Zen Nihon Joshi Puroresu Videos ISO

AJW Zenjo Classics #1 4/5/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #2 4/12/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

More of an introductory show with early stills then brief match highlights starting with Jumbo Miyamoto. Seems like they were focusing more on "fashion" calling the segments Garter Belts to Beauty Pair then Sexy Queen, but I don't really get their transition from the old champions to recent idols like Shiratori, Noumi, & Omukai

3/19/75 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai: Jumbo Miyamoto vs. Mach Fumiake. Quite primative. Jumbo's blubber just got in her way, and she didn't seem capable of doing anything. Fumiake did two doublearm suplexes in a row, but with the huge weight difference she was barely strong enough to pull it off even passably. She won with the second, even though Jumbo clearly kicked out. Even the "highlights" were really awful. 3:21 shown

11/1/76 Ichibara Shi Rinkai Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai: Maki Ueda vs. Jumbo Miyamoto. Jumbo was thinner here, but that didn't help because now she was laughably overacting to try to come off as a wild woman. Ueda did fine, but the whole thing came off incredibly lame because of Jumbo's antics. 5:06 shown

12/8/76 Saitama Koshigaya Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Tag Senshukenjiai: Beauty Pair vs. Black Pair (Shinobu Aso & Yuki Ikeshita). Totally carried by Black Pair, who seem to be AJW's first really good team. They are better athletes than most of the faces, and though they largely focus on brawling at least they do it credibly and have overall solid execution. Aso pinned Ueda after a tombstone piledriver. 5:59 shown

3/15/80 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai: Monster Ripper vs. Jackie Sato. Sato did most of the work here, but was greatly hampered by Monster, who was screwing up Sato's execution. Monster just brawled, using some of the lamest kicks ever. Sato was counted out when all of Monster's cronies ganged up on her. 5:28 shown.

AJW Zenjo Classics #2 4/12/03

5/7/83 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai, Kamakiri Death Match: Jaguar Yokoto vs. La Galactica. Monster Ripper constantly interfered on Galactica's behalf. Jaguar tried working Galactica's legs, but Monster would attack her. She used several potential finishers, but Monster would break them up. The ref had no control since there's no DQ's in death matches. Jaguar finally had enough of this and decided to cut Galactica's mask with scissors, losing control with the chair after Monster accidentally hit Galactica with it trying to make the save. Finish saw Galactica hit a diving senton then Monster do a hip drop off the second and a diving body press, the ref conveniently recovering just in time to make the cover. Despite her protest that she lost a handicap match, Jaguar's nice long naturally black hair was massacred after the match. Jaguar only had one sequence where she wrestled up to her capability. She's so talented that she looked good or better the rest of the time anyway, but Galactica was slow and unathletic so they didn't do Jaguar's fast paced style. Galactica's offense wasn't great, but Monster interfered so much it didn't much matter. Not exactly my type of match, but it was a way for Jaguar to get a rare loss without really losing. 17:27. ****

AJW Zenjo Classics #3 4/19/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #4 4/26/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

2/25/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan, Zen Nihon Senshukenjiai: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Bull Nakano. Frantic match. Their body control wasn't that good to being with, but they were wrestling in a manner that was closer to purposely out of control. Bull's cronies seemed to do as much damage as Bull did. Finally Tateno held Bull and Yamazaki climbed the ropes for a body attack to the floor, but Bull avoided and Yamazaki injured her left knee on the landing. Bull went right after the knee, and Dump used a chain on it when Yamazaki escaped to the floor. Good storyline feeding the crowds desire to desperately root for Yamazaki. Lousy finish though with the whole heel entourage jumping in after Yamazaki finally came back with a few flying moves. 18:33. ***1/2

4/2/85 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan, Zen Nihon Senshuken Oza Ketteisen Junkessho: Mika Komatsu vs. Kazue Nagahori. More diverse than a rookie match, but very simplistic. Komatsu dominated, but mainly with weardown. Nagahori wanted to wrestle a faster more wide open style, so Komatsu just grounded her. I'm bored with the current stuff that's just show off spectacle, but this type of old match where they just hold an appendage all match is much worse. 13:29 shown

7/4/85 Tochigi Ashikaga Shi: Yumiko Hotta vs. Kyoko Aso. Match wasn't as boring as the previous, but there was just nothing to it. Hotta didn't have any offense, but that didn't stop her from mainly dominating. She just did it with the snapmare and reverse chinlock instead of her "shoot" offense. Aso's offense looked better what little we got to see of it. 6:01. 3/4*

AJW Zenjo Classics #4 4/26/03 Summer Night Festival in Budokan taped 8/22/85 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Yukari Omori vs. Monster Ripper. Monster actually didn't weigh that much more than Omori in these days. She was pretty energetic and even showed some athleticism. Omori was wrestling a more athletic style, but it didn't suit her. She's most effective when she's at her most simplistic. I'm not sure what they were thinking, but a decent start sure became a disappointment in a hurry with this quick rushed finish. 5:12. *1/4

2/3 Falls: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano. Bull looked completely ridiculous with platinum crap in her hair plus some blue and red in the front, but at least in her case scaring people off was precisely the point. Dump was good at picking her spots to wreak havoc. Yamazaki tagged in and was cautious to lock up with Bull. When she finally did it, Dump blindsided her with a rod then Bull started stomping away. Dump kept taking it to the floor where she'd use anything she found and attack anyone in her path. Not a lot of wrestling here because JB Angels fought fire with fire. Dump did wrestle at times, but she was on offense for the duration of these portions. What hurt the match is, while JB Angels were sometimes competitive, they were never any kind of threat. They countered the heels sometimes, but never really took control. It was another case of the roles and pushes limiting the quality of the match. 11:53 & 6:31. ***1/4

Devil Masami sings Silent Goodbye

Crush Gals sing

AJW Zenjo Classics #5 5/3/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #6 5/10/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Near Perfect

AJW Zenjo Classics #5 5/3/03 Summer Night Festival in Budokan taped 8/22/85 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

All Pacific Senshukenjiai: Devil Masami vs. Chigusa Nagayo. Amazing match that would be a clear joshi MOTY had it not taken place on the same show as Jaguar vs. Lioness, but both are so amazing that forget about the year, they're probably the two best joshi matches of the entire decade. If you are impressed by the reception Misawa gets at Budokan, you should hear Nagayo's; the "CHI-GU-SA" chants drown out her music. Crush matches work better when they are the underdog because the schoolgirls can keep cheering for their comeback. Devil is the senior wrestler and champion, plus obviously she likes to use her size to dominate, so this matchup suited both parties. It was a great example of how to work a long compelling match that both wrestlers were always in without burning through the spots or being dull. Devil's strategy was to keep it slow since she was fighting a quicker excitable wrestler that thrives on fan adrenalin. She controlled the first 10 minutes with the fans pretty much constantly urging Chigusa on. You could especially hear their excitement when Devil whipped Chigusa into the ropes, as they were hoping Chigusa would beat her to the move. They had the time, so they didn't rush anything, but they didn't stall either. Devil worked over Chigusa's knee, temporarily injuring it, but this didn't start until 17:30. They fought for the big moves, but this didn't start until 20:00 because they were both so good and tough it took that long to hurt each other enough to bother trying them. They didn't use traditional build, they more or less tried anything, slugging it out when they didn't make enough progress with their bigger moves. At some point they threw everything they had at each other, with Devil even doing a plancha, but it was such a long back and forth match it never approached a spotfest. They understood something that has been lost on the younger generation that's constantly taught to "stand out", except with everyone trying to stand out they all come off more or less the same and thus less distinguishable with their stupid antics blending together and any ability they might have getting lost in the shuffle. Anyway, what made this match so good is they realize perception is everything in a work. It's what the wrestlers make of the match that then effects the fans, not the other way around. The reason their moves had effect is they took time before and after them. They didn't just rush from move to move, they showed you the big move by struggling for it. This made you want to see it without telegraphing it through stupid posing that should allow their opponent to come back before they get around to it, and made it seem more important because the opponent was trying so hard to fight it off rather than laying around forever like a putz. After they went for the pin, and made it look like they might get it then showed that it did damage even though they were able to kick out. In actuality they took way more than they should have and didn't put it over enough, but they made it come off like they were hurt and exhausted but were so driven they found a way to keep going. Finally, they both ran out of gas. Devil put Chigusa down after an exchange of punches and dragged her right back up, but Chigusa put Devil down with some kicks then fell to her knees. Chigusa still had something left, but not quite enough to pull herself back up before 10. Even though it was a draw the finish made Chigusa seem the stronger, but the important thing was the belt and that was still around Devil's waist. 36:52. ****3/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #6 5/10/03 Summer Night Festival in Budokan taped 8/22/85 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai: Jaguar Yokota vs. Lioness Asuka. The 6 minute version that everyone based their raves on gave about as much indication of what the match was actually like as any recent Hollyplastic trailer. They made it seem like the ultimate in spot fu fighting. That might be more appealing to most, and I can't argue that 24 minutes at that level would have been better because that was totally blow everyone away level, but I was glad there was a lot more to the match than that. They began with an extremely fast paced series of breathtaking counters. I'm talking a speed sequence that could be matched by very few, ever. This only lasted a minute, but it bought them a lot more. In fact, they were more or less on the mat for the next 17! That fact never killed the crowd, as they were trained to expect a lot of mat wrestling (outside of Dump matches) and this was still good stuff. Though it took much longer, the same principle of equality applied to the mat portion, with Jaguar working over Lioness' knee but Lioness eventually injuring Jaguar's knee when she reversed a figure 4 leg lock. The intensity increased with Lioness dropping knees to Jaguar's bad knee until Jaguar escaped to the floor. Jaguar made a little comeback upon reentering, only to get her knee kicked out. After Jaguar got a rope break on a figure 4 they went to the high spots, wisely keeping Jaguar's knee injury involved. Because of the injuries, particularly to Jaguar, they didn't work at the lightning speed of the opening though it was still very fast. The rest of the match had some of the most impressive spots of the day. Highlights included Lioness reversing Jaguar's tombstone and doing a wicked jumping version into a sitting position rather than just falling to her knees, Lioness actually throwing Jaguar on the giant swing rather than just letting her down, Lioness lifting Jaguar up vertical suplex style and heaving her over the top to the floor to further injure her knee, and Lioness stopping Jaguar's superplex and again doing a vertical suplex position heave while sitting on the second. The match was actually pretty smart, and the work was just amazing. Lioness was one of the few wrestlers that were close enough to Jaguar's level that she could go all out with, and if this match shows anything it's how much better Jaguar could have seemed if she didn't have to wait for the final portion of her career to hook up with someone that could truly keep up with her. 23:46 (of 24:20?). ****3/4

40th Anniversary Part 2. Two more history segments, one focusing on 80s stars Jaguar, Crush Gals, and Dump, which leads into the second which highlights the kamakiri (haircut) death matches.

AJW Zenjo Classics #7 5/17/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #8 5/24/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

4/3/85 Sagamihara Shiritsu Sogo Taiikukan, Zen Nihon Junior Senshuken Oza Kettei Tournament Junkessho: Yumi Ogura vs. Kanako Nagatomo. They had more moves than I expected. It started out like a rookie match, but they were able to take it up and down, and get some effect out of both situations. They did a fast paced segment that was effective even though the high spots were of the high cross body variety. Good efforts. 16:18. **3/4

4/6/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Zen Nihon Junior Senshuken Oza Kettei Tournament Kesshosen: Yumi Ogura vs. Mika Komatsu. They were out to impress, which made sense because for a title to be credible it needs someone people hold in some regard. Everything was executed pretty well, but it was up and down as far as doing things that were advancing the match and/or interesting went. I don't know that this is the smartest means of attack, but I found it interesting that as part of her knee attack Komatsu pulled Ogura's knee pad down and started throwing punches to it. Komatsu got a bloody nose from Ogura's uppercut. 13:32. **1/4

4/6/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Fuji TV Hai Japan Grand Prix Koshikisen: Yukari Omori vs. Itsuki Yamazaki. Better offense than expected, but it wasn't one of Omori's smart matches. It was pretty much just back and forth. Omori was using more power moves here, but no chops. I like how Yamazaki would jump up to the top rope so she could quickly jump back at her opponent. 13:12. ***

AJW Zenjo Classics #8 5/24/03

4/3/85 Crush Gals sing

4/3/85 Sagamihara Shiritsu Sogo Taiikukan, Fuji TV Hai Japan Grand Prix Koshikisen: Bull Nakano vs. Crane Yu. A rare match between partners, but one without any particular heat or intensity. They used a lot of weapons in their brawl, but it was just a no skill object match that was putting me to sleep. They eventually did a little wrestling, but then Bull used a chain on Crane. 14:21. *1/2

4/3/85 Sagamihara Shiritsu Sogo Taiikukan, Fuji TV Hai Japan Grand Prix Koshikisen: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto. Dump attacked Chigusa before she made it to the ring to secure the early advantage. This allowed Chigusa to make some of her hot comebacks. Chigusa soon lost it though, attacking Dump when she was stuck in the ropes. She beat up and bloodied the ref for trying to stop her then attacked Chigusa with a staff for the DQ. It had the makings to be something, but wound up being so imcomplete. 12:23. **1/2

6/4/85 Crush Gals sing

AJW Zenjo Classics #9 5/31/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #10 6/7/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

6/14/85 Hokkaido Hakodate Shimin Taiikukan, Zen Nihon Junior Senshukenjiai: Yumi Ogura vs. Kanako Nagatomo. Match was too long for them, but they did their best. Nagatomo tried for an udehishigigyakujujigatame, but Ogura picked her up and threw her. Later, Nagatomo returned the favor when Ogura had her in a bodyscissors. Nagatomo used way too many dropkicks, especially considering her dropkick wasn't very good. 16:09. *3/4

8/28/85 Osaka Jo Hall, Kamakiri Death Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto. Kind of like a big Onita match, it was notable for the crowd and the spectacle, but the match itself left a lot to be desired. Onita knew how to work the crowd though, this match seemed more like raising the middle finger to them and laughing all the way to the bank. The more I see of Dump, the less she impresses me as a wrestler. You can say all you want about her as a heel, but to me this is one of the matches that best exemplifies her downsides as a wrestler. Dump is good at doing things to distract from from her liabilities, like having Crane dress up like her and stand in for her during the ring announcement. However, as a wrestler she's little more than a no selling weapon striking Abdullah type that in fact doesn't even execute her offense nearly as well as the infamous Match Butcher. Today hitting Chigusa with various objects was basically her only offense, with the scissors being her favorite weapon. Chigusa got a few cuts, but only had a Nakamaki blood trickle going, so Dump kept at her until she had the crimson mask. The ref could do nothing about it since it was a no DQ match, but it was still boring. Almost nothing was done to give any hope or even offense to Chigusa. All these people came to see her, but she was just blown out. A big deal for Chigusa was doing a kip-up after Dump kicked her down. And she still had to handstand her way free into a schoolboy because Dump had been holding her arm and kicking her. Chigusa's other highlight was hitting Dump with her can, which allowed her to try to cut some of Dump's stupid orange hair, but of course the ref stopped her. This was actually a good spot because Dump got the scissors, knocked the ref down, and tried to cut Chigusa's hair, but the ref recovered in time. Chigusa's big comeback was applying a scorpion! I guess the heels suckered her into thinking Dump submitted to this non finisher because she was raising her hands like she won, while Dump kept beating on her. Chigusa "couldn't see" because the blood had run into her eyes, but the ref eventually lowered Chigusa's arms to try to let her know she hadn't won (Dump would likely attack her after the match, regardless of the finish). Nonetheless, Chigusa kept staggering around getting hit until Dump knocked her out with a chair show. I didn't see any drama or excitement here, just one-sided unskilled brawling. The crowd was pretty loud, but nothing was ever done for them. They got to root for a miraculous comeback that wasn't coming, and it seemed like they eventually got somewhat frustrated, I've certainly heard them a lot louder for Crush matches of far less importance. Dump & Chigusa did a few things to allow key spots to work, but the match wasn't really developed. Dump beat on Chigusa, and that was about it. The match wouldn't have been an event and the crowd wouldn't have reacted the same, but as far as the way they did the match, Dump could have been fighting a rookie. What AJW did here was somewhat successful because the fans came back for the rematch 15 months later, but that shows their loyalty, and perhaps what suckers they were. On the other hand, there were 1,500 less the second time, so one could argue whether it was the lack of novelty, the obvious result, or the way the first match went down that kept some people away. Dump winning was necessary to set up the rematch, and her being put over strong was fine, but they didn't need to totally sacrifice this match by making it into a squash. To me the overwhelming nature of Dump's victory overshadows Chigusa's supposed near victory, and the non squash match elements they threw in like the blood. 11:38. **

AJW Zenjo Classics #10 6/7/03

1/5/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, UWA World Title Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. La Galactica. Another top performance by Jaguar, though Galactica was the one the match was spotlighting. Jaguar worked a much more Lucha oriented match for her. Without Monster to interfere constantly there was no need for her to sell the whole match, but she did anyway. Galactica did a lot of brawling, using objects to bloody Jaguar, but also used some nice athletic moves. Perhaps because it was Lucha oriented I kept expecting the match to end, but they always kicked out. Another reason the near falls were so credible is they kept the pace down, doing impressive moves but never sprinting or anything that would make them look less than worn down. Jaguar is one of the few wrestlers that would work toward a more moderate pace as a way to put over the toll of the match. 19:27 shown. ****

2/27/85 Chiba Narita Shi Taiikukan, UWA World Title Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. La Galactica. Started off frantic and intense as Jaguar's best matches often did, but wound up mainly consisting of Galactica brawling. Even though this was a bit longer than their previous match, Galactica never got into her highspots and Jaguar wasn't on offense enough to do much. Galactica wanted to use the nunchakas on Jaguar at the outset, but she got them away and ripped Galactica's mask. When Jaguar finally got on a roll, Rossy Moreno quickly put an end to it by pushing her off the top rope. Galactica was a bit vampirish, hacking Jaguar's arm up with a pointy metal object and licking the blood. Quite a good match, but even without seeing the previous match it would have been obvious how much better it could have been. 21:55. ***1/2

AJW Zenjo Classics #11 6/14/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #12 6/21/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

1/5/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 Falls: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Dump Matsumoto & Rossy Moreno. Set up to elicit crowd support, which Crush would get anyway. Great crowd reactions, but rather a dull overlong match with the same old storyline of Dump dominating through weapon use and double teaming. Rossy's Mexican friend was the ref, so her team could do whatever they wanted. Dump kept trying to use a stick, so Crush would try to block with their karate belts. There were all kinds of distractions, but 26 minutes of object use is just tedious and no shenanigans or amount of extra curricular activity can disguise lack of ability for that long. No wrestling move looks good when Dump does it, and Rossy was just a zero. Crush obviously can wrestle, but once again they barely got the opportunity. 14:30, 5:45, & 6:18. **

12/12/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan, Shinjinou (rookie of the year) Kettei Tournament Kesshosen: Hisako Uno vs. Akemi Sakamoto. Quite a good rookie match. Hokuto already executed better than anyone in Dump's army. Sakamoto was a lousy Dump wannabe, but Uno managed to have a solid match with her. She understood taking the match up and down, unlike most AJW rookies who do all their basic moves and then throw in a couple dropkicks in the last minute. Short, but as effective as you could ask for. 7:04. *3/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #12 6/21/03 taped 12/12/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Zen Nihon Senshukenjiai: Bull Nakano vs. Yumi Ogura. Basic stretching early, but they had the capability to pick it up. Bull dominated with heel tactics, getting away with whatever she wanted. Ogura had a few good segments of her jumping moves, staying in the match but not by much. 15:44. **3/4

Crush Gals sing

Jumbo Hori Intai Jiai 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Jumbo Hori vs. Yukari Omori. Hori & Omori were a championship team as the Dynamite Girls, having a year plus run before the Crush Gals took over. Hori was the bigger star but had the misfortune (as far as her push went) of being around during the same period as Jaguar, which kept her in secondary roles. Omori was a few years younger, and wound up surpassing her when she receiving the biggest push of her career at the end. This was part of AJW loosening up their strick policies though obviously overshadowed by Dump being the first not to retire at the mandatory age. Anyway, Hori & Omori could have had a nice match, but for some reason they would have healthy wrestlers in their mid 20s work a 5 minute match instead of going all out for the retirement match since at least one wrestler had the rest of their lfe to rest and recover. The last 30 seconds was pretty heated and intense, especially for an exhibition match, but neither had done enough to have any chance of winning. After the ceremony, the wrestlers carried Hori to the back on their shoulders with Jumbo waving goodbye to everyone. 5:00

AJW Zenjo Classics #13 6/28/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #14 7/5/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

AJW Zenjo Classics #13 6/28/03 taped 12/12/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

WWWA Sekai Single Oza Ketteisen & All Pacific Double Title Match: Devil Masami vs. Dump Matsumoto. Jaguar vacated the title upon retirement, the first to have that honor bestowed on her. Devil was in the match since she had the #2 title, and Dump & Lioness basically drew straws to see who would be her opponent. Devil isn't known for being one to sell a lot, so this seemed like a tough matchup because you know Dump isn't going to sell. Dump dominated through her weapon concealing mastery, continually befuddling a ref who was actually trying to keep it clean. Dump quickly stooped to attacking Devil's eyes, "blinding" her. Devil would stagger around, with Dump stalking her and attacking with one of her small objects that she pulls out of her bathing suit. Dump wasn't happy that her opponent merely couldn't see, so she tried to turn her into the second coming of Helen Keller by hitting Devil in the ear with a microphone to pop the ear drum. Devil did a pretty good job of putting all this over, though this unique story would have worked 1000 times better if they saved it for a match Devil was losing. Finish took forever to set up. Devil didn't have the popularity of Chigusa, though she got strong reactions here with Dump acted really disgusted about, but this match is another example of why she's a better wrestler. It was the usual Dump domination, but it was original, smarter and better wrestled. Jaguar trained Devil even though Devil debuted just a year later, so with this result AJW was hoping Jaguar could more or less live on through Devil. 19:16. ***

AJW Zenjo Classics #14 7/5/03

12/12/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan: Lioness Asuka & Mika Komatsu vs. Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno. The potential was there, but the match just kind of meandered. Tateno was caught in the ring and did the bulk of the selling, which gave Lioness' overmatched team a chance you wouldn't expect them to have. Komatsu, being the least experienced, didn't have the offense yet but got by on energy. I liked Yamazaki's spot where she hopped over the ropes onto the apron then right back over them with a kick. She might not be the greatest flyer, but I've never seen anyone that minimized the time it took to execute the aerial spots, a great answer to the credibility killing posers we have today. 13:59. **1/2

4/27/89 Saitama Omiya Skate Center: Miori Kamiya vs. Mika Takahashi. To see these two wrestle in the late 80's and early 90's, you'd think they would have been solid mid card contributors, especially Takahashi. Takahashi had a gracefulness to go along with her athleticism that other female flyers like KAORU & Chaparrita ASARI never had. She lacked a great move, but overall she also used her athleticism to her advantage more than those two because she applied it to all aspects. Kamiya executed well and did a pretty good job of carrying the match, two things she was rarely if ever associated with in Jd'. A good little match, though quite brief, probably because they'd only recently graduated to regular matches. 7:56. **

4/27/89 Saitama Omiya Skate Center, Mika Komatsu Intai Jiai 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Mika Komatsu vs. Yumi Ogura. The Calgary Typhoons had recently dropped the tag titles to the Crush Gals since Komatsu was retiring (though Chigusa was retiring less than 2 weeks later, meaning the belt was vacated anyway). The best wrestling on this edition. The lack of time killed it, but they really worked for their 5 minutes. They had good chemistry and wrestled with a decent degree of difficulty. Ogura let her partner pin her after the bell. Komatsu's old partner Kanako Nagatomo came back for the ceremony. 5:00

AJW Zenjo Classics #15 7/12/03
AJW Zenjo Classics #16 7/19/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#15 taped 4/27/89 Omiya Skate Center

Crush Gals sing

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami


4/29/89 Saitama Omiya Skate Center: Yumiko Hotta & Reibun Amada & Manami Toyota vs. Kumiko Iwamoto & Nobuko Kimura & Sachiko Nakamura 13:30. No one was particularly impressive, though Hotta did have a few moments. Lots of dull brawling from the heels. Toyota didn't know how to use her athleticism yet, so with an offense consisting of dropkicks and the like her sloppiness wasn't so forgivable. *1/2

5/12/85 Mexico El Toreo, 2/3 Falls: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Lola Gonzalez & Rosa Maria 8:22, 13:23. Gonzalez & Maria were fairly effective rudos that didn't show any great offense. Crush largely fought their style match, though with one or two exceptions from Lioness they didn't do any lucha offense. 1st fall was weak, but 2nd fall had a hot start with Lioness doing the lucha she knows. Rudo then started brawling, bloodying both Crush Gals. You'd think since it was in Mexico Crush could have at least dropped a fall, but all they lost was some blood. ***1/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #17 7/26/03
AJW Zenjo Classics #18 8/2/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#17 taped 5/12/85 Mexico City El Toreo

2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Single Senshuken: Jaguar Yokoto vs. Pantera Surena 13:39, 4:49, 13:41. Jaguar was able to wrestle technically, but not at the usual speed. Part of the problem was Surena, who was servicable at best, and part was that it was simply too long. They paced themselves early, but the third fall was very good. Dramatic action with strong selling putting over the toll of the match. Surena tried hard, but her execution was awkward. ***

4/27/89: Marine Wolves sing

#18 taped 4/27/89 Saitama Omiya Skate Center

Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita vs. Bull Nakano & Erika Shishedo (Aja Kong)

Noriyo Tateno vs. Mitsuko Nishiwaki

2/25/81 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan, All Pacific Senshuken: Yumi Ikeshita vs. Mimi Hagiwara 7:38 shown

11/9/81 Okinawa, WWWA Sekai Tag Senshuken: Nancy Kumi & Ayumi Hori vs. Mimi Hagiwara & Yukari Omori 1:48 shown

AJW Zenjo Classics #19 8/9/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #20 8/16/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


2/25/81 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshuken: Jackie Sato vs. Jaguar Yokota

9/14/89 Kumamoto Shi Taiikukan, IWA World Women's Title: Madusa vs. The Beasty

9/14/89 Kumamoto Shi Taiikukan, Tag League The Best '89 Koshikisen: Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada


9/14/89 Kumamoto Shi Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Tag Senshuken: Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Grizzly Iwamoto & Bison Kimura 11:46, 3:27, 5:39. Grizzly & Bison were called The Outsiders, though Hotta made sure no one got the edge on her. Their styles didn't mesh and Nishiwaki was about the only one that did much selling. Very basic offense not trying anything that required much assistance from the opposition, yet the execution was spotty. *1/2

2/87 Chiba, Zen Nihon Junior Oza Tournament Ketteisen: Megumi Kudo vs. Erika Shishedo 11:24. Still pretty much rookie style. Aja didn't weight that much more than Kudo in these days. Neither executed all that crisply or sharply. Very little to nothing here that would make you think they'd become what they were. *

Chigusa Nagayo sings

AJW Zenjo Classics #21 6/12/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #22 6/19/04
-1hr 50min. Q=TV Master

#21 taped Tokyo Korakuen Hall

12/8/89 Captain Fall Battle Royal: Noriyo Tateno & Miori Kamiya & Mima Shimoda vs. Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita & Takako Inoue vs. Suzuka Minami & Mika Takahashi & Kaoru Maeda 18:44. Too many women to start, causing it to be more of a comedy match early because there was simply no room to wrestle. Got good about half way through because they cleared the ring. Hokuto was clearly the standout. Her execution was so crisp and precise, though the finish was blown. **1/2

Madusa sings Who's Madusa

Fire Jets (Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki) sing Fire Night

5/14/89 Itsuki Yamazaki Intai Jiai 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Noriyo Tateno 5:00. Yamazaki was still the better Bomb Angel, and could have wrestled much longer. They worked pretty hard and did a good little match, though they seem better together than opposing.

#22 taped 12/9/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

'89 Rookie of the Year Tournament Semifinals: Eriko Yoshinaga vs. Michiko Nagashima

'89 Rookie of the Year Tournament Semifinals: Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe

4/7/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Fuji TV Cup Japan Grand Prix '85 League Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Chigusa Nagayo

AJW Zenjo Classics #23 9/6/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #24 9/13/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

AJW Zenjo Classics #23

12/9/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, '89 Rookie of the Year Decision Tournament Final: Kaoru Ito vs. Eriko Yoshinaga

6/18/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, All Japan Tag Title Match: Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita vs. Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda

9/14/89 Kumamoto Shi Taiikukan, Tag League The Best '89: Suzuka Minami & Mima Shimoda vs. Norio Tateno & Kawasakie (Sakie) Hasegawa

AJW Classics #24 taped 4/15/87 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

All Japan Junior Title Match: Kyoko Aso vs. Mika Suzuki

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Yumiko Hotta & Hisako Uno (Akira Hokuto) vs. Lei Lani Kai & Judy Martin

AJW Zenjo Classics #25 9/20/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #26 9/27/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

AJW Zenjo Classics #25 taped 4/15/87 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Japan Grand Prix '87 Koshikisen: Devil Masami vs. Chigusa Nagayo. Like Yamada & Toyota, Crush aren't near the head of the class, but Devil did a good job carrying it in typical fashion. She had things very much under control, with solid work and good selling, and it had all the makings of an excellent match. Started fast with Chigusa hitting a kneel kick when Devil turned her back to walk to her corner. This angered Devil, so she roughed Chigusa up before getting into the matwork. Not a lot of movement on the mat, but good stuff because they changed it up regularly and credibly. Picked up at 12:30 with Devil's powerbomb prompting big "Chigusa" chants. From this point forward it looked like it would be near falls throughout. Unfortunately, because neither could lose cleanly the match got goofy in the final minutes, starting after Devil did her dive where she hits the opponent with her rod. Devil wasn't happy at the outset, but they settled down and were under control until they had to end the match. 19:08. ***1/2

WWWA Sekai Single Senshukenjiai: Yukari Omori vs. Lioness Asuka. Omori tried to fight her usual more methodical style, but Lioness was too fast and energetic for her to maintain it. Omori added some little bits. For instance, they did one of their opponents signature move to them, with Omori doing the giant swing being set up by first injuring Lioness' back so Lioness collapsed trying. As it was more toward Lioness' fast paced style Omori wasn't at her most effective, but Lioness was such a worker she made up for that for the most part. Where the match suffered is in the heat department, which reached near eruption at points but peaked toward the middle. The problem with this being more of an offensive match is that meant Lioness had to fair a lot better than one might expect (then again, seeing later Lioness it's hard to remember the days when she was the one selling), but Crush get their best heat when they are making comebacks. It's hard to complain about an excellent match, but this should have been better than the great Omori vs. Chigusa title match from 10/20/87. Lioness being easily better than Chigusa didn't translate though because Lioness did too much, negating some of the dramatic potential and putting Omori in a situation where her basic move set doesn't work so well. That said, too many of these '80s matches don't give Lioness (or Jaguar especially) the opportunity to show what fantastic workers they are, and that wasn't the case here. 22:23. ****

AJW Zenjo Classics #26 taped 4/25/85 Miyagi Kashima Choritsu Taiikukan

Japan Grand Prix Koshikisen: Crane Yu vs. Dump Matsumoto. Dump's army is always fully behind her when she wrestles an understudy, probably making their presence felt even more because there's extra opportunity with both brawling. Crane was quickly frustrated by this. Bull had more offense than she did, so Crane eventually attacked her and beat on all the seconds with a chair to reassert her #2 rank in the army. She was totally dominated by Dump though, and bled heavily. Dump's only "wrestling" was a lariat and body press. The problem with this match is since the fans don't care about Crane, there's really no reason for them to react to Dump's illegal tactics. 13:28

2/3 Falls: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori. Dynamite Girls carried and made the match. Omori worked the bulk, wrestling with confidence, but Hori was also quite impressive in her briefer periods. What Crush brought was basically the crowd. The match was wrestled in Dynamite's style of throwing people around and grounding them. It was looking like it might be a great match because Dyamite were doing such a strong job of controlling things and Crush hadn't even got started, but things got bizarre toward the end of the first fall. Lioness seemed to legitimately injure her knee, so Chigusa took over for her. The ref wouldn't count a pin because Chigusa wasn't legal, but I guess they quickly decided Lioness was sitting the rest of the fall out because Chigusa was pinned the first time the ref recognized the attempt. The second fall saw Dynamite focus on Chigusa's rib injury, which seemed like something they'd planned, but that put Lioness in the awkward position of having to bail Chigusa out. This came after a good spot where Chigusa snuck around Hori's back for a cobra twist, but the strain was too much so she almost immediately released it and reached for the tag. The other problem is Crush was winning the match, but now with both injured or supposedly injured they had to figure out how to get their two falls in. In these days Crush didn't get a lot of sustained offense, they often sold a lot and pulled out surprise/upset wins. Two of them in 8 minutes when Dynamite were in great shape and Crush were or at least should have been (since Lioness seemed to forget her knee) in terrible shape was a bit much. The final falls could have had great drama, but they were anticlimatic because they just seemed a manipulation to achieve the planned result of the match rather than something that was built up and earned. 13:26, 4:31, & 3:43. ***3/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #27 10/4/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #28 10/11/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

6/18/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Reibun Amada & Kaoru Maeda & Eiko Waki vs. Hiromi Hasegawa & Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue. They were green, but they worked hard. They ran around a lot and it wasn't boring. Hasegawa was the spark plug type, though thankfully not a DUD like Thurman. I liked her twisting high cross body and generally she was exciting for an AJW youngster. 8:16. **

5/15/85 Saitama Omiya Skate Center, 2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Senshukenjiai: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano. Crane Yu was just becoming a referee here, and there was controversy over who would handle this important title match. She won out over Shiro Abe, the guy that lets Dump get away with everything. Crane wound up taking more bumps than in a lot of her wrestling matches, battling Dump, the heel army, and new nemesis Abe. What made this a good match is that Chigusa finally showed some fire in a match against Dump. Well, actually it was only when Bull was in, but that was often so she finally did some of her fast paced style rather than just selling weapon shots. Bull could do Crush's style and for the most part Crush's matches were much better when they could be themselves. Dump wreaked havoc, but luckily wasn't on offense for 10 minutes straight like she might have been in a singles match. The good thing was that everyone stayed involved and for the most part were doing what they do best. The downside was since Dump was always on offense and Bull was always selling, the match was pretty illogical based on the type of offense Crush implement. They get destroyed then Dump tags, so they suddenly begin a lightning flurry of offense. 4:48, 7:47, 8:09. ***1/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #28 taped 6/18/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Japan Grand Prix '89 Tournament Ikkaisen: Miori Kamiya vs. Aja Shishedo (Kong). One-sided, somewhat dull match, but Aja showed good focus and did a much better job of carrying her opponent than she normally did pre 1993. Aja wouldn't sell any shots to the head, not even from the can. Kamiya had a bad knee that Aja beat on. 15:19. **

Japan Grand Prix '89 Tournament Ikkaisen: Yumiko Hotta vs. Mika Takahashi. Glorified squash. Hotta dominated, showing no weakness so you couldn't even believe Takahashi could possibly get lucky. Takahashi had almost no say in the match. She was a bit sloppy, but that might have been because Hotta was giving her so little help. Hotta did perhaps the best Jumbo suplexes I've ever seen. 8:10. *

Marine Wolves sing

Lioness Asuka & Yumi Ogura vs. Noriyo Tateno & Madusa Micelli. Match was good when Madusa wasn't in, but those segments were far too brief. Madusa was on offense too much and was typically awful never looking sure of what she wanted to do and unable to pull the spots off smoothly. Her strikes were so bad that it was often hard to identify whether they were supposed to be punches, forearms, or what. Best spot was Ogura leaping over Tateno's headbutt and bringing her legs up to hook Tateno's arms and take her down into a pin. 14:49. *1/2

AJW Zenjo Classics #29 10/18/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #30 10/25/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#29 taped 6/18/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Pacific Senshukenjiai: Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Bull Nakano. I've yet to decide if Nishiwaki was good, but certainly she was in the right place at the right time. She was becoming the top face for lack of anyone else during this transition period. Still, I was surprised how much offense she got. Somewhat uneven match and Nishiwaki was having trouble handling Bull's size, but I liked how many moves were avoided or stopped. Nishiwaki's left shoulder wasn't down on the finish, but their bodies shielded the ref. 11:36. **1/2

2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Tag Senshuken Oza Ketteisen: Kumiko Iwamoto & Nobuko Kimura vs. Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami. Heels carried the match, which wasn't a good thing not only because the opposition is smarter but because they were indecisive. Like the previous match it wasn't too smooth, but it had it's moments. Lots of double teaming from the heels, never letting the faces get a good run. Hokuto & Minami bled. Too many mistakes. 8:15, 6:24, & 11:15. **

#30 taped 6/28/84 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan

Jaguar Yokota & Devil Masami vs. Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo. Part of Jaguar's brilliance was her ability to make it seem like they were doing a lot more than they actually were. Everyone was excitable and hyper, but they kept the spots to a reasonable level. It was frantic and everyone was fired up, but it wasn't out of control or ridiculous. This skill of Jaguar's was especially important in a long match like this because the match neither dragged nor turned into a spotfest. There was certainly downtime, but it didn't necessarily come off as such. Eventually Lioness was isolated and they worked on her right knee. The moves kept getting better and better and Devil did a good job under Jaguar's command. Crush were kind of along for the ride, but the work was all very good just not on the level of their tremendous 8/22/85 matches. 30:00. ****

2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Tag Senshukenjiai: Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori vs. Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu. With all the matches they have to choose from they couldn't find one where the whole thing fit in the allotted time instead of just the first fall? First fall was adequate with Omori being destroyed but Dump selling a little for Hori. Dump used a juice can on Hori. 8:26

AJW Zenjo Classics #31 11/1/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #32 11/8/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

6/28/84 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Tag Senshukenjiai: Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori vs. Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu. Continued from episode #30. Chaotic spectacle. Jumbo did a good job of standing up for herself. She was by far the senior member of the match and Dump was in the early stages of her push, so Hori actually got to give some brawling back to Dump. Dump bled. More surprisingly, she, took an elevated body press, blockbuster off the 2nd, and finally was pinned after Omori's piledriver. Dump is one awful bumper, but overall the match was passable. Everyone at ringside was involved including Devil helping the faces. Shiro Abe, who among other things had choked Hori with a chain, was sent to the back before the third fall started. 5:03 & 6:26. **

10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Zen Nihon Senshuken: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Yumi Ogura. Yamazaki was the more experienced so she was usually in control. She did a pretty good job of carrying the match. Ogura went along fine, but lacked the offense to be a real threat. She did enough to be competitive, though actually she was mainly using weardown holds. Yamazaki mixed a few good flurries in though. 14:45. ***

Crush Gals sing

AJW Zenjo Classics #32

10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Yukari Omori vs. Devil Masami. Well built and executed heavyweight style match. Slow in points, but they did more running around than I expected, and Devil was even using some athletic moves like the flying cross chop and senton atomico. Devil used a good hard body slam that made me remember that isn't a lame move, it's just that most wrestlers use a minimal impact version where they drop or even place their opponent on the mat. Omori was portrayed as nearly Devil's equal in this match. She got off to a good start to establish herself. 16:44. ***1/2

10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Jaguar Yokota vs. Dump Matsumoto. These two are about as far about in their strengths as any stars AJW has ever had. It's even somewhat difficult for Jaguar to make Dump look good because Jaguar's tremendous bumping requires something to bump for, and Dump's jabbing and gouging offense basically consists of moves you fall down for. The opening spot was a good example of how they bridged the gap. Dump tried to use a whip on Jaguar on the bell, but Jaguar caught it so Dump pulled the whip propelling Jaguar to the floor. With the possible exception of Jumbo Miyamoto, Dump is by far the worst bumper of any AJW star. Jaguar was still way above Dump, so Dump had to actually take some wrestling moves. This is where the match didn't work because Dump can't even take a dropkick properly. For the most part Jaguar's offense still looked really good though. She built her offense around counters, and with such a slow opponent her quickness and explosion has never been so pronounced. Jaguar had one excellent flurry at the end, which Dump did fine on. 11:40. ***

4/8/86 Sendai Miyagi-ken Sports Center. Devil Masami vs. Hisako Uno. Devil was too big and strong for Uno in standup, so Uno would try for the takedown. No matter what she did, she was just overmatched. What hurts a match like this is that in these days the women were only stiff for the rare big match, so the beating Uno took was nothing to get excited about. Everything looked fine, but it was nothing more than a meaningless squash. 6:28. *1/2

AJW Zenjo Classics #33 11/16/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #34 11/22/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Near Perfect

#33 taped 10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. La Galactica & Lola Gonzalez 10:06, 6:26, 8:38 **1/4

Crush Gals sing

#34 taped 4/8/86 Miyagi-ken Sports Center

Japan Grand Prix '86: Mika Komatsu vs. Kanako Nagatomo 15:45 **

Yukari Omori & Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano & Condor Saito 12:16 ***1/4

Chigusa Nagayo sings "Stay"

AJW Zenjo Classics #35 11/29/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #36 12/06/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


4/8/86, 2/3 falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori 11:24, 6:09 ****

6/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Lioness Asuka vs. Dump Matsumoto 11:12 **


6/21/86, Zen Nihon Tag Title Match: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Mika Komatsu & Kanako Nagatomo 29:00 **1/2

10/11/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Dump Matsumoto & Kahoru Kage 10:40 *1/2

AJW Zenjo Classics #37 12/13/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #38 12/20/03
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

6/22/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Japan Grand Prix '86 Kesshosen: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Yukari Omori 27:16. Solid well executed match. Started slow, but built into a dramatic match with the second half largely consisting of near falls. Omori's hand was injured, but Chigusa didn't want to work on it, preferring to try to beat her fair and square. She controlled much of the match, but this strategy didn't pay off. ***1/2

10/11/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Yukari Omori & Devil Masami 11:53. Angels were dominated to the point they were never really in the match. The got the flash pin, but I don't know that it helped them. Omori & Devil just seemed too big for them, using the power to have their way. **


2/26/87 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yasuko Ishiguro

7/20/87 Miyagi-ken Sports Center, All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Zenjo Classics #39 12/27/03
& AJW Zenjo Classics #40 1/10/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


7/20/87 Miyagi-ken Sports Center: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto & Condor Saito

9/14/87 Omiya Skate Center: Leilani Kai vs. Yukari Omori

9/14/87 Omiya Skate Center, Tag League The Best '87: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno


2/26/87 Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, WWWA Sekai Single Senshuken Next Challenger Decision Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Chigusa Nagayo. Though Lioness' 8/22/85 match with Jaguar is arguably better & further ahead of it's time taken in the context of it's era, this is probably the best match of her great career, and the pinnacle of this great series. The whole dynamic of the Crush battles is so awesome because they throw their friendship aside & get to do their brand of all out action rather than doing bursts of it in between getting hit with foreign objects. A lot of what makes their series so amazing & so special is it's not the style they do most of the time, because they don't get that chance. Great match.

AJW Zenjo Classics #41 1/17/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #42 1/24/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


2/26/87 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan: Yukari Omori & Kazue Nagahori vs. Hisako Uno & Yumiko Hotta

9/14/87 Saitama Omiya Skate Center, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Drill Nakamae & Kumiko Iwamoto

#42 taped 6/13/87 Okinawa Onoyama Taiikukan

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Dump Matsumoto vs. Condor Saito

Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mika Suzuki

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Chigusa Nagoya vs. Lioness Asuka

AJW Zenjo Classics #43 1/31/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #44 2/7/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


2/86 Hyogo: Yumi Ogura vs. Dump Matsumoto 16:56. A massacre. Dump's army conspired against Ogura. Ogura had a bad knee to begin with, so merciless Dump hit it with a pipe. Ogura got some flash pins, but that was about it. *1/2

1/5/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Yumi Ogura vs. Devil Masami 17:00. Ogura was overmatched, but this wasn't one-sided in a manner that was detrimental to her. Everyone knew she wasn't going to win, but she showed a lot of fighting spirit and heart. Ogura didn't get many high spots in, but was in control some of the time. Solid wrestling. **1/4

#44 taped 4/1/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Jaguar Yokota vs. Desiree Petersen 10:08. Jaguar let Petersen do her thing, which wasn't a positive for the match quality. To some extent Jaguar had no choice as Petersen couldn't work her match, but Jaguar usually finds a way to come up with something much better than this. She showed some of her explosive offense, the moves that didn't require much assistance from the opposition. Petersen's offense was so pathetic compared even to what Jaguar did use. She wasted a lot of time and basically stomped, eye raked, and distracted the ref so Judy Martin could help her out. **

Mimi Hagiwara & Tarantula Intai Jiai 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Mimi Hagiwara vs. Tarantula 5:00. Tarantula fought aggressively, showing some nice flying headscissors. A decent match, but the effort wasn't there to make it memorable (if that's even possible in 5 min). Tarantula unmasks for the retirement ceremony.

Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori vs. Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno 10:11. Competent but uninspiring squash. Hori & Omori controlled the match, keeping it on the mat early then throwing the opposition around later. Angels had almost no offense, with Tateno being particularly dominated. **

AJW Zenjo Classics #45 2/14/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #46 2/21/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


1/6/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo

10/10/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Tag League The Best '85 Semifinal: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

#46 TLB '85 Final taped 10/10/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Tag League The Best '85 Final: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

AJW Zenjo Classics #47 2/28/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #48 3/6/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


2/86 Hyogo, All Japan Tag Title Champion Decision League Match: Bull Nakano & Condor Saito vs. Kanako Nagatomo & Mika Komatsu

2/15/86 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, All Japan Tag Title Champion Decision League Final: Bull Nakano & Condor Saito vs. Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori

9/25/86 Omiya Skate Center, Yachiyo Hirata & Reibun Amada Debut Match: Yachiyo Hirata vs. Reibun Amada

#48 taped 9/25/86 Omiya Skate Center

Miori Kamiya & Mika Takahashi Debut Match: Miori Kamiya vs. Mika Takahashi

All Japan Junior Title Match: Yasuko Ishiguro vs. Hisako Uno

4/2/85 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan, WWWA World Tag Title Match: Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu vs. Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo

AJW Zenjo Classics #49 3/13/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #50 3/20/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#49 Martin & McIntyre taped 9/25/86 Omiya Skate Center

JB Angels sing Emblem of Youth

Tag League The Best '86: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Judy Martin & Velvet McIntyre

4/2/85 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan, Fuji TV Cup Scramble JGP '85: Jumbo Hori vs. Yukari Omori


8/25/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, '84 Fuji TV Cup Scramble Tag League Match: Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu vs. Jaguar Yokota & Devil Masami

11/29/86 Kanagawa Yokosuka Shi Sogo Taiikukan, Team Taiko Koshiki Leaguesen: Bull Nakano & Susan Starr & Tracy Richards & Condor Saito & Kumiko Iwamoto vs. Yukari Omori & Kanako Nagatomo & Kyoko Aso & Sayori Nakashima & Miori Kamiya

AJW Zenjo Classics #51 3/27/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #52 4/3/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#51 taped 2/15/86 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taikukan

Jaguar Yokota Retirement Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. Devil Masami 5:00 Very Good

2/3 falls: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Devil Masami & Lioness Asuka 7:06, 2:31, 3:46 ***1/4


8/25/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka 11:04, 2:31, 5:39 ***1/2

11/29/86 Kanagawa Yokosuka Shi Sogo Taiikukan: Mika Komatsu vs. Yukon Erika 4:55 DUD

Jumping Bomb Angels Sing

AJW Zenjo Classics #53 4/10/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #54 4/17/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#53 taped 11/29/86 Kanagawa Yokosuka Shi Sogo Taiikukan

All Japan Tag Title Match: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Hisako Uno & Yumiko Hotta

Lioness Asuka vs. Itsuki Yamazaki


11/29/86 Kanagawa Yokosuka Shi Sogo Taiikukan: Devil Masami & Chigusa Nagayo & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Mekume Nakamae & Kahoru Kage

12/6/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall '86 Team League Final: Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano & Condor Saito & Kahoru Kage & Mekume Nakamae & Yasuko Ishiguro vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Kazuo Nagahori & Yumi Ogura & Nobuko Kimura & Yachiyo Hirata & Yumiko Hotta

AJW Zenjo Classics #55 4/24/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #56 5/1/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#55 Class of 1986

8/8/86 Higashimurayama Shimin Sports Center, Kaoru Maeda & Megumi Kudo Debut Match: Kaoru Maeda vs. Megumi Kudo

9/10/86 Koga Shiritsu Taiikukan, Nobuko Kimura & Junko Ohashi Debut Match: Nobuko Kimura vs. Junko Ohashi

9/17/86 Oga-shi Taiikukan, Erika Shishedo & Noriyo Toyoda Debut Match: Erika Shishedo vs. Noriyo Toyoda

11/29/86 Kanagawa Yokosuka Shi Sogo Taiikukan:

Noriyo Toyoda vs. Nobuko Kimura

Mika Takahashi vs. Reibun Amada

#56 taped 10/10/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Lioness Asuka Return Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Dump Matsumoto

Tag League The Best '86 Final: Chigusa Nagayo & Yumiko Hotta vs. Yukari Omori & Hisako Uno

AJW Zenjo Classics #57 5/8/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #58 5/15/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#57 taped 11/7/86 Osaka Jo Hall

Kanako Nagatomo & Mika Komatsu vs. Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori 11:29 here. Missing the 1st 8 1/2 minutes due to satellite trouble. Red Typhoons looked good wrestling a fast paced exciting even if somewhat basic style. Ogura was clearly the best, followed by Nagahori. Pretty good.

Devil Masami & Lioness Asuka & Yukon Erika vs. Yukari Omori & Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno 10:10. High energy match. Nothing too fancy, but they kept the pace high and hit what they attempted. **1/2

12/6/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Lioness Asuka vs. Hisako Uno 6:18 shown. Lioness had her way, beating Uno when she wanted. It was essentially a well executed squash. Lioness kept it simple stretching Uno early then did some better moves. Uno barely showed any offense, a dropkick was about it. Fair.

#58 taped 11/7/86 Osaka Jo Hall

Kamikiri Death Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto 16:49. The ref bladed before the match began due to Dump attacking him with a chain. Chigusa sold the rest of the way, bleeding heavily. Whenever Chigusa would attempt an offensive manuever, Dump would just block it. Finally Chigusa won out of nowhere with a schoolboy, though it was obvious she kicked out before the 3 count. **

4/27/87 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Noriyo Tateno 8:04. Good action, but way too short with a lame screw job finish. Should have been a notable match, and looked like that was doable at 15 or 20 minutes. **

AJW Zenjo Classics #59 5/22/04
AJW Zenjo Classics #60 5/29/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#59 Matches Against Dump Matsumoto

8/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Dump Matsumoto vs. Itsuki Yamazaki

4/27/87 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan: Dump Matsumoto & Condor Saito & Judy Martin vs. Lioness Asuka & Yukari Omori & Mika Suzuki

#60 taped 4/27/87 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan

Japan Grand Prix '87 Koshikisen: Devil Masami vs. Bull Nakano

Chigusa Nagayo sings

WWWA Sekai Tag Senshuken: Hisako Uno & Yumiko Hotta vs. Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori

AJW Zenjo Classics #61 6/5/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #62 6/12/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#61 All Pacific Title

8/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, All Pacific Senshuken: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Leilani Kai 22:59. Much too long. Started off poorly with methodical Kai plodding around without doing any sequences and lazy Chigusa laying around rather than trying to save it. Much better toward the end with effort put into struggling for the holds and putting them over. One near fall after another down the stretch. The near falls came from basic holds, but they did a great job of making them dramatic by looking so spent. **3/4

4/27/87 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan, All Pacific Senshuken: Leilani Kai vs. Chigusa Nagayo 15:47.The shorter length was a plus in this case. Once again the early portion was largely biding time, but the finishing segment was better than on 8/21 and there was far less dead time. Double juice with the blood adding intensity and urgency. ***1/4

#62 All Japan Junior Title taped 3/20/86 Osaka Jo Hall

Zen Nihon Junior Senshuken: Condor Saito vs. Hisako Uno 12:32. Condor was the bigger star here, and controlled the match working Uno's knee. Hokuto used basic offense, with Condor working down to her level. **

'86 Japan Grand Prix Koshiki Leaguesen: Yumi Ogura vs. Kazue Nagahori 30:00. Might not have been a great match, but it was a memorable battle of partners. They worked hard form bell to bell, wrestling like they were going half the length they did. You got the idea it could be a draw, but never because they were holding anything back. Nagahori's kicking game was in top form. ***1/2

AJW Zenjo Classics #63 6/19/04
& AJW Zenjo Classics #64 6/26/04
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#63 WWWA World Tag Title taped 3/20/86 Osaka Jo Hall

Bull Nakano & Zuleyma & Chela Salazar vs. Devil Masami & Kanako Nagatomo & Mika Komatsu

Crush Gals sing

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka


3/20/86 Osaka Jo Hall, '86 Japan Grand Prix League Match: Yukari Omori vs. Dump Matsumoto

8/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Tag League The Best '86 League Match: Yukari Omori & Hisaku Uno vs. Devil Masami & Kyoko Aso

AJW Zenjo Classics #65 1/6/05
& AJW Zenjo Classics #66 1/13/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


3/20/86 Osaka Jo Hall, '86 Japan Grand Prix League Match: Yukari Omori vs. Dump Matsumoto

8/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Tag League The Best '86 League Match: Yukari Omori & Hisaku Uno vs. Devil Masami & Kyoko Aso


1/9/87 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano vs. Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno

4/16/86 Sagamihara-shi Sogo Taiikukan: JB Angels sing "CHANCE"

4/16/86 Sagamihara-shi Sogo Taiikukan: Crush Gals sing "Japanese Beauty"

AJW Zenjo Classics #67 1/20/05
& AJW Zenjo Classics #68 1/27/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect


1/29/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall WWWA World Singles Title: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Lioness Asuka

10/7/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Miori Kamiya vs. Mima Shimoda


Class of '87 pro test ~complete document~. The final step of what it took to make the cut in '80's AJW.

AJW Zenjo Classics #69 2/3/05
& AJW Zenjo Classics #70 2/16/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#69 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Terri Power & Saemi Numata vs. Shark Tsuchiya & Crusher Maedomari (FMW team) 1/4*

Plum Mariko & Hikari Fukuoka (JWP team) vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito ****1/4

#70 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Mima Shimoda & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Infernal Kaoru & Ultima Tigrita (EMLL) ***1/2

Suzuka Minami & Etsuko Mita vs. Rumi Kazama & Miki Handa (LLPW) ***3/4

AJW Zenjo Classics #71 2/17/05
AJW Zenjo Classics #72 2/24/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#71 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

WWWA Martial Arts Title: Bat Yoshinaga vs.Susan Howard

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Mayumi Ozaki & Cuty Suzuki

#72 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Ceremony honoring past greats

Memorial Superfight: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Devil Masami ****

AJW Zenjo Classics #73 3/3/05
& AJW Zenjo Classics #74 3/10/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#73 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Aja Kong & Bull Nakano vs. Eagle Sawai & Harley Saito (LLPW team) ****

Yumiko Hotta vs. Dynamite Kansai (JWP team) ****

#74 ALL STAR DREAMSLAM taped 4/2/93 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori (LLPW) Must see. Arguably the best women's singles match ever and the best example of a wrestler making a match an all-time classic on their own. Read Review 30:27. *****

Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs. Combat Toyoda & Megumi Kudo ****

AJW Zenjo Classics #75 3/17/05
& AJW Zenjo Classics #76 3/24/05
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#75 Budokan Legacy of Queens Part 1 taped 8/25/93 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Tomoko Watanabe & Numacchi & Chikako Shiratori vs. Utako Hozumi & Kurenai Yasha & Mizuki Endo. Basically all spots at a fast pace, but no one really had many spots. Match was average, but it just kind of went along. *3/4

Sky High Fantasy Land: Infernal KAORU & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Bolshoi Kid & Candy Okutsu (JWP team). This match was ruined by the damn clown, who was at her annoying worst. If you can withstand Bolshoi's early antics, there's some nice gymnastics and choice high spots, but even KAORU & ASARI almost left because Bolshoi was such a joker. Worst match on the show due to bad comedy and meaningless spots. Mariko Yoshida refs this. *

#76 Budokan Legacy of Queens Part 2 taped 8/25/93 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Toshiyo Yamada & Kaoru Ito vs. Megumi Kudo & Yukie Nabeno (FMW team). Despite Yukie Nabeno lacking everything, the other three, particularly Yamada, made this a very good exciting match. Pretty simple match that built well and everyone was utilized in a way they could impress the crowd. ***1/2

Over the Idol ~Summer Heroine Series~:Takako Inoue vs. Cuty Suzuki (JWP). Solid match with Takako doing a good job of carrying Cuty. ***1/4

Kyoko Inoue vs. Shinobu Kandori (LLPW). Kyoko worked within the limitations of what Kandori can do, but it was a really exciting match with all kinds of false finishes. ****1/4

AJW TV 3/12/05 Zenjo Dead or Alive '05 taped 2/19/05 & 3/6/05 Tokyo Odaiba Studio Dream Maker
& AJW Zenjo Classics #77 3/31/05
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

AJW taped 2/19/05

Hikaru vs. Ayako Hamada

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Aja Kong & Amazing Kong vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Saki Maemura

3/6/05: Ayako Hamada & Saki Maemura vs. Amazing Kong & Sara Del Rey

AJW Classics #77 taped 8/25/93 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

All Pacific Title Match: Akira Hokuto vs. Rumi Kazama

WWWA World Single Title Match: Aja Kong vs. Dynamite Kansai

Toryumon Mexico STV 3/19/05 Yamaha Cup 2005 taped 2/27/05 Mexico City Arena Coliseo
& AJW Zenjo Classics #77 3/31/05
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect


Joe Lider & Negro Navarro & Skayde vs. Extreme Tiger & Kanjyouro Matsuyama & Milanito Collection AT 17:31

Yamaha Cup 2005 Semifinal: King Ali Baba & Lil Cholo vs. Banana Senga & Passion Hasegawa 7:25

Yamaha Cup 2005 Semifinal: Hiromi Horiguchi & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Hajime Ohara & Kazuchika Okada 13:23

Gail Kim vs. Nidia 6:20

2/3 Falls: Atlantis & Blue Panther & The Tiger vs. Hector Garza & Tarzan Boy & Ultimo Guerrero 12:33

Yamaha Cup 2005 Final: Hiromi Horiguchi & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. King Ali Baba & Lil Cholo 4:07

AJW Classics #77 taped 8/25/93 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

All Pacific Title Match: Akira Hokuto vs. Rumi Kazama

WWWA World Single Title Match: Aja Kong vs. Dynamite Kansai

AJW Zenjo Premium #1 3/4/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #2 3/11/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#1 taped 1/24/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Suzuka Minami vs. Yumiko Hotta

Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Terri Power & Kaoru Ito

Kyoko Inoue vs. Takako Inoue

#2 taped 1/24/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Aja Kong & Bull Nakano vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada

Miki Handa & Eagle Sawai & Harley Saito vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Akira Hokuto

AJW Zenjo Premium #3 3/19/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #4 4/4/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#3 Japan Grand Prix '93 taped 6/11/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Japan Grand Prix '93 Red Zone Koshikisen: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Sakie Hasegawa

Japan Grand Prix '93 Blue Zone Koshikisen: Kyoko Inoue vs. Hikari Fukuoka

Zenjo vs. LLPW: Akira Hokuto vs. Yasha Kurenai

#4 Japan Grand Prix '93 taped 7/4/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall:

Japan Grand Prix '93 Red Zone: Akira Hokuto vs. Suzuka Minami.

Japan Grand Prix '93 Blue Zone: Yumiko Hotta vs. Hikari Fukuoka

Japan Grand Prix '93 Red Zone: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Harley Saito

AJW Zenjo Premium #5 4/11/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #6 4/18/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#5 taped 1/20/97 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Yumiko Hotta vs. Toshiyo Yamada

WWWA World Single & All Pacific & IWA Triple Crown Unification Match: Kyoko Inoue vs. Takako Inoue

#6 taped 1/20/97 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa

AJW Zenjo Premium #7 4/25/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #8 5/2/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#7 AJW 30th Anniversary HALL OF FAME taped 11/29/98 Yokohama Arena

Rie Tamada & Mika Akino vs. Momoe Nakanishi & Miyuki Fuji

Alexander Otsuka & Yone Genjin & Kanoko Motoya & Little Frankie vs. Yuki Ishikawa & Gran Naniwa & Emi Motokawa & Tomezo Tsunokake

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Yuko Kosugi & Sumie Sakai vs. Miho Wakizawa & Kayo Noumi

#8 AJW 30th Anniversary HALL OF FAME taped 11/29/98 Yokohama Arena

Eagle Sawai & Shark Tsuchiya vs. ZAP I & ZAP T

All Pacific Title Match: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Yasha Kurenai

Shinobu Kandori & Harley Saito vs. Takako Inoue & Noriyo Tateno

AJW Zenjo Premium #9 5/9/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #10 5/16/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#9 AJW 30th Anniversary HALL OF FAME taped 11/29/98 Yokohama Arena

Jaguar Yokota & Devil Masami & Lioness Asuka vs. Aja Kong & Dynamite Kansai & Yumiko Hotta

AAAW Single Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Manami Toyota

#10 WRESTLING QUEENDOM Yokohama Bishin Okoku '97 unified taped 3/23/97 Yokohama Arena

All Japan Junior Title Decision Match: Momoe Nakanishi vs Nanae Takahashi

All Japan Tag Title Match: Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima vs Genki Misae & Saya Endo

Zenjo vs GAEA Tag War: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Chihiro Nakano & Makie Numao

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa vs Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida

AJW Zenjo Premium #11 5/23/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #12 5/30/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#11 WRESTLING QUEENDOM Yokohama Bishin Okoku '97 unified taped 3/23/97 Yokohama Arena

Manami Toyota vs. Kaoru Ito

Triple Crown Title Match: Kyoko Inoue vs Aja Kong

#12 ALL STAR DREAM SLAM taped 4/2/93 Yokohama Arena

Memorial Superfight: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Devil Masami

Yumiko Hotta vs. Dynamite Kansai

AJW Zenjo Premium #14 6/13/06
& AJW Zenjo Premium #15 6/20/06
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#14 ALL STAR DREAM SLAM taped 4/2/93 Yokohama Arena

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki

Manami Toyoda & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Megumi Kudo & Combat Toyoda

#15 ALL STAR DREAM SLAM taped 4/2/93 Yokohama Arena

KAORU & Ultima Tigrita vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Mima Shimoda

Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori

AJW Classics Special #1 1/29/07
-2hr. Q=Perfect

2/25/81Yokohama Bunka Gymnasium, WWWA World Singles Title: Jackie Sato (c) vs. Rimi Yokota

5/7/83 Kawasaki City Gymnasium, WWWA World Singles Title Hair vs. Mask Match: Jaguar Yokota (c) vs. La Galactica

6/28/84 Kawasaki City Gymnasium, Crush Gals vs. Jaguar Yokota & Devil Masami

8/22/85 Tokyo Nippon Budokan, WWWA World Singles Title: Jaguar Yokota (c) vs. Lioness Asuka

2/15/86 Kawasaki City Gymnasium, Jaguar Yokota Retirement Exhibition: Jaguar Yokota vs. Devil Masami

8/25/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWWA Tag Team Title: Dynamite Girls (Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori) vs. Crush Gals

10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWWA Tag Team Title: Crush Gals (c) vs. La Galatica & Lola Gonzalez

4/02/85 Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium, WWWA Tag Team Title: Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu (c) vs. Crush Gals

3/20/86 Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium, WWWA Tag Team Title: Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno) (c) vs. Crush Gals

4/27/89 Omiya Skate Center, WWWA Tag Team Title: Crush Gals (c) vs. Marine Wolves (Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami)

5/06/89 Yokohama Arena, Chigusa Nagayo Retirement: Crush Gals vs. Akira Hokuto & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

AJW Classics Special #2 2/26/07
-2hr. Q=Perfect

1/4/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWWA World Single Title Decision Match: Bull Nakano vs. Mitsuko Nishiwaki

4/25/92 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan: Bull Nakano vs. Aja Kong

8/15/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, IWA Title Hair vs. Hair Match: Manami Toyota vs. Toshiyo Yamada

11/26/92 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match:Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs. Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki

4/2/93 Yokohama Arena: Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori

12/6/93: Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori

8/25/93 Tokyo Nippon Budokan, WWWA World Single Title Match: Aja Kong vs. Dynamite Kansai

11/20/94 Tokyo Dome V*TOP Woman Tournament Final: Akira Hokuto vs. Aja Kong

11/20/94 Tokyo Dome: Bull Nakano vs. Madusa

3/26/95 Yokohama Arena, WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong

8/20/97 Tokyo Nippon Budokan, WWWA World Single Title Match: Kyoko Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #1 8/7/07
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #2 8/21/07
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#1 taped 5/7/83 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan

All Japan Junior Title Match: Noriyo Tateno vs. Hiromi Komatsubara

Monster Ripper vs. Mimi Hagawara

WWWA Tag Title Decision 3 Match #2: Devil Masami & Tarantula vs. Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori

WWWA World Single Title Mask vs. Hair Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. La Galactica


4/1/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Mimi Hagiwara & Tarantula Retirement Exhibition Match: Mimi Hagiwara vs. Tarantula

8/25/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Yukari Omori & Jumbo Hori

9/17/84 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan Fuji TV Cup Tag League Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu

9/17/84 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan, WWWA World Single & UWA World Double Title Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. La Galactica

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #3 9/18/07
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #4 10/16/07
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#3 taped 10/6/84 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo (Crush Gals) vs La Galactica & Lola Gonzalez

All Japan Title Match: Itsuki Yamazaki vs Yumi Ogura

1/5/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 Falls: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto & Rosy Moreno

1/6/85 Tokyo, 2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo (Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo) vs. Jumping Bomb Angels (Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki)

#4 taped 2/25/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

All Japan Title Match: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Bull Nakano

Jaguar Yokota & Devil Masami vs Jumbo Hori & Yukari Omori

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu. No satellite signal for 4/5 minutes during ring entrance and introductions

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #5 11/20/07
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #6 12/18/07
-2hr. Q=Perfect


4/2/85 Aichi-ken Taiikukan, Fuji TV Cup Japan Grand Prix '85 League Match: Jumbo Hori vs. Yukari Omori

4/26/85 Kashima Choritsu Taiikukan, Fuji TV Cup Japan Grand Prix '85 League Match: Dump Matsumoto vs. Crane Yu

4/6/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Fuji TV Cup Japan Grand Prix '85 League Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Chigusa Nagayo


4/2/85 Aichi-ken Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Dump Matsumoto & Crane Yu vs. Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo

5/12/85 Mexico El Toreo De Cuatro Caminos, 2/3 Falls: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Lola Gonzales & Rosa Maria

5/12/85 Mexico El Toreo De Cuatro Caminos, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Single Title Match: Jaguar Yakota vs. Pantera Surena

5/16/85 Saitama Omiya Skate Center, 2/3 falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #7 1/22/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #8 2/19/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#7 taped 8/22/85 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Yukari Omori vs. Monster Ripper

2/3 Falls: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

All Pacific Title Match: Devil Masami vs. Chigusa Nagayo

WWWA World Single Title Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. Lioness Asuka

#8 taped 10/10/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

8/28/85 Osaka Jo Hall, Haircut Death Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto

Tag League The Best '85 Semifinal: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

Tag League The Best '85 Final: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #9 3/18/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #10 4/15/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#9 taped 12/12/85 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Rookie of the Year Tournament Final: Hisako Uno vs. Akemi Sakamoto

All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumi Ogura

Jumbo Hori Retirement Exhibition Match: Jumbo Hori vs. Yukari Omori

WWWA World Single Title Decision Match, All Pacific Title Match: Devil Masami vs. Dump Matsumoto

#10 taped 2/15/86 Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan

1/5/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Bull Nakano & Condor Saito

1/9/86 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan, 2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano

All Japan Tag Title Decision League Match: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Bull Nakano & Condor Saito

Jaguar Yokota Retirement 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. Devil Masami

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #11 4/29/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #12 5/20/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#11 taped 3/20/86 Osaka Jo Hall

Bull Nakano & Zuleyma & Chela Salazar vs. Devil Masami & Mika Komatsu & Kanako Nagatomo

All Japan Junior Title Match: Condor Saito vs. Hisako Uno

Japan Grand Prix '86 League Match: Yumi Ogura vs. Kazue Nagahori

Japan Grand Prix '86 League Match: Dump Matsumoto vs. Yukari Omori

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Jumping Bomb Angels (Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki) vs. Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo

#12 4/5/86 Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

Japan Grand Prix '86 League Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumi Ogura

All Pacific Title Decision Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto

WWWA World Single Title Match: Jaguar Yokota vs. Devil Masami

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #13 6/17/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #14 7/15/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect


4/8/86 Miyagi-ken Sports Center, 2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Crush Gals (Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo) vs. the Red Typhoons (Kazue Nagahori & Yumi Ogura)

5/29/86 Omiya Skate Center All Japan Junior Title Match: Hisako Uno vs. Yasuko Ishiguro

7/24/86 Matsudo Undo Koen Taiikukan, All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Kazue Nagahori

7/24/86 Matsudo Undo Koen Taiikukan, All Japan Junior Title Match: Yasuko Ishiguro vs. Mika Suzuki

6/22/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Japan Grand Prix '86 Final: Yukari Omori vs. Chigusa Nagayo


8/21/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, All Pacific Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Leilani Kai

8/23/86 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Kazue Nagahori

8/23/86 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, WWWA World Single Title Match: Devil Masami vs. Yukari Omori

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #15 7/29/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #16 8/19/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect


8/8/86 Higashimurayama Shimin Sports Center, Kaoru Maeda & Megumi Kudo Debut Match: Kaoru Maeda vs. Megumi Kudo

9/10/86 Koga Shiritsu Taiikukan, Nobuko Kimura & Junko Ohashi Debut Match: Nobuko Kimura vs. Junko Ohashi

9/17/86 Oga-shi Taiikukan, Erika Shishedo & Noriyo Toyoda Debut Match: Erika Shishedo vs. Noriyo Toyoda

9/25/86 Omiya Skate Center, Reibun Amada & Yachiyo Hirata Debut Match: Reibun Amada vs. Yachiyo Hirata

9/25/86 Omiya Skate Center, Miori Kamiya & Mika Takahashi Debut Match: Miori Kamiya vs. Mika Takahashi

10/10/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Yukon Erika Debut Match: Kanako Nagatomo vs. Yukon Erika

10/10/86 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Tag League The Best '86 Final: Chigusa Nagayo & Yumiko Hotta vs. Yukari Omori & Hisako Uno

#16 taped 11/7/86 Osaka Jo Hall

All Japan Tag Title Match: Mika Komatsu & Kanako Nagatomo vs. Red Typhoons (Kazue Nagahori & Yumi Ogura)

Devil Masami & Lioness Asuka & Yukon Erika vs. Yukari Omori & Jumping Bomb Angels (Noriyo Tateno & Itzuki Yamazaki)

Kamikiri Death Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #17 9/16/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #18 9/30/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect


2/26/87 Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yasuko Ishiguro

2/26/87 Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan, WWWA World Single Title Next Challenger Decision Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Lioness Asuka

3/21/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Hisako Uno & Yumiko Hotta vs. Red Typhoons (Kazue Nagahori & Yumi Ogura)

3/21/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Bull Nakano

#18 taped 4/15/87 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

All Japan Junior Title Match: Kyoko Aso vs. Mika Suzuki

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Devil Masami

WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Judy Martin & Leilani Kai vs. Yumiko Hotta & Hisako Uno

WWWA World Single Title Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Yukari Omori

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #19 10/21/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #20 11/18/08
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#19 taped 4/27/87 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan

Noriyo Tateno vs. Itsuki Yamazaki

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Bull Nakano vs. Devil Masami

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Hisako Uno (Akira Hokuto) & Yumiko Hotta vs. Red Typhoons (Kazue Nagahori & Yumi Ogura)

All Pacific Title Match: Leilani Kai vs. Chigusa Nagayo

#20 taped 6/13/87 Okinawa Onoyama Taiikukan

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Dump Matsumoto vs. Condor Saito

Japan Grand Prix '87 League Match: Chigusa Nagoya vs. Lioness Asuka

6/28/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Tag Title Decision Match: Kyoko Aso & Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Drill Nakamae & Kumiko Iwamoto

Kanako Nagatomo Retirement Exhibition Match: Kanako Nagatomo vs. Mika Komatsu

Japan Grand Prix '87 Advance to Final Decision Match: Dump Matsumoto vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #21 12/16/08
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #22 1/22/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#21 taped 10/11/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

7/20/87 Miyagi-ken Sports Center, All Japan Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumiko Hotta

8/20/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, All Japan Junior Title Match: Kyoko Aso vs. Erika Shishedo

9/14/87 Omiya Skate Center, Tag League The Best '87 League Match: Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka

Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Dump Matsumoto & Megumi Nakamae

Tag League The Best '87 Final: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Bull Nakano & Condor Saito

#22 taped 10/20/87 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Devil Masami vs. Pantera Surena

U.S. Expedition Send-off Match: Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Lioness Asuka & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Yumi Ogura & Kazue Nagahori vs. Bull Nakano & Condor Saito

WWWA World Single & All Pacific Double Title Match: Yukari Omori vs. Chigusa Nagayo

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #23 2/17/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #24 3/17/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#23 taped 12/26/87 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Yasuko Ishiguro Retirement 5 Minute Exhibition Match: Yasuko Ishiguro vs. Yachiyo Hirata

All Japan Junior Title Decision League Match: Mika Suzuki vs. Kaoru Maeda

10 Minute Exhibition Match: Hisako Uno vs. Mika Takahashi

Devil Masami Retirement Match: Devil Masami vs. Chigusa Nagayo

#24 taped 2/25/88 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan

1/5/88 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWWA World Single Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Yukari Omori

WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Bull Nakano & Kumiko Iwamoto vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

Yukari Omori & Dump Matsumoto Retirement Match: Dump Matsumoto & Yukari Omori vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #25 4/20/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #26 5/19/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#25 taped 4/2/88 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan

All Japan Tag Title Decision Match: Eriko Shishedo & Nobuko Kimura vs. Mika Takahashi & Kaoru Maeda

Dynamite King & Dynamite Queen & Dynamite Jack vs. Lioness Asuka & Hisako Uno & Mika Suzuki

WWF Women's Tag Title Match: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

All Pacific Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Bull Nakano

#26 taped 5/15/88 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Leilani Kai & Judy Martin & Dynamite Jack vs. Yumiko Hotta & Hisako Uno & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

Fuji TV Cup Japan Grand Prix '88 League Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumi Ogura

Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki

8/25/88 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan, WWWA World Single Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs. Lioness Asuka

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #27 6/15/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #28 6/29/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#27 taped 12/11/88 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

'88 Rookie of the Year Decision Tournament Final: Sachiko Nakamura vs. Kyoko Inoue

All Japan Junior Title Decision Match: Reibun Amada vs. Manami Toyota

10/10/88 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Chigusa Nagayo vs. Toshiyo Yamada

Tag League The Best '88 Semifinal: Hisako Uno & Mika Suzuki vs. Bull Nakano & Dynamite Jack

Tag League The Best '88 Final: Fire Jets (Yumiko Hotta and Mitsuko Nishiwaki) vs. Hisako Uno & Mika Suzuki

#28 taped 1/29/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Ishu Kakutogisen: Yumiko Hotta vs. Meo Tai

WWWA World Single Title Decision Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Chigusa Nagayo

3/4/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWWA World Tag Title Match: Lioness Asuka & Chigusa Nagayo vs. Calgary Typhoons (Mika Komatsu and Yumi Ogura)

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #29 7/20/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #30 8/31/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#29 taped 3/4/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Tag Title Match: Miori Kamiya & Reibun Amada vs. Kaoru Maeda & Mika Takahashi

WWWA Tag Title Next Challenger Decision Match: Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

4/27/89 Omiya Skate Center

Mika Komatsu Retirement Match: Yumi Ogura vs. Mika Komatsu

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami


Takashi Matsunaga tribute with AJW match highlights and wrestler interviews from mid 70's onward

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #31 9/14/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #32 10/19/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#31 taped 5/6/89 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

International Super Battle Royal - 26 Women Two Rings

Chigusa Nagayo Special Retirement Match: Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Akira Hokuto & Mitsuko Nishiwaki. Followed by 4 impromptu exhibition matches.

Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Yumiko Hotta & Suzuki Minami

Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Itsuki Yamazaki & Norio Tateno

Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka vs. Bull Nakano & Yumi Ogura

Chigusa Nagayo vs. Lioness Asuka

#32 taped 5/6/89 Kanagawa Yokohama Arena

Manami Toyoda & Mima Shimoda vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita

Mika Takahashi & Kaoru Maeda vs. Tiffany & Texas

Double Single Match: Noriyo Tateno vs. Itsuki Yamazaki; Bull Nakano vs. Yumi Ogura

World#1 Global Title Decision Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Madusa Miceli

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #33 11/16/09
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #34 12/29/09
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#33 taped 5/14/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Itsuki Yamazaki Retirement Match: Itsuki Yamazaki vs. Noriyo Tateno

All Japan Tag Title Match: Reibun Amada & Miori Kamiya vs. Dream Orca (Etsuko Mita & Toshiyo Yamada)

Akira Hokuto & Suzuki Minami & Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Kumiko Iwamoto & Aja Shishedo & Nobuko Kimura

WWWA World Single Title Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Bull Nakano

#34 taped 7/19/89 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Kaoru Maeda & Mika Takahashi vs. Mima Shimoda & Hiromi Hasegawa

Etsuko Mita vs. Miori Kamiya

Noriyo Tateno & Yumi Ogura & Reibun Amada & Manami Toyota vs. Bull Nakano & Kumiko Iwamoto & Aja Shishedo & Nobuko Kimura

Ishu Kakutogisen: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Annamaria Tenkate (sp?)

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Fire Jets (Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki) vs. Marine Wolves (Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami)

WWWA World Single Title Match: Lioness Asuka vs. Madusa Miceli

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #35 1/18/10
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #36 2/15/10
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#35 taped 8/24/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Tag League The Best '89 League Match: Bison Kimura & Grizzly Iwamoto vs. Kaoru Maeda & Mika Takahashi

Miori Kamiya & Yumiko Hotta vs. Yumi Ogura & Hiromi Hasegawa

All Japan Title Match: Aja Shishedo vs. Reibun Amada

Tag League The Best '89 League Match: Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita vs. Mima Shimoda & Suzuka Minami

Lioness Asuka Retirement Exhibition Match:
a)Lioness Asuka vs. Noriyo Tateno
b)Lioness Asuka vs. Jaguar Yokota

#36 taped 12/9/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Rookie of the Year Decision Tournament Semifinals: Eriko Yoshinaga vs. Michiko Nagashima

Rookie of the Year Decision Tournament Semifinals: Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Rookie of the Year Decision Tournament Final: Kaoru Ito vs. Eriko Yoshinaga

Yumi Ogura Retirement Exhibition Match: Yumi Ogura vs. Bull Nakano

IWA World Title Match: Madusa vs. Bison Kimura

All Japan Title Match: Manami Toyoda vs. Toshiyo Yamada

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Aja Kong & Grizzly Iwamoto

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #37 3/15/10
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #38 4/18/10
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#37 taped 1/4/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Junior Title Match: Mima Shimoda vs. Kaoru Ito

Manami Toyoda vs. Suzuka Minami

Akira Hokuto & Yumiko Hotta vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita

WWWA World Single Title Decision Match: Bull Nakano vs. Mitsuko Nishiwaki

#38 taped 3/18/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Bull Nakano & Bison Kimura vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Manami Toyoda & Etsuko Mita

Kakutogisen: Bat Yoshinga vs. Sakie Hasegawa

Kakutogisen: Aja Kong vs. Madusa

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Yumiko Hotta & Mitsuko Nishiwaki

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #41 7/18/10
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #42 8/16/10
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#41 taped 8/19/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Kakutogisen 3 Minutes 5 Rounds: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Kaoru Ito

Noriyo Tateno 2000 Matches Commemorative Match: Noriyo Tateno & Madusa vs. Mitsuko Nishiwaki & Suzuka Minami

Manami Toyota vs. Akira Hokuto

Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Bull Nakano & Grizzly Iwamoto


9/1/90 Omiya Skate Center, Cage Death Match: Bull Nakano vs. Aja Kong

10/7/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Mitsuko Nishiwaki Retirement Exhibition Match: Mitsuko Nishiwaki vs. Yumiko Hotta

11/14/90 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan, Cage No Referee Death Match: Bull Nakano vs. Aja Kong

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #43 9/18/10
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #44 10/17/10
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#43 taped 11/14/90 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan

All Japan Tag Title Match: Mika Takahashi & Kaoru Maeda vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita

Kakutogisen: Bat Yoshinga vs. Kaoru Ito

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Manami Toyoda & Kyoko Inoue

12/9/90 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Manami Toyoda & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita

Bull Nakano vs. Kyoko Inoue

WWWA World Tag Title Match: Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura

#44 taped 1/4/91 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Kyoko Inoue vs. Noriyo Tateno

Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Manami Toyoda & Suzuka Minami

WWWA World Single Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Akira Hokuto

1/11/91 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan

All Pacific Title Match: Manami Toyoda vs. Akira Hokuto

Loser Gets Haircut Tag Match: Bull Nakano & Kyoko Inoue vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #47 1/24/11
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #48 2/20/11
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#47 taped 7/15/91 Chino-shi Undo Koen Taiikukan, All Pacific Title Match: Akira Hokuto vs. Bat Yoshinaga

8/2/91 Kimitsu Shimin Taiikukan, All Japan Tag Title Match: Esther Moreno & Cynthia Moreno vs. Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida

7/15/91 Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament 1st Round

Mariko Yoshida vs. Esther Moreno

Aja Kong vs. Yumiko Hotta GP 1991

8/2/91, Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament 2nd Round: Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada

#48 taped 8/18/91 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Title Match: Takako Inoue vs. Mariko Yoshida

Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament 2nd Round: Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada

Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament Semifinal: Bison Kimura vs. Aja Kong

Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament Semifinal: Kyoko Inoue vs. Manami Toyoda

Japan Grand Prix '91 Tournament Final: Kyoko Inoue vs. Bison Kimura

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #49 3/21/11
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #50 4/17/11
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#49 taped 9/7/91 Omiya Skate Center

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Mariko Yoshida vs. Mika Takahashi & Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito

Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Takako Inoue & Suzuka Minami

Manami Toyoda vs. Toshiyo Yamada

All Pacific Title Match: Akira Hokuto vs. Yumiko Hotta

WWWA World Single Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Kyoko Inoue

#50 taped 10/4/91 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Debut Match: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Megumi Miyoko

Debut Match: Chikako Hasegawa vs. Rie Tamada

Mika Takahashi Retirement Exhibition Match: Mika Takahashi vs. Miori Kamiya

Tag League The Best '91 League Match: Manami Toyoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Yumiko Hotta & Tomoko Watanabe

All Pacific Title Match: Akira Hokuto vs. Suzuka Minami

Tag League The Best '91 League Match: Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #51 5/15/11
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #52 6/19/11
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#51 taped 10/26/91 Toyama Shiritsu Taiikukan

All Pacific Title Match: Suzuka Minami vs. Bison Kimura

Bull Nakano & Akira Hokuto vs. Manami Toyoda & Debbie Malenko

11/21/91 Kawasaki-shi Taiikukan

All Japan Title Match: Takako Inoue vs. Debbie Malenko

Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Akira Hokuto & Manami Toyoda

Cage Tag Street Fight Death Match: Bull Nakano & Monster Ripper vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura

#52 taped 12/9/91 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Rookie of the Year Decision Match: Akemi Torisu vs. Rie Tamada

Manami Toyoda & Debbie Malenko vs. Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida

Tag League The Best '91 Advance to the Final Decision Match: Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Bull Nakano & Akira Hokuto

Tag League The Best '91 Final: Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #53 7/17/11
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #54 8/22/11
-2hr. Q=Perfect

##53 taped 1/4/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita

Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Debbie Malenko

Manami Toyoda vs. Toshiyo Yamada

IWA World Women's Title Match: Kyoko Inoue vs. Akira Hokuto

#54 taped 1/5/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Tag Title Match: Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Debbie Malenko

Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda vs. Manami Toyoda & Etsuko Mita

Bull Nakano vs. Suzuka Minami

WWWA World Tag Title Decision Match: Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #55
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #56
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#55 taped 2/1/92 Takasaki-shi Chou Taiikukan & 3/7/92 Yokosuka-shi Sogo Taiikukan

All Japan Junior Title: Saemi Numata vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue

Aja Kong vs. Bull Nakano


All Japan Junior Champion Decision League: Saemi Numata vs. Shiho Nakamigawa

All Japan Junior Champion Decision League: Yuki Lee vs. Akemi Torisu

Bull Nakano vs. Akira Hokuto

UWA World Women's Tag Title: Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs. Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta

#56 taped 3/20/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

All Japan Junior Title: Yuki Lee vs. Akemi Torisu

Kazue Saito Retirement Ceremony

All Japan Tag Title: Mima Shimoda & Mariko Yoshida vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Debbie Malenko

Kyoko Inoue vs. Bull Nakano

2/3 Falls WWWA World & UWA Double Tag Title: Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #61
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #62
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#61 taped 7/30/92 & 8/9/92

7/30/92 Mito Shimin Taiikukan

Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament 1R: Takako Inoue & Etsuko Mita vs. Mariko Yoshida & Sakie Hasegawa

Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament 1R: Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe

8/9/92 Nagoya Kokusai Kaikan

Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament 2R: Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida

Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament 1R: Terri Power & Kyoko Inoue vs. Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada

7/30/92 Cage Match: Bull Nakano vs. Akira Hokuto

#62 taped 8/13/92 & 8/15/92


Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament Semifinal: Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida vs. Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada

Akira Hokuto vs. Mariko Yoshida

8/15/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Midsummer Typhoon '92 Fuji TV Cup Tag Tournament Final: Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Bull Nakano & Aja Kong

IWA World Women's Title Hair vs. Hair Match: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Manami Toyota

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #63
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #64
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#63 taped 8/30/92 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Japan Grand Prix '92 Blue Zone Playoff Match: Mariko Yoshida vs. Kyoko Inoue

Japan Grand Prix '92 Semifinal: Aja Kong vs. Toshiyo Yamada

Japan Grand Prix '92 Semifinal: Manami Toyota vs. Mariko Yoshida

Japan Grand Prix '92 Final: Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota


8/30/92: Bull Nakano & Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami vs. Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

9/11/92 Morioka-shi Ice Arena

CMLL World Women's Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Yumiko Hotta

Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada

11/4/92 Fukuoka Nagasaki Kokusai Taiikukan

Akira Hokuto vs. Kaoru Ito

Takako Inoue & Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #67
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #68
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#67 taped 1/4/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Terri Power & Suzuka Minami vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

All Pacific Title: Akira Hokuto vs. Debbie Malenko

IWA World Women's Title: Manami Toyota vs. Sakie Hasegawa

Bull Nakano & Aja Kong vs. Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada

#68 taped 2/10/93 & 3/11/93

2/10/93 Kumamoto City Gym

All Japan Title: Kaoru Ito vs. Debbie Malenko

Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong & Bat Yoshinaga

3/11/93 Nagoya Sangyo Kaikan

Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Terri Power & Kaoru Ito

All Japan Tag Title: Aja Kong vs. Yumiko Hotta

Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #73
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #74
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#73 taped 4/24/93 Shimane-ken Masudo Shimin Taiikukan

All Japan Tag Title: Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kaoru Ito & Sakie Hasegawa

Suzuka Minami vs. Etsuko Mita

Akira Hokuto & Bull Nakano vs. Takako Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada

Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue

#74 taped 6/3/93 Sapporo Nakajima Taiiku Center

Aja Kong & Bull Nakano vs. Akira Hokuto & Kyoko Inoue

Japan Grand Prix '93 Blue Zone League Match: Manami Toyota vs. Hikari Fukuoka

2/3 Falls WWWA Sekai Tag Title: Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Takako Inoue & Yumiko Hotta

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #75
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #76
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#75 taped taped 7/26/93 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukan 2

Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga vs. Etsuko Mita & Takako Inoue

Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong & Infernal KAORU

JGP '93: Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue

Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Yumiko Hotta & Toshiyo Yamada

#76 taped 8/5/93 Ibaraki Kasumagaora Bunka Taiikukan

Kaoru Ito vs. Bull Nakano

Aja Kong vs. Bat Yoshinaga

Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami & Takako Inoue

JGP '93: Akira Hokuto vs. Harley Saito

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #81
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #82
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#81 taped 10/9/93 Tokyo Bay NK Hall

Etsuko Mita & Tomoko Watanabe & Numacchi vs. Carol Midori & Mizuki Endo & Mikiko Futagami

Sakie Hasegawa & Takako Inoue vs. Shinobu Kandori & Kurenai Yasha

Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami vs. Bull Nakano & Reggie Bennett

The Marinepiad Biggest: Aja Kong vs. Akira Hokuto

#082 taped 11/12/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Yumi Fukawa & Miki Yokoe Debut Match: Chikako Shiratori & Miki Yokoe vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Yumi Fukawa

Tag League The Best '93 League Match: Bull Nakano & Suzuka Minami vs. Eagle Sawai & Yasha Kurenai

Tag League The Best '93 League Match: Yumiko Hotta & Takako Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue

Tag League The Best '93 League Match: Manami Toyota & Akira Hokuto vs. Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #87
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #88
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#87 taped 12/6/93 Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

Zen Nihon Tag: Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Miki Handa & Kurenai Yasha

Yumiko Hotta & Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Rumi Kazama & Eagle Sawai & Harley Saito

Dangerous Queen Tokyo Ttrial: Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori

#88 taped 2/18/94 Fukuoka Hakata Starlanes

All Japan Junior League: Miki Yokoe vs. Akiko Abe

Mima Shimoda vs. Takako Inoue

Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong & Bull Nakano

Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kyoko Inoue

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #89
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #90
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#89 taped 2/27/94 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Bull Nakano vs. Etsuko Mita

Yumiko Hotta & Takako Inoue vs. Kyoko Inoue & Kaoru Ito

WWWA Tag Title: Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa

#090 taped 3/27/94 Yokohama Arena

Chaparrita ASARI vs. Hikari Fukuoka

Suzuka Minami & Chikako Shiratori vs. Megumi Kudo & Nurse Nakamura

IWA World Women's Title: Manami Toyota vs. Plum Mariko

Yumiko Hotta & Takako Inoue vs. Reggie Bennet & Eagle Sawai

JWP Tag Title: Mayumi Ozaki & Cuty Suzuki vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #91
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #92
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#091 taped 3/27/94 Yokohama & 3/30/94 Okinawa

AJ Junior Title: Candy Okutsu vs. Rie Tamada

AJ Tag Title: Miki Handa & Kurenai Yasha vs. Kaoru Ito & Tomoko Watanabe vs.

3/30/94 Okinawa Naha Shimin Taiikukan

UWA Women's Tag Title: Takako Inoue & Yumiko Hotta vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

JAS CUP Special Tag Match: Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Kyoko Inoue & Reggie Bennett

#092 taped 6/10/94 Sapporo Nakajima Taiiku Center

Kyoko Inoue & Rie Tamada vs. Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe

Japan Grand Prix '94: Yumiko Hotta vs. Suzuka Minami

Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Aja Kong & Bull Nakano

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title: Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kaoru Ito & Sakie Hasegawa

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #93
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #94
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#093 taped 7/16/94 Omiya Skate Center

Mariko Yoshida vs. Rie Tamada

Mima Shimoda vs. Takako Inoue

Japan Grand Prix '94:

Aja Kong & Bull Nakano & Suzuka Minami vs. Kyoko Inoue & Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta

#094 taped 8/24/94 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Suzuka Minami & Chaparrita ASARI & Tomoko Watanabe & Rie Tamada vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Fusayo Nochi & Commando Boirshoi & Hiromi Yagi

Kickboxing: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Kyoko Kamikaze

Chigusa Nagayo & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #97
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #98
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#97 taped 8/31/94 Osaka Furitsu Gym 2

Saya Endo Debut: Saya Endo vs. Misae Watanabe

Mariko Yoshida Rechallenge 7 #2: Mariko Yoshida vs. Takako Inoue

Japan Grand Prix '94: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Etsuko Mita

Sakie Hasegawa & Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue vs. Reggie Bennett & Kaoru Ito & Aja Kong

#98 taped 9/23/94 Saga Sports Center

Kaoru Kaneyama vs. Yuka Shina

Reggie Bennett & Aja Kong vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

Mariko Yoshida Rechallenge 7 #4: Manami Toyota vs. Mariko Yoshida

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Toshiyo Yamada

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #99
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #100
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#099 taped 10/22/94 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan

Kumiko Maekawa & Misae Watanabe vs. Nanae Takahashi & Nobue Endo

Rie Tamada vs. Chaparrita ASARI

Kyoko Inoue vs. Reggie Bennett

Aja Kong vs. Toshiyo Yamada

IWA World Women's & All Pacific Double Title: Manami Toyota vs. Takako Inoue

#100 taped 11/20/94 Tokyo Dome

Bomber Hikari & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Hiromi Sugo & Hiromi Yagi

Minami Suzuka vs. KAORU

Kickboxing: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Sugar Miyuki

UWA Women's Tag Title: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Michiko Nagashima & Kurenai Yasha

Hikari Fukuoka & Megumi Kudo vs. Cuty Suzuki & Takako Inoue

WWF Women's Title: Alundra Blayze vs. Bull Nakano

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #103
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #104
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#103 taped 11/20/94 Tokyo Dome

V*TOP WOMAN Japan Title Tournament Semifinal: Akira Hokuto vs. Combat Toyoda

V*TOP WOMAN Japan Title Tournament Semifinal: Aja Kong vs. Dynamite Kansai

V*TOP WOMAN Japan Title Tournament Final: Akira Hokuto vs. Aja Kong

#104 taped 1/3/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Nobue Endo & Kaoru Kaneyama & Naomi Kato vs. Yoshiko Tamura & Mina Taniyama & Emi Miyamoto

Aja Kong vs. Kaoru Ito

Toshiyo Yamada & Lioness Asuka vs. Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #105
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #106
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#105 taped 2/3/95 Chiba

Yoko Takahashi vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Rie Tamada vs. Jaguar Yokota

Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Kumiko Maekawa

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Toshiyo Yamada

#106 taped 2/15/95 Tokyo

Chaparrita ASARI vs. Yuka Shina

Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong vs. Etsuko Mita

Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #122 3/19/14
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #123 4/16/14
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#122 taped 1/3/96 Tokyo

AJ Tag Title: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Kumiko Maekawa

Sakie Hasegawa vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong & Mima Shimoda vs. Yumiko Hotta & Etsuko Mita

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

#123 taped 3/31/96 Yokohama

Sakie Hasegawa Retirement: Michiko Nagashima & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito

IWA Title: Takako Inoue vs. Mima Shimoda

Aja Kong & Combat Toyoda & Cooga vs. Bison Kimura & Megumi Kudo & KAORU

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #128 9/17/14
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #129 10/20/14
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#128 taped 9/28/96 Fukuoka

Saya Endo & Momoe Nakanishi vs. Nana Takahashi & Misaw Genki

Kyoko Inoue vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Aja Kong & Rie Tamada vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kumiko Maekawa

WWWA Tag Title: 2/3 Falls Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida

#129 taped 11/21/96 Kobe

AJ Title: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Rie Tamada

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Reggie Bennett vs. Takako Inoue

Aja Kong & Yumiko Hotta vs. Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #136
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #137
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#136 taped 5/11/97 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan

All Japan Junior Title Match: Momoe Nakanishi vs. Yuko Kosugi 9:35

Aja Kong & Bison Kimura vs. Takako Inoue & Yumiko Hotta 23:12

Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Tokoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa 18:48

Triple Crown WWWA All Pacific IWA Title Match: Kyoko Inoue vs. Kaoru Ito 60:00

#137 taped 6/17/97 Sapporo Nakajima Sports Center

CMLL World Women's Title: Mariko Yoshida vs. Rie Tamada

Aja Kong & Takako Inoue & Momoe Nakanishi vs. Yumiko Hotta & Tokoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada

WWWA World Single Title Decision Match: Kyoko Inoue vs. Kaoru Ito

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #138 7/27/15
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #139 8/24/15
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#138 taped 8/9/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Chaparrita ASARI vs. Yuka Shiina

Japan Grand Prix '97 League Match: Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Japan Grand Prix '97 League Match: Manami Toyota vs. Kaoru Ito

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue

#139 taped 8/20/97 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Shark Tsuchiya & Crusher Maedomari vs. Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa

Aja Kong Graduation Match: Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong

WWWA World Single Title: Kyoko Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #140 9/28/15
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #141 10/26/15
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#140 taped 8/20/97 Tokyo Nippon Budokan

Misa Okade vs. Chiharu

All Japan Junior Title: Momoe Nakanishi vs. Emi Motokawa

U*TOP Challenge ~Vale Tudo Rule~: Kaoru Ito vs. Crystal Contal

WWWA World Tag Titles: Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa. ****1/2

#141 taped 9/21/97 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukaikan

Miho Wakizawa vs. Miyuki Fujii

Toshiyo Yamada & KAORU vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Momoe Nakanishi

Manami Toyota vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #146 3/28/16
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #147 4/25/16
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#146 taped 2/11/98 Tokyo Fuji TV Studio

~1st Valiable Wave~ The Hight Grade: Manami Toyota vs. Tomoko Watanabe.

Force-4 Scramble Bout Zenjo Special: Kaoru Ito & Emi Motokawa & Miyuki Fujii & Sachie Nishibori vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kumiko Maekawa & Miho Wakizawa & Kayo Noumi

Eagle Sawai & Sayori Okino vs. Takako Inoue & Momoe Nakanishi

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kyoko Inoue

#147 taped 3/1/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Emi Motokawa vs. Nana Nakahara

Manami Toyoda vs. Kayo Noumi

Kumiko Maekawa vs. Momoe Nakanishi

Yumiko Hotta & Takako Inoue vs. ZAP I & ZAP T

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #164 9/25/17
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #165 10/23/17
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#164 taped 9/29/99 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Chikako Shiratori & Kayo Noumi vs. Yoshimi Enya & Miyuki Fujii

Kaoru Ito & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Chaparita ASARI & Miho Wakizawa

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta & Manami Toyota

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Momoe Nakanishi & Nanae Takahashi

#165 taped Tokyo Kokuritsu Yoyogi Kyogijo Dainitaiikukan

WWWA World Single Title: Yumiko Hotta vs. Takako Inoue

Chaparita ASARI & Hiromi Yagi vs. Miho Wakizawa & Kayo Noumi

Lioness Asuka vs. Nanae Takahashi

Ayako Seki vs. Miyuki Fujii

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title: Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tomoko Watanabe

QUEEN OF QUEENS ~90's FINAL BEST BOUT~: Manami Toyta vs. Kyoko Inoue

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #172 5/28/18
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #173 6/25/18
-2hr. Q=Perfect

#172 taped 9/17/00 Tokyo Differ Ariake

Yumiko Hotta vs. ZAP T 12:09

AJ Title Match: Nanae Takahashi vs. Miho Wakizawa 20:57

Black Joker ATHENA Jack II: Kumiko Maekawa & Momoe Nakanishi & Kayo Noumi vs. Rumi Kazama & Eagle Sawai & Takako Inoue 22:48

WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Kaoru Ito 24:02


9/23/00 Hakata Starlane WWWA World Tag Title: Momoe Nakanishi & Nanae Takahashi vs. Miho Wakizawa & Kayo Noumi


Mika Nishio vs. Chie Terashita

All Pacific Title: Tomoko Watanabe vs. Momoe Nakanishi

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Manami Toyoda & Miho Wakizawa

10/15/00 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Tag League The Best '00 League Match: Manami Toyota & Kayo Noumi vs. Kaoru Ito & Miho Wakizawa

Tag League The Best '00 League Match: Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #189 10/29/19
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #190 11/25/19
-1hr 50min. Q=Perfect

#189 taped 12/16/01 Kanagawa Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan

Miho Wakizawa Intai Jiai Wacky Final Smile: Miho Wakizawa vs. Kayo Noumi

Kanaami & Waisha Kamikiri Death Match ~Final Conclusion~: Kaoru Ito vs. Yumiko Hotta

#190 taped 1/3/02 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

1/4/02, All Japan Single Title: Kayoko Haruyama vs. Kayo Noumi

Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Nanae Takahashi & Momoe Nakanishi