Marvelous Puroresu 2018 DVD
Marvelous Women's Pro Wrestling Videos ISO

Marvelous DVD 8/8/18 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 45min. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

Natsumi Maki & Sahara Seven & Tomoko Watanabe & Yu Yamagata vs. Chikayo Nagashima & DASH Chisako & KAORU & Megumi Yabushita 11:57

Jaguar Yokota vs. Sakura Nagayo (Sakura Hirota) 7:52

Yoshiko vs. Mikoto Shindo 7:13

Leo Isaka vs. Takahiro Katori 12:59

Rina Yamashita & Rin Kadokura & Sareee vs. Kyuri & Mio Momono & Nyla Rose 10:29

Mayu Iwatani vs. Takumi Iroha 20:00

Marvelous Fresh 9/17/18 Tokyo Shinkiba 1st Ring
-1hr 55min. Q=Near Perfect

Mio Momono vs. Mikoto Shindo 7:40

Chikayo Nagashima & Megumi Yabushita vs. Cherry & Mochi Miyagi 12:41

Leo Isaka vs. Akiyori Takizawa

DASH Chisakao vs. Tomoko Watanabe 10:56. It's weird seeing Kaoru Ito, who used to be the thin half of the ZAPs, be 200 pounds overweight, while Watanabe, who once jokingly worked as Pork Warrior, is relatively in shape (by no means thin, but weighing less than she did 20 years ago). Watanabe wasn't great here, but she can still move & go to an extent, and with an opponent who knows how to wrestle without much help from anyone else, that was more than enough. DASH took it to Watanabe with her flying & her foreign objects, sometimes combining both such as the footstomp off the apron onto the chair, trying to beat the veteran in the sort of brawl she was known for at the height of her stardom. DASH dominated the match with Chikayo Nagashima, Megumi Yabushita, & Pandita running too much interference for her until Watanabe eventually came back taking everyone out with a reverse body attack to the floor & they had a regular match once Watanabe got done giving DASH a tour of the arena. It began to get quite good as they went back & forth with Watanabe countering DASH's athletic moves & DASH countering Watanabe's power moves. Watanabe obviously isn't as agile as she was back in the day, but that didn't hurt the match too much except DASH's harumaru near the ropes didn't come off. The big problem here is DASH just randomly ran into Watanabe's big lariat & that was that. DASH has been wrestling 12 years, yet since she just had a birthday, Watanabe has been wrestling 1 less year than she's been alive. Apart from the interference, I liked this sprint up to the premature & abrupt finish, as it did a good job of showing how their game is both similar & different. That being said, it's still the same old girls over the wrestlers of today nonsense that Chigusa has been booking since the start of GAEA in response to AJW forcing her to retire so the current generation would get their chance. ***

Rin Kadokura & Takumi Iroha vs. KAORU & Yuu Yamagata 17:06