hiroyo Muto

Ariya & Chiaki Nishi vs. Ranmaru & Haruka Matsuo

Fang Suzuki vs. Sachie Abe

Hiromi Yagi & Obatchi Iizuka vs. The Bloody & KAZUKI

Megumi Yabushita vs. Sumie Sakai 15:33 of 19:23. The expected submission oriented match, but they had a little more time than they needed, so early on they were kind of passive, utilizing low activity abdominal stretches and crabs. As the match progressed, they shifted to be more developed sequences and artistic counters into shoot submissions. It seemed like the first 9 minutes were kind of pedestrian, but then it started getting really good when Sakai rolled through a wakigatame attempt, then turned a German suplex into a victory roll. Later, Yabushita was able to counter a diving body attack into a wakigatame. There's was a nice spot where Sakai ducked a lariat and hit the quebrada. The match definitely could have used more focus and less meandering, but when they did a sequence or counter, it was very explosive and impressive. ***1/4
MS: It's always a pleasure to watch these two wrestle because of how fluid and smooth their matwork is. Sakai was particularly impressive here and of course Yabushita was more than able to hold up her end of the match as well. Generally speaking I'm not a big fan of MMA/shoot-style wrestling, but Megumi and Sumie are about as good as it gets when it comes to encorporating those genres into a "normal" wrestling match and as a result I always enjoy watching their work. Plus they mix in enough highspots and other moves to keep the flow going and never go into "resthold" territory. ***1/4

Jd' Video Series VOL 6 Jd' & ATHTRESS ~2002 Best Bout~ Commercial Tape 1/27/02-12/15/02
-2he Q=VG

8/18/02 TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament Final: KAZUKI & Sachie Abe vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyuusei Ninja Ranmaru

1/27/02 Queen Of The Ring & AWF World Women's Double Title Decision Four Way Cage Match: Fang Suzuki vs. Sumie Sakai vs. KAZUKI vs. Sachie Abe

3/22/02 Queen of the Ring Title Match: Fang Suzuki vs. The Bloody 22:13

12/15/02 Tag League The Best '02 League Match: Momoe Nakanishi & Kayo Noumi vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita

9/23/02 LSD 2002 Rules Match: Sachie Abe vs. The Bloody 30:25

7/27/02: The Bloody & TSUNAMI vs. Sachie Abe & Fang Suzuki 18:27

Battle Station Jd' 3/20/02 taped 2/9/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=TV Master

Chiaki Nishi vs. Chitose Yamamoto. The only thing Nishi does well is a snapmare, which she does so much you get sick of it. No glaring errors, but dull inept wrestling. 8:36. DUD

MARU vs. Kaori Yoneyama. Yoneyama carried this, but MARU offered nothing, so it was just Yoneyama doing her moves for 8 minutes. The thing is Yoneyama didn't even have to use her best moves because MARU never competed, and Yoneyama doesn't have much offense beyond those few impressive spots. Yoneyama does do her moves well though. 8:21. *

Making footage of some kind of action comedy movie

Yuki Miyazaki vs. Obatchi Iizuka. There was one good spot where Obatchi slid through the ropes into a headbutt, but Miyazaki avoided. Otherwise, it was beyond retarded. Obatchi put her fingers up Miyazaki's nose. After arguing with the ref, who didn't want to get boogered, she put her fingers up her own nose and "passed out". 3:53 of 12:12

Fang Suzuki & Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita & Ariya. Lots of action, thoug the moves weren't crisply executed. The match was fine when Ariya wasn't in, but she was really sloppy as usual. 7:50 of 20:00

TWF Sekai Tag Senshukenjiai: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita. Nice moves and some good sequences, but a chaotic helter skelter match. Abe & KAZUKI didn't show anything, but Yabushita & Sakai were good. 7:42 of 12:12

Jd' BS Japan 3/2/02 taped 2/17/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
& Jd' BS Japan 3/9/02 Athress SP
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

3/2/02 taped 2/17/02

Fang Suzuki vs. Obacchi Iizuka

Jd' Jr. Title: MARU vs. Kaori Yoneyama

TWF Tag Title: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai


Athress Features

Wrestlers at restaurant reviewing their favorite matches

Jd' BS Japan 3/16/02 taped 3/3/02 Tokyo
& Jd' BS Japan 3/23/02 taped 3/3/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

Jd' TV 3/16/02 taped 3/3/02 day

3 Way Match: Yumi Oka vs. Emi Tojo vs. Mitsuko Ishikawa

Fang Suzuki & Keiko Furuta vs. Sachie Abe & Chiaki Kashida

Sumie Sakai vs. Teruko Kagawa

3/23/02 taped 3/3/02 night

Emi Tojo & Chiaki Kashida vs. Teruko Kagawa & Yumi Oka

MARU vs. Chiaki Nishi

Fang Suzuki & Shark Tsuchiya vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI

Hiroyo Muto & Kyuuseininja Ranmaru vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita

Jd' BS Japan 3/30/02 & 4/6/02 taped 3/22/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

Athtress feature

Teruko Kagawa & Keiko Furuta & Chiaki Kashida vs. Yumi Oka & Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa 16:14

MARU vs. Chitose Yamamoto 6:47

Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI 10:54

Queen of the Ring Title Match: Fang Suzuki vs. The Bloody 22:13

Jd' BS Japan 4/13/02 & 4/20/02 taped 3/31/02 Tokyo Ryutsu Central Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

MARU vs. Mari Kuwada 10:20

Emi Tojo vs. Mizuho Ishikawa 8:28

The Bloody vs. Sachie Abe 18:25

Chiaki Nishi retirement

Obacchi Iizuka vs. Yumi Oka 9:26

Fang Suzuki & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru vs. Sumie Sakai & Ariya 15:36

Megumi Yabushita vs. Hiroyo Muto 11:15

Jd' BS Japan 4/27/02 taped 4/7/02 Tokyo
& Jd' BS Japan 5/4/02 taped 4/7/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

Jd' TV 4/27/02 taped 4/7/02 Tokyo

Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Yumi Oka

KAZUKI & MARU vs. Obatchi Iizuka & Chitose Yamamoto

The Bloody vs. Megumi Yabushita 13:48. They kept this to a reasonable length, so they were able to go hard and bring junior style action from start to finish. Bloody isn't as technical as Sakai, but she has a much better idea of how to construct a match and keep things moving. Bloody was strategically trying to stay away from submission wrestling, bringing big action and chaos as usual, but Yabushita would still find a way to get her technical wrestling in, even if it meant countering with a flying armbar. This was a little sloppy, but a fast paced and exciting match with several big moves, including avalanche versions of the dragon suplex and armbar. There was a cool spot where Bloody tried to counter Yabushita's swandive move with a forearm, but Yabushita caught the arm and did a rope hanging arm bar, which didn't seem contrived and jokey like Tajiri's tarantula. Yabushita then used a swandive sunset flip, but rather than trying for the pinfall, went right into a knee bar. ***3/4

5/4/02 taped 4/7/02 Tokyo

Sachie Abe vs. Kyuuseininja Ranmaru

Sumie Sakai vs. Emi Tojo

Fang Suzuki vs. Hiroyo Muto

Jd' RED ZONE #2 6/16/02 taped 3/31/02 Tokyo Allen Hall
& Jd' RED ZONE #3 7/14/02 taped 4/29/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=TV Master


Obatchi Iizuka vs. Yumi Oka. A mockery. Oka posed for pictures, painted Obatchi's face in the middle of the match, and so on. She had to pose before doing her lame elbow drop, so perhaps we should call it the schoolgirl's elbow? There wasn't enough in Oka's head to break the daikon on the first try. 6:12 of 9:26. -**

Emi Tojo vs. Mizuho Ishikawa. Atrocious match with tons of mechanical, poorly executed moves. Hilarious kakato otoshi by Ishikawa. 4:21 of 8:29

MARU vs. Mari Kuwada. 2:48 of 10:20

Sumie Sakai & Ariya vs. Fang Suzuki & Ranmaru. Sakai was in a class by herself. Normally Fang could go near her level, but she wasn't at her best today, partially because she was mostly stuck with Ariya. Seemed average. 4:42 of 15:36

Megumi Yabushita vs. Hiroyo Muto. They worked pretty well together with Yabushita's athleticism contrasting (and setting up) Muto's power. Muto isn't in Yabushita's class on the mat, but Yabushita doesn't really work to her submissions anyway so it didn't hurt the match like it might have if Yabushita was a more credible submission wrestler. 7:10 of 11:15. **

The Bloody vs. Sachie Abe. An all out match that was supposed to be a great match, but was incredibly unbelievable. Abe started off in Toyota like fashion with a springboard body attack while still in her ring robe, but it was that much more ridiculous because she had to climb from the middle to the top before doing the move to her unharmed opponent. Bloody quickly went hardcore, but since Abe is also influenced by poor woman's Toyota KAORU she uses a broken table half for flying moves. Abe is executing her flying a little better, but the main problem was how contrived it was because she has no other offense thus she goes to it when her opponent is fresh, when they aren't in prone positions, and so on. 13:29 of 18:25. *3/4

Chiaki Nishi retirement ceremony


Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obatchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 6:36 of 9:27. Mostly serious match that was funny only because Tojo & Ishikawa found every possible way to poorly execute their offense. Rob Van Tojo has to do a forward roll to show off before her deadly dropkick, and by the time she's actually ready for the move her opponent is too close. Oka sold the whole time. -*

Chitose Yamamoto & Emi Tomimatsu vs. Maya Sakai & Apple Miyuki 3:24 of 5:19. Far more watchable than the previous match. The K-Dojo team stuck to basic moves and heel tactics, mainly executing them adequately. Each wrestler pulled off one big move.

Masked Heroine Dream Match: Ranmaru vs. noki-A 6:35 of 12:32. Some good flying. A played arrogant heel to get the fans to root for Maru. Nothing that would make you think Maru would win, but the work was pretty good.

Sachie Abe vs. KAZUKI 2:49 of 15:30. A mess of a brawl. They threw trash cans at each other then settled on one to use. Someone threw a board in for Abe, several feet over her head.

QOR Senshuken: Fang Suzuki vs. Nanae Takahashi 8:05 of 20:02. Good or better match that was probably one of the better Jd' matches of 2002. Awesomely professional compared to everything that came before with the exception of noki-A's match. Fang was in top form here, extracting a surprisingly dramatic match from Takahashi. They made you believe in the near falls, and were able to do several minutes of them without exhausting or killing all their moves.

TWF Sekai Tag Senshuken: Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI 12:48 of 18:36. Lioness wouldn't sell much for the younger wrestlers, but she could get around one or two stiffs and use her routine to have a good match. These younger girls have good matches with each other, but the league lacks the depth to keep programming them against each other and they haven't figured out how to circumvent the stiffs. TSUNAMI is one amazing stiff. She mistimed ever step in her sequences with Sakai, insisted on kicking even though she seemingly can only lift her legs 8 inches off the ground, and is even hesitant just running. TSUNAMI is so slow the others could do 3 or 4 spots before she even ascended to the middle rope. TSUNAMI badly needed to be spotted. She should have come in after 5 minutes and used her size to clean house once or twice. One problem is Bloody is the star of the league, so it's hard to ask her to do the selling to protect a cow everyone knows has no business in the main event. With TSUNAMI starting, the match was in the toilet before Bloody even tagged in. It was spectacular when Bloody was in with either opponent, really fast action. TAKA doublecrossed the Jd' head after the match, so Abe came out to save the day. She looked to be getting squashed, but slipped out of the Michinoku drive II and dropkicked TAKA to the floor.

Jd' BS Japan 5/11/02 & 5/18/02 taped 4/29/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

5/11/02 taped 4/29/02

Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka

Apple Miyuki & May Sakai vs. Chitose Yamamoto & Emi Tomimatsu

QOR Title: Fang Suzuki vs. Nanae Takahashi

5/18/02 taped 4/29/02

Sachie Abe vs. KAZUKI

noki-A vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

TWF Tag Title: Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai vs. The Bloody & Tsunami

Jd' BS Japan 5/25/02 & 6/1/02 taped 5/6/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

5/25/02 taped 5/6/02 Day

MARI vs. Chitose Yamamoto

Apple Miyuki vs. Maya Sakai vs. Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa

TWF Tag Title: The Bloody & Tsunami vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI

6/1/02 taped 5/6/02 Night

Sumie Sakai & Tsubasa Kuragaki vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

Fang Suzuki vs. Emi Tojo

Megumi Yabushita & Chitose Yamamoto & MARU vs. The Bloody & Apple Miyuki & Maya Sakai

Jd' BS Japan 6/8/02 taped 5/6/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
& Jd' BS Japan 6/15/02 taped 6/9/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex


KAZUKI & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 12:40

TSUNAMI vs. Sachie Abe 4:48

Fang Suzuki vs. Sumie Sakai 13:34

Obacchi Iizuka vs. Yumi Oka 7:09


Tsubasa Kuragaki & Kaori Yoneyama vs. MARU & Mizuho Ishikawa 13:29

Fang Suzuki & Ranmaru vs. Nanae Takahashi & Mika Nishio 6:38

Jd' RED ZONE #4 8/9/02 taped 5/6/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
& Jd' RED ZONE #5 9/18/02 AND JUSTICE FOR ALL 02 taped 6/9/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=TV Master


Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Apple Miyuki & Maya Sakai 5:01

Fang Suzuki vs. Sumie Sakai 13:34

TWF Tag Title Match: The Bloody & TSUNAMI vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI 13:08

KAZUKI & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obatchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 12:40

Sachie Abe vs. TSUNAMI 4:48

Megumi Yabushita & MARU & Chitose Yamamoto vs. The Bloody & Apple Miyuki & Maya Sakai 8:50


Obatchi Iizuka vs. Yumi Oka digest of 11:16

Mizuho Ishikawa & MARU vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki digest of 13:29

Fang Suzuki & Ranmaru vs. Nanae Takahashi & Mika Nishio digest of 17:30

Jd' vs. K-BLOOD All Out War 5 vs 5 Single Elimination Match: Megumi Yabushita & Sachie Abe & KAZUKI & Hiroyo Muto & Emi Tojo vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI & Apple Miyuki & Maya Sakai & JYAGIE (Hiromi Yagi)

SUMIE SAKAI in U.S.A 5.8-7.8-2002 Commercial Tape
-1hr 20min. Q=Master

NEWC 5/10/02 1st North American Women's Champion Decision Match: Sumie Sakai vs. Mercedes Martinez

WSW 5/18/02: Sumie Sakai vs. Zombie

Killer Kowalski's Pro Wrestling School Training Match: Sumie Sakai & Tonny vs. Slyk Wagner Brown & Eric

KPW 6/28/02: Sumie Sakai vs. Little Jeanne

NEWC North American Women's Champion Match: Mercedes Martinez vs. Sumie Sakai. Sakai wins title

Jd' BS Japan 6/22/02 taped 6/9/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& Jd' BS Japan 6/29/02 taped 6/23/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

6/22/02 taped 6/9/02

Jd' vs. K-BLOOD All Out War 5 vs. 5 Single Elimination Match:

a) Megumi Yabushita vs. Tsunami
b) JYAGIE (Hiromi Yagi) vs. Megumi Yabushita
d) Hiroyo Muto vs. JYAGIE
e) Hiroyo Muto vs. Maya Sakai
f) The Bloody vs. Hiroyo Muto
g) The Bloody vs. Emi Tojo
h) Sachie Abe vs. The Bloody
i) Apple Miyuki vs. Sachie Abe

6/29/02 taped 6/23/02

Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

Megumi Yabushita vs. Fang Suzuki

Jd' BS Japan 7/6/02 taped 6/23/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
& Jd' BS Japan 7/13/02 taped 7/7/02 Tokyo Shinjuku Theater Moliere
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex


Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Emi Tomimatsu 9:03

The Bloody & JYAGIE vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI 16:23

The Bloody & JYAGIE vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI 2:50


All Japan Junior Title Decision League: Emi Tojo vs. Ayako Sato 4:13

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: MARU vs. Saki Maemura 11:31

Sachie Abe & Fang Suzuki & Hiroyo Muto vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI & JYAGIE 15:58

Jd' BS Japan 7/20/02 taped 7/7/02 Tokyo Shinjuku Theater Moliere
& Jd' BS Japan 7/27/02 taped 7/19/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

7/20/02 taped 7/7/02

Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka vs. Chitose Yamamoto & Emi Tomimatsu

Megumi Yabushita vs. Mizuho Ishikawa

TWF Title: Nanae Takahashi vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

7/27/02 taped 7/19/02

Rising Generation League: Ayako Sato vs. Emi Tomimatsu

Rising Generation League: Mika Nishio vs. MARU

Rising Generation League: Saki Maemura vs. Emi Tojo

QOR Title: Sachie Abe vs. Fang Suzuki

Jd' RED ZONE #6 10/19/02 taped 7/11 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
& Jd' RED ZONE #7 11/9/02 taped 8/18/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-2hr. Q=TV Master


Zen Nihon Junior Oza Kettei Leaguesen: Emi Tojo vs. Saki Maemura 3:29. Not the solid AJW junior style, and a mess for it. More like jump around style.

Chitose Yamamoto & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obatchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 7:39 of 12:25. Asstresses making asses of themselves. Oka & Ishikawa put on a clinic in making everything look far worse than it should. Everyone worked at 1/4 speed, and still everything was blown.

Ranmaru vs. TSUNAMI 3:15 of 6:41. DJ Nira had to interfere to get TSUNAMI the win. That might have helped Ranmaru a little if she got more than token offense in first and lasted a little while.

KAZUKI vs. Hiroyo Muto 3:20 of 6:30. Muto is more effective against an athletic opponent than one like KAZUKI who has a similar body type. Still showed some promise before the premature finish.

The Bloody vs. Megumi Yabushita 11:10. Much shorter and far less complex than their earlier matches. Bloody gives as much effort on a small show as anyone and not surprisingly the moves were good, but it lacked drama and development. **

Sachie Abe vs. Fang Suzuki 14:51 of 15:01. Despite Jd's efforts to make this a key program I can't see this as the main event over Bloody vs. Yabushita. To their credit, they certainly exceeded the previous match, proving the faith the league put in them wasn't unfounded. Kind of like a very poor man's Toyota vs. Aja except the brawling was more garbage oriented. Laid out fairly well, and Abe was more under control because of the opportunities Fang gave her. The wrestling was better than in their cage match. First 12:00 was quite good , but Abe started to falter during some of the key spots and counters. A damn good effort that's probably their best match together even though Abe lost it toward the end and they overused their finishers. **3/4


TWF Tag Oza Kettei 1 Day Tournament Ikkaisen

Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru vs. Fang Suzuki & Chitose Yamamoto 5:48 of 9:03. Good action and surprisingly solid execution. Fang was good and Maru was allowed to do some moves again. Would have been better if Fang & Yamamoto developed some double teams rather than a pose, but Yamamoto was at her best here. For some reason it didn't hurt Yamamoto to be jackknifed into Ranmaru. **1/4

JYAGIE & Apple Miyuki vs. Sachie Abe & KAZUKI 5:43 of 10:32. Passable match that was mainly Abe vs. Miyuki. The only thing memorable about Miyuki is she has an apple on her ass. If it was candied, she might perhaps serve some purpose. Abe seems to be getting better at finishing segments, adding an element of drama and complex moves she was actually hitting.

Obatchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI 4:11 of 9:17. Bloody got stuck doing all the selling. She made it watchable, but overall it was just too corny. In the world of Obatchi, popping a plastic bag in front of someone's face makes them fall into a sunset flip.

Mima Shimoda & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai 8:16 of 18:05. Shimoda worked most of the match to keep it from sucking asstress, but Jd' looked really bad becase 2 of their 3 top stars "had to" double team Shimoda to gain the advantage. Tojo did interfere on Shimoda's behalf. Ishikawa was ridiculously out of her depth. Overall it was okay with some good stretches and some sloppiness.

Handicap Match: Fang Suzuki & Obatchi Iizuka & Maru & Chitose Yamamoto vs. Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa & Yumi Oka 5:54 of 14:43. Even when the sides are even it's "special" wrestling anytime the asstresses are involved. Fang was the only one that did anyting in this bad match.

TWF Tag Oza Kettei 1 Day Tournament Junkessho: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI 3:01 of 10:29. Pace was far too frantic for TSUNAMI. KAZUKI got the push because TSUNAMI can't take any of Abe's moves. Bad

TWF Tag Oza Kettei 1 Day Tournament Kesshosen: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru 10:54 of 13:02. Nothing special about this match, in fact it was just there. Helter skelter mishmash. Just when I complement Abe she's back to her sloppy contrived finishes. Luckily Muto regained control and KAZUKI got involved before it actually ended. *1/2

Jd' BS Japan 8/3/02 taped 7/19/02 Tokyo
& Jd' BS Japan 8/10/02 taped 7/27/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex


Mizuho Ishikawa & Chitose Yamamoto vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka

Hiroyo Muto vs. KAZUKI

TSUNAMI vs. Kyuusei Ninja Ranmaru

The Bloody vs. Megumi Yabushita 11:10. Not sure what was going on here. The second half was good, if not up to the expected level, but it started very slow for a big match that was only going 11 minutes.


Zen Nihon Junior Champion Decision League Match: Emi Tojo vs. Kaori Yoneyama

Zen Nihon Junior Champion Decision League Match: Rising Generation League Match: MARU vs. Mari Kuwada

Yoshiko Tamura & Chitose Yamamoto vs. Megumi Yabushita & Emi Tomimatsu

NEWC North American Women's Champion Match: Sumie Sakai vs. Kyuusei Ninja Ranmaru

Jd' BS Japan 8/17/02 taped 7/27/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
& Jd' BS Japan 8/24/02 taped 8/18/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex


KAZUKI & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 7:36

Misae Genki vs. Hiroyo Muto 11:14

The Bloody & TSUNAMI vs. Sachie Abe & Fang Suzuki 18:27

8/18/02 Day

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: Kaori Yoneyama vs. Emi Tomimatsu

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: MARU vs. Rena Takase

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament 1st Round: Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru vs. Chitose Yamamoto & Fang Suzuki

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament 1st Round: Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai vs. Mima Shimoda & Mizuho Ishikawa

Jd' BS Japan 8/31/02 taped 8/18/02 Tokyo
& Jd' BS Japan 9/7/02 taped 8/18/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

8/18/02 Day

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament 1st Round: KAZUKI & Sachie Abe vs. Apple Miyuki & Hiromi Yagi

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament 1st Round: The Bloody & Tsunami vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka

8/18/02 Night

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: Mako Ogawa vs. Emi Tomimatsu

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: Emi Tojo vs. Mari Kuwada

Fang Suzuki & Chitose Yamamoto & Obacchi Iizuka & MARU vs. Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa & Yumi Oka

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament Semifinal: Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru vs. Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament Semifinal: KAZUKI & Sachie Abe vs. The Bloody & Tsunami

TWF World Tag Title Champion Decision 1 Day Tournament Final: KAZUKI & Sachie Abe vs. Hiroyo Muto & Kyuusei Ninja Ranmaru

Jd' BS Japan 9/14/02 & 9/21/02 taped 8/31/02 Shinjuku Island Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

9/14/02 taped 8/31/02

All Japan Junior Champion Decision League: MARU vs. Emi Tojo

TSUNAMI vs. Sachie Abe

The Bloody & JYAGIE vs. Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai 10:27 of 10:48. These are the four best workers in the league by a wide margin. This should have been the company's match of the year, but wasn't booked or wrestled with that purpose in mind. The main problem was there was absolutely no need a reason to have TSUNAMI or Sachie Abe getting involved, and instead of building to an interesting finish, the match built to that silliness. The match started off strong with the sort of technical wrestling you want to see from Yagi versus Yabushita, and good as Bloody as, this is a match where she should be outnumbered stylistically, and it should build by mixing high spots into progressively more tricked out matwork. The first 5 minutes were strong, but they begin to lose the plot when Sakai taunted TSUNAMI after hitting a dive. They recovered nicely, but just when you started thinking again that this was going to be an excellent match, TSUNAMI jumped in and the heels started randomly using sticks, prompting Abe to come in to even things out. Yagi ducked Abe's lame running elbow and gave Sakai a backdrop into an arm bar for the win. ***

9/21/02 taped 8/31/02

KAZUKI vs. Obacchi Iizuka

Chitose Yamamoto & Yumi Oka vs. Mizuko Ishikawa & Emi Tomimatsu

Fang Suzuki vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru vs. Hiroyo Muto

Jd' BS Japan 9/28/02 & 10/5/02 taped 9/13/02 Tokyo
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: Emi Tomimatsu vs. Saki Maemura 8:54

All Japan Junior Title Decision League: MARU vs. Mako Ogawa 15:00

Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Ai Fujita & Chitose Yamamoto 11:33

Hiroyo Muto & Ranmaru vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 9:49

Fang Suzuki vs. Mika Nishio 10:04

Sachie Abe & KAZUKI & Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita vs. The Bloody & TSUNAMI & JYAGIE & Apple Miyuki 11:55

Jd' BS Japan 10/12/02 & 10/19/02 taped 9/23/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

JYAGIE & TSUNAMI & Apple Miyuki vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita & Teruko Kagawa 14:21

Michiko Omukai & Ai Fujita vs. Emi Tojo & Mizuho Ishikawa 10:04

Queen of the Ring Title Match: Nanae Takahashi vs. Fang Suzuki 18:32

Hiroyo Muto & Kyuseininja Ranmaru vs. Chitose Yamamoto & MARU 8:42

3-Way Match: Yumi Oka vs. Emi Tomimatsu & Obacchi Iizuka 3:36

KAZUKI vs. DJ Nira 2:32

LSD 2002 Rules Match: Sachie Abe vs. The Bloody 30:25

Jd' BS Japan 10/26/02 taped 10/13/02 Day Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
& Jd' BS Japan 11/2/02 taped 10/13/02 Night Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

10/26/02 taped 10/13/02 Day 2 Day Singles Tournament Round 1

The Bloody vs. Keiko Sato

OBAKAZURA (Iizuka & Oka) vs. Fang Suzuki

Sumie Sakai vs. Emi Tomimatsu

Megumi Yabushita vs. KAZUKI

Emi Tojo vs. Teruko Kagawa

Apple Miyuki vs. MARU

TSUNAMI vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru

Sachie Abe vs. Hiroyo Muto

11/2/02 taped 10/13/02 Night 2 Day Singles Tournament Round 2

Sachie Abe vs. Apple Miyuki

Megumi Yabushita vs. OBAKAZURA

Emi Tojo vs. TSUNAMI

Sumie Sakai vs. The Bloody

Jd' BS Japan 11/9/02 & 11/16/02 taped 10/14/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

11/9/02 taped 10/14/02 2 Day Single Tournament

Playoff due to Tojo injury: TSUNAMI vs. The Bloody


Sachie Abe vs. Megumi Yabushita

Sumie Sakai vs. TSUNAMI

Final: Sachie Abe vs. TSUNAMI

11/16/02 Athress Event taped 10/14/02

Road to the Ring (Athress Story)

SHURI Live (Mizuho Ishikawa Music)

Athress Sparring

MARU vs. Teruko Kagawa

Fake Obacchi Iizuka (Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru) & Yumi Oka vs. Fake Sachie Abe (Obacchi Iizuka) & KAZUKI

Jd' RED ZONE #9 1/19/03 taped 10/13-14/02 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
& Jd' RED ZONE #11 3/22/03 taped 12/15/02 Tokyo
-1hr 45min. Q=TV Master

#9 10/13-14/02

Tournament Ikkaisen

The Bloody vs. Keiko Saito 3:40 of 5:51. Saito didn't show any particular ability, but at least against Bloody she wasn't inept.

Fang Suzuki vs. Obatchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka 4:41 of 5:51. Not as terrible as expected, but too corny for my tastes. Oka would try a basic pin after Obatchi broke a daikon over Fang's head. They tried to pull Fang apart, but Fang made them collide instead.

Emi Tojo vs. Teruko Kagawa 3:26 of 7:10. Kagawa is the first asstress that strikes me as a wrestler. She is a good athlete with a solid missile kick off the 2nd, though her other flying moves need a lot of work. Tojo, now sporting a whip, was botching almost everything as always. Still, at times it resembled a match.

TSUNAMI vs. Ranmaru 3:53 of 7:25. TSUNAMI is getting better, she seems to have learned how to run. Maru is getting sillier, she kept trying to lift TSUNAMI instead of using her quickness. The way she was playing right into her opponent's hand, I kept looking for Kevin Randleman in her corner. Ranmaru got even less offense than the last time she was in with TSUNAMI, but then again she had the success you'd expect with this "strategy" so it's hard to fault TSUNAMI. Overall it was much better than last time because they seemed to pull off what they tried.

Hiroyo Muto vs. Sachie Abe 3:35 of 12:03. Muto is a good base and Abe could use her athleticism to counter Muto's power. What aired was pretty good until the finish was blown. Muto almost killed Abe trying an Argentine backbreaker while standing on the 2nd. They had to redo the spot since the finish was for Abe to turn it into a sunset flip for the win.

Tournament Nikaisen

Sachie Abe vs. Apple Miyuki 4:09 of 6:01. Illogical but decently executed Abe domination. Apple added nothing.

The Bloody vs. Sumie Sakai 4:39 of 12:56. While easily the best match thusfar, it seemed slow and never got hot. Sakai seemed hurt, but then recovered too easily just to suit who was on offense.

The Bloody vs. TSUNAMI 2:49. DJ Nira and the K-Dojo girls interfered frequently causing Bloody's quick demise. Even with that said, it's sad that Bloody just sold for TSUNAMI.

Tournament Junkessho: TSUNAMI vs. Sumie Sakai 1:18 of 3:56. Weird match. Sakai went from a traditional pro wrestling arm bar to an udehishikigyakujujigatame for the win.

Tournament Junkessho: Sachie Abe vs. Megumi Yabushita 2:59 of 10:25. Nice finishing sequence.

Tournament Kesshosen: Sachie Abe vs. Sumie Sakai 10:36 of 19:26. Moves were fine, but they didn't utilize them or work together that well. A lot of it was just there. Good surprise finish.


MARU & Akane Kokume vs. Teruko Kagawa & Keiko Saito

Apple Miyuki vs. KAZUKI

Ranmaru & TSUNAMI vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka

QOR Next Challenger Decision Match: The Bloody vs. Hiroyo Muto

Tag League The Best '02 League Match: Momoe Nakanishi & Kayo Noumi vs. Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita

QOR Title Match: Sachie Abe vs. Fang Suzuki

Jd' BS Japan 11/23/02 & 11/30/02 taped 11/11/02 Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

11/23/02 taped 11/11/02

Obacchi Iizuka vs. Keiko Saito

The Bloody vs. Yumi Oka

Sachie Abe & KAZUKI & MARU vs. JYAGIE & Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru & Apple Miyuki

11/30/02 taped 11/11/02

Hiroyo Muto vs. TSUNAMI

Teruki Kagawa vs. Emi Tomimatsu

Tag League 2002: Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai vs. Fang Suzuki & Nanae Takahashi

Jd' BS Japan 12/7/02 & 12/14/02 taped 11/24/02 Tokyo Shinjuku Island Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

12/7/02 taped 11/24/02

Fang Suzuki & Hiroyo Muto vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru & TSUNAMI

Yumi Oka vs. Akane Kokume

Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai vs. Sachie Abe

Sachie Abe & The Bloody vs. Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai

12/14/02 taped 11/24/02

JYAGIE & Apple Miyuki vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Keiko Saito

Yuki Miyazaki vs. KAZUKI

MARU vs. Teruko Kagawa

Jd' BS Japan 12/21/02 taped 12/15/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
& Jd' BS Japan 12/28/02 Best of 2002
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

12/21/02 taped 12/15/02

KAZUKI vs. Apple Miyuki

Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru & TSUNAMI vs. Obacchi Iizuka & Yumi Oka

Tag League 2002: Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai vs. Momoe Nakanishi & Kayo Noumi

12/28/02 Best of 2002

Highlights of 2002

Jd' BS Japan 1/4/03 taped 12/15/02 Tokyo Differ Ariake
& Jd' BS Japan 1/11/03 taped 12/29/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

1/4/03 taped 12/15/02

Teruko Kagawa & Keiko Saito vs. MARU & Akane Kokume

QOR #1 Contender: The Bloody vs. Hiroyo Muto

QOR Title: Fang Suzuki vs. Sachie Abe

1/11/03 taped 12/29/02 Jd' Jr Tournament Round 1

MARU vs. Keiko Saito

Yumi Oka vs. Mizuko Ishikawa

Apple Miyuki vs. Akane Kokume

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. The Bloody & Fang Suzuki

Jd' BS Japan 1/18/03 taped 12/29/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& Jd' BS Japan 1/25/03 taped 1/5/03 Tokyo Kitazawa Town Hall
-1hr 55min. Q=Ex

1/18/03 taped 12/29/02

Hiroyo Muto vs. Obacchi Iizuka

Megumi Yabushita vs. Sumie Sakai

TWF Tag Title: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru & TSUNAMI

1/25/03 taped 1/5/03

Obacchi Iizuka vs. Akane Kokume

Kyusei Ninja Ranmaru & Apple Miyuki vs. JYAGIE & TSUNAMI

Sumie Sakai vs. Yumi Oka

Jd' RED ZONE #12 4/21/03 The Beginning of The End of The Beginning 02 taped 12/29/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& Jd' Red Zone #13 5/14/03 taped 1/13/03 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

-1hr 55min. Q=TV Master

Obatchi Iizuka vs. Hiroya Muto

Kakutobi Tournament 1st Round: MARU vs. Keiko Saito

Kakutobi Tournament 1st Round: Apple Miyuki vs. Akane Kokume

Kakutobi Tournament 1st Round: Mizuho Ishikawa vs. Yumi Oka

Sumie Sakai vs. Megumi Yabushita

TWF World Tag Title Match: Sachie Abe & KAZUKI vs. Kyuuseininja Ranmaru & TSUNAMI

HOLY WAR: Fang Suzuki & The Bloody vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita


Giant Obatchi vs. Obatchi Iizuka

Kakutobi Tournament Semifinal: Yumi Oka vs. Teruko Kagawa

Kakutobi Tournament Semifinal: Apple Miyuki vs. MARU

Kyuuseininja Ranmaru & JYAGIE vs. Mizuho Ishikawa & Keiko Saito

Mixed Gender Match: DJ Nira vs. Kazuki

Kakutobi Tournament Final: Apple Miyuki vs. Teruko Kagawa

Sumie Sakai Jd' Last Match: Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita vs. Momoe Nakanishi & Nanae Takahashi

QOR Title 4 Way LSD 2003 Match: Hiroyo Muto vs. The Bloody vs. Fang Suzuki vs. Sachie Abe