Zen Nihon Joshi Puroresu Videos ISO

AJW TV 1/16/95 taped 1/4/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=Ex

Aja Kong vs. Kaoru Ito

1994 Year End Awards Party

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa

AJW Handheld 1/21/95 Chiba
-55min. Q=VG-Ex

Misae Watanabe & Yuka Shiina vs. Mina Taniyama & Yoko Takahashi. Clip

Yoshiko Tamura vs. Kaoru Kanayama. Clip

Rie Tamada vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Etsuko Mita & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Chaparita ASARI & Mariko Yoshida

Kaoru Ito vs. Kyoko Inoue

Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda & Takako Inoue vs. Suzuka Minami & Toshiyo Yamada & Yumiko Hotta

AJW Handheld 1/25/95 Funabashi
-1hr 55min. Q=VG

Saya Endo vs. Kaoru Kanayama

Misae Watanabe & Naomi Kato vs. Yoko Takahashi & Yoshiko Tamura

Chaparita ASARI & Yuka Shiina vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Rie Tamada

Etsuko Mita & Suzuka Minami & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada

Mima Shimoda vs. Mariko Yoshida

Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito

AJW TV 2/6/95 taped 2/3/95 Chiba Koen Taiikukan
-1hr 25min. Q=Ex

Yumiko Hotta & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Suzuka Minami & Chapparita ASARI

Jaguar Yokota vs. Rie Tamada

AJW Audition featuring Kayo Noumi, Nanae Takahashi, & Miho Watabe

Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Kumiko Maekawa

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Toshiyo Yamada

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #105
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #106
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#105 taped 2/3/95 Chiba

Yoko Takahashi vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Rie Tamada vs. Jaguar Yokota

Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Kumiko Maekawa

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Toshiyo Yamada

#106 taped 2/15/95 Tokyo

Chaparrita ASARI vs. Yuka Shina

Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong vs. Etsuko Mita

Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue

AJW Handheld 2/6/95 Osaka
-1hr 55min. Q=VG

Naomi Kato & Tomoko Watanabe & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Misae Watanabe & Saya Endo & Yoko Takahashi

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Chaparita ASARI vs. Suzuka Minami

Kumiko Maekawa vs. Yumiko Hotta

Rie Tamada vs. Aja Kong

Mariko Yoshida & Takako Inoue vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

Kaoru Ito & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kyoko Inoue & Manami Toyota

AJW Handheld 2/7/95 Osaka
-2hr. Q=VG

Naomi Kato & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Misae Watanabe & Yoko Takahashi

Kumiko Maekawa vs. Yuka Shiina

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Manami Toyota & Rie Tamada & Takako Inoue vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Chaparita ASARI

Aja Kong vs. Mariko Yoshida

Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta

AJW TV 7/28/93 taped 7/26 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukan 2
& AJW TV 3/6/95 taped 2/15 Kagoshima
-2hr. Q=Ex/TV Master

AJW TV 7/28/93

Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong & Infernal KAORU. Very exciting match with great work and execution. Sakie & Ito both looked really good pushing Aja. ****

Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga vs. Etsuko Mita & Takako Inoue. Lots of action and big spots. Not surprisingly, Bat did all the selling for her team. Mita had a strong showing. ***

Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Yumiko Hotta & Toshiyo Yamada. Very exciting workrate style match with all kings of big spots. Unfortunately less than half the match aired. ****

AJW TV 3/6/95

AJ Tag Title #1 Contenders Match: Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada. Watanabe was the best in the match. Yoshida was good too, but not as good as usual. Tamada & Maekawa both looked good in spots, but overall weren't impressive. **1/2

Suzuka Minami & Kauru Ito vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Mima Shimoda. Typical fast-paced workrate style bout. ***1/4

Highlights of AJW 2/26/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Watanabe & Kyoko visit Yamada at her apartment. During this segment Watanabe & Kyoko both put an onion and a french fry (I think) in their nose. Then the dip the part of the french fry that was in their nose into something that Yamada cooked for them and eat it.

Etsuko Mita vs. Aja Kong. Brawl with Aja being her typical rough self. Fine match technically, but Mita wasn't able to be very competitive with the champ.

WWWA World Singles Title #1 Contender Match: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta & Manami Toyota. The stipulation was that the person who scored the pin in this match got a shot at Aja on the 3/26 Queendom show. This had a great storyline. The Inoues worked as a cohesive unit, but Hotta & Toyota had all kinds of dissention, almost entirely due to Hotta, because both wanted the title shot. Hotta & Toyota wind up breaking up each other's pins and eventually come to blows. Takako is just the opposite of Hotta, as she gives her chances at getting the title shot away to her regular partner Kyoko, most likely because Kyoko would have a much better chance of actually winning the title. Great ring work with all kinds of big spots. Toyota and Kyoko were excellent together. Toyota blew a few spots, including the finish which had to be redone (and that made Hotta look stupid because she had recovered from Toyota taking her out before Toyota even set up the finish the 2nd time and she just had to stand on the apron while Kyoko was pinned), which took the match down a notch. ****1/4    

AJW Zenjo QUEENDOM '95 Commercial Tape 2/26/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2 1/2hr. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Yuka Shiina & Nobue Endo (Saya) vs. Yoshiko Tamura & Misae Watanabe (Genki) 7:49. Bad and boring AJW rookies match with no one distinguishing themselves. 1/2*

Midget Puroresu (handicap match): Mister Buddhaman vs. Little Frankie & Tomezo Tsunokake 9:34. Good for an AJW midget match with some decent wrestling, mainly by Tsunokake, and different spots. *1/4

Zen Nihon Senshuken: Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe 18:26. Very good match with solid and polished work. Both women looked deserving of a bigger push. ***1/2

Handicap Junior Trial match: Reggie Bennett vs. Rie Tamada & Kumiko Maekawa & Chaparrita ASARI 1:39, 1:37, 1:27. Three separate squash matches with Bennett winning each in under 1:30. Really bad way to use the youngsters that you need to become the stars of the company a couple years down the line. DUD

Zenjo vs. Rideen Array: Lioness Asuka & Jaguar Yokota & Bison Kimura vs. Suzuka Minami & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda. Very good and heated bout. There was bad blood between the teams, especially between Mita and her idol Bison, who went at it during the opening ceremonies and pre-match introductions. Very high workrate. Cachoras team did a lot of teaming, especially on Bison who they wanted to take out. Bison gets a cut on her head when Mita piledrove her on a chair and also got a nasty bruise on her shoulder later on. ****

4/2 Tokyo Dome Shinshutssha Pasen! (advance melee) Zenjo BEST 8 Dead Heat Rumble Survival Elimination Match: Aja Kong & Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs. Yumiko Hotta & Manami Toyota & Takako Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa 34:43. When there was a pinfall the loser was eliminated, but the winner also left the match as they now earned their spot on the Dome show. Great workrate, exciting match, and very high stakes. Takako turned on Toyota, opting to help her regular partner Kyoko instead. Hotta was also a traitor to Manami. Best action may have been the final sequence where the two lowest ranked wrestlers, Sakie and Yoshida, were battling it out for the last spot. ****1/4

AJW WRESTLING QUEENDOM Osaka Bishin Okoku SUCCESS Commercial Tape 3/21/95 Osaka Jo Hall
-4hr 10min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Zenjo Young Generation 4 vs. 4 Elimination Match: Tomoko Watanabe & Yuka Shiina & Yoshiko Tamura & Nobue Endo (Saya) vs. Chaparrita ASARI & Rie Tamada & Naomi Kato (Bloody) & Misae Watanabe (Genki). The wrestling was basic, but it was good for what it was. The problem was ASARI's team eliminated the opposition in 7:38 without even losing one wrestler. Watanabe got like one near fall and that was basically it for her team. Puzzling to say the least. *

Midget Puroresu Handicap Match: Great Little Muta & Buda Ryuma vs. Tsunokake Sabu Masaru. They did poor immitations of the big spots the wrestlers they were immitating do or just purposely blew them. This lasted too long and was a total mess. -**

100th WWWA Sekai Tag Oza Kettei Tournament Ikkaisen

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Suzuka Minami & Reggie Bennett. Last few minutes made the match with several good near falls that the fans reacted to. Overall there was just too much Reggie though. Even Kyoko vs. Reggie was nothing much. **1/2

Aja Kong & Mariko Yoshida vs. Yumiko Hotta & Toshiyo Yamada. Strong effort. Very stiff match with crisp execution. They tried all the big moves, but they'd counter or break up the finishers so the match would keep going. Yoshida vs. Yamada was particularly good. ***3/4

Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Lady Apache & Felina. The Mexican team seemed out of their element and were badly outclassed. *1/2

Manami Toyota & Blizzard Yuki vs. Lioness Asuka & Jaguar Yokota. Very good match, but disappointing considering the talent involved. The execution was very good, but the body of the match had too much dead time. The last few minutes were damn good, but that was the quality I expected throughout. The finish was very flukish, and Jaguar having to just roll through and pin herself didn't help matters any. ***1/2

Zenjo vs. Rideen Array Single Match: Kaoru Ito vs. Bison Kimura. This was one of those matches where they younger wrestler is in control most of the time then the older wrestler does a couple moves and it's over. Ito looked good, but the finish kind of negated that. ***

WWWA Sekai Kakutogi Senshuken Oza Ketteisen: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Fumiko Ishimoto. One of the dullest kickboxing matches ever on a joshi puroresu show. They'd throw one strike then disengage and circle and dance around the ring some more. Low punch counts and really no scoring.

Tournament Junkessho

Aja Kong & Mariko Yoshida vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue. The match was always good and kept getting a little better until the finish where Yoshida & Takako had a few problems and Aja's uraken that led right to the finish was only a grazing blow. ***1/4

Manami Toyota & Blizzard Yuki vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda. Work was good, but the pacing was too even. It would have been better if the match was shorter, but faster paced and more dynamic. ***1/2

Tournament Kesshosen

Manami Toyota & Blizzard Yuki vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue. This was what we were waiting for all night. A fast-paced all action match that showed just how good they were when it came to work and spots. It was a Toyota style match with Kyoko also standing out over Yuki & Takako mainly due to superior offense. This match was so good purely because of the work. They did so many nice looking and difficult spots, with the execution being right on. It could have been more dramatic if it was longer because you didn't expect the final to end before 12 minutes (it went about 15), and also because you were always waiting for the big Toyota & Yuki comeback that never occured. The fans did get into it and there were a lot of nice near falls that they made look credible even if in your head you didn't really believe it could possibly end here. The final was the best match of the tournament, which is the way it should be. ****1/4

AJW Wrestling Queendom Yokohama Bishin Okoku VICTORY DVD 3/26/95 Yokohama Arena
-5hr 15min. Q=Perfect. 4 DVDs

Zenjo Fresh Woman: Rie Tamada vs. Kumiko Maekawa 10:36

AJ Junior Title: Candy Okutsu vs. Chaparrita ASARI 15:34. ASARI wins title

Zenjo vs. Shootboxing: Kaoru Ito vs. Noriko Tsunoda

2/3 Falls Lucha Libre Rule: Jaguar Yokota & Lady Apache vs. Mariko Yoshida & Felina 18:02

UWA World Women's Tag Titles: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Suzuka Minami & Tomoko Watanabe 19:01. Excellent match.

Zenjo vs. Rideen Array Single Bout: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Bison Kimura 10:05. Very good

Triangle Match for Vacant All Pacific Title: Toshiyo Yamada vs. Takako Inoue vs. Reggie Bennett 9:18, 2:10, 4:01, 5:19. Yamada wins title. Excellent match.

Zenjo vs. Rideen Array Single Bout Ultimate Rule (worked shoot) Match: Yumiko Hotta vs. Lioness Asuka 22:54. Great match. Incredibly stiff and brutal.

WWF World Women's Title: Bull Nakano vs. Kyoko Inoue 17:05. Great match.

WWWA World Single Title: Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota 23:22. Toyota wins title. Great match.

AJW Handheld 3/30/95 Iwate
-2hr. Q=Gd

Yuka Shiina & Nobue Endo vs. Yoshika Tamura & Naomi Kato

Tomezo Tsunokake vs. Mr.Buddhaman

Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami & Misae Watanabe vs. Etsuko Mita & Toshiyo Yamada & Tomoko Watanabe

Mariko Yoshida vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Takako Inoue vs. Rie Tamada

Kyoko Inoue vs. Chaparrita ASARI

Aja Kong & Reggie Bennett vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito

IWA World Women's Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Mima Shimoda

Shukan Puroresu Video Vol. 10 Sakie Hasegawa Rin Commercial Tape
-1 1/2hr. Q=Master

Sakie on the beach, looking at pictures from her youth, eating, making pottery, learning the traditional Japanese walk, clicking some hand instrument, wearing a Super Delfin bodysuit, modeling various costumes & outfits

Highlights of: Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Akira Hokuto (2/3 Falls 5/26/91), Sakie injuring her arm (6/23/91),
Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Aja Kong & Bison Kimura (4/29/92), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Hikari Fukuoka (4/11/93), Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Leo Kitamura & Mikiko Futagami (9/29/93), Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue (10/10/93), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Aja Kong (5/2/94), Sakie Hasegawa vs. Manami Toyota (6/3/94), Blizzard Yuki vs. Manami Toyota (12/4/94)

3/19/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Lioness Asuka 3:52 shown. Fast paced back and forth match that made for a nice highlight reel.

4/15/95 Saitama Toda Shi Sports Center, 2/3 Falls: Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito vs. Kyoko Inoue & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Takako Inoue 11:39 of 39:26. Excellent Toyota workrate match. Everyone was wrestling at a high level, though Kyoko appeared to be the best.

4/16/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Zenjo GREATEST 4* Dome Again: Sakie Hasegawa & Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue & Aja Kong 18:16. Great work and execution. Everyone was on and everything was clicking. Hasegawa was beat on for several minutes then the match really took off with Toyota's hot tag. ****

AJW The SOUL of HOKUTO Kanzenban (complete edition) Commercial Tape
-1 1/2hr. Q=Master

4/28/95 North Korea Mayday Stadium: Akira Hokuto & Bull Nakano vs. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida. Short GAEA style match, but the work was better. They packed a lot into the time they had. It was exciting and everyone was impressive. ***3/4

4/29/95 North Korea Mayday Stadium: Akira Hokuto vs. Bull Nakano. Really good action while it lasted, mainly due to Hokuto. Bull was stiff, but she wasn't made for these kind of spot matches, especially at this point in her career. ***1/4

The rest of the tape is non-wrestling footage shot during the North Korean tour; sight seeing, dancing, etc. There's also backstage footage where we see that Hokuto needs to get 2 needles so she can withstand the pain and go out and entertain us.

AJW Korakuen G*TOP 5/7/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-3hr 20min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Yumi Fukawa vs. Yoshiko Tamura 9:26

Midget Death Match: Atsushi Obuddha (Buddhaman) vs. Tsunokake 2:25. Buddhaman dresses up like Onita, and I don't know what Tsunokake was supposed to be, but they make a mockery out of the style FMW death match. They have little explosions and everything.

All Japan Junior Title Match: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Nobue Endo (Saya) 5:55

Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito & Rie Tamada 12:59. Good match with Watanabe, who really carried things for her side, being the best of the 6.

Aja Kong & Reggie Bennett vs. Lioness Asuka & Bison Kimura 15:32. Aja is pretty awesome in this one. She disregards her former partner Bison because only Lioness is good enough for her. However, Bison keeps coming at Aja even though Aja is brutalizing her just about every time.

Minami Retirement Memorial: Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta vs. Las Cachorras Orientales (Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda) 12:44. Minami is as over as she ever was in her career on this night . Very good workrate match. After the match is over, Bull & her former Marine Wolves partner Hokuto come out and Minami gets incredibly emotional.

Exhibition Match: Marine Wolves (Akira Hokuto & Suzuka Minami vs. Bull Nakano & Yumiko Hotta 4:34. All action and heated. Minami worked over Bull's bad knees. This, of course, went to the time limit, but Minami didn't want to quit just yet, so her and Hokuto did a double Northern Lights bomb, the only time I've ever seen that, to Bull. Suzuka then covered Bull, and Bull didn't kick out, allowing Minami to go out with an unofficial win. Minami's retirement ceremony followed. This whole segment was one of the best and most emotional retirements in recent years for a women who wasn't a huge star.

WWWA World Singles Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue 60:00. Classic marathon spotfest. No real story or psycholoogy, but as close as you can get to nonstop action in a 60:00 draw. Great spots and workrate. Awesome stamina. 1st half is nonetheless better than the 2nd half. 1995 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Match of the Year. Great match.

AJW Handheld 5/15/95 Niigata
-1hr 55min. Q=Gd-VG

End of opening match

Yumi Fukawa vs. Misae Watanabe

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Kyoko Inoue & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tomoko Watanabe

Rie Tamada & Takako Inoue vs. Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida

IWA World Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Reggie Bennett

Aja Kong & Yumiko Hotta vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

AJW Sapporo BEST*ONE Commercial Tape 6/27/95 Hokkaido Sapporo Nakajima Taiiku Center
-1hr 20min. Q=Master

Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Reggie Bennett & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito 15:19. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary except a pointless blade job by Hokuto; they are just this talented and work so well with one another. A collective match with lots of tags and several double teams. It was almost equally good no matter who was in. Yoshida was not surprisingly the best on her team and Bennett the worst, but Bennett was able to take a few surprising bumps and the only negative was she screwed up one of Hokuto's spots by guessing wrong on whether to bend over more or stand up straight. LCO worked really well together and apart is was almost a toss up between who was the best and worst. Both sides did a really good job of pulling off the moves, putting as much effort into taking them as doing them. 15:19. ***3/4

WWWA Sekai Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong 22:45. Kong got this off to a really good start giving Toyota the big staredown before the match. This baited Toyota into pushing Aja, but Aja didn't fire back, she just got right up in Toyota's face and continued the staredown as if nothing happened. Toyota might have got the last laugh though, as Aja turned to walk to her corner so they could start the match, she snuck up behind Aja and German suplexed her. Aja avoided an early missile kick and actually hit one of her own, but after this the match pretty much went downhill. All the flash in the later stages was going to be there, but what disappointed me is Aja didn't do anything to give it any substance. I was hoping she would develop something that could then be worked into the glamorous portion, but instead there was just a lot of down time early. Aja had some good moments like when Toyota tried to pick the pace up at 7 and she just smacked her down. Just before 14 the match took off, with Toyota starting to fly around then Aja giving her a wicked powerbomb. From here it was all the great moves back and forth. If that's your thing than this match was amazing. However, I just found that to be all there was, flash over substance. There was a great near fall where Aja slipped out of the corner assisted Japanese ocean cyclone suplex hold and tried a backdrop, but Toyota landed on her feet only to have Aja level her with an uraken before she could capitalize on her nice counter. There should have been more of these spots, instead of waiting until Kong was just about ready to take the title to pull one out. 22:45. ****1/4

AJW JAPAN GRAND PRIX '95 WWWA CHALLENGE CUP PART 1 Red Zone Koshiki Leaguesen Commercial Tape
-2hr 40min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Note: This tape shows every match in the league in digest form, but has long versions of the following six matches

7/23/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall Leaguesen: Mima Shimoda vs. Manami Toyota. They did just about every big spot they know, and did them well. Really exciting match with great near falls, and the crowd was really into it. However, there was no psychology whatsoever and basically no selling. ****1/4

7/31/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall Leaguesen: Mima Shimoda vs. Reggie Bennett. **

Leaguesen: Manami Toyota vs. Toshiyo Yamada. Not as exciting as the Toyota vs. Shimoda match, but a smarter match due to Yamada. They were countering everything, which made perfect sense given how well these two know each other. ***3/4

Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Yuka Shiina. *3/4

Aja Kong & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Jaguar Yokota & Kaoru Ito. Good match, but unfortunately only 1/3 shown.

8/13/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall Leaguesen: Manami Toyota vs. Bison Kimura. Style clash but enough talent that it mostly worked. ***1/4

AJW JAPAN GRAND PRIX '95 WWWA CHALLENGE CUP PART 2 Blue Zone Koshiki Leaguesen Commercial Tape
-2hr 40min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Note: This tape shows every match in the league in digest form, but has long versions of the following matches

7/23/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Takako Inoue vs. Mariko Yoshida. 6:52 of 12:49

Kyoko Inoue vs. Sakie Hasegawa. 9:43

7/31/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Tomoko Watanabe. 19:47

Kyoko Inoue vs. Takako Inoue. 11:37 of 30:00

8/13/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Bull Nakano & Kyoko Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Aja Kong & Reggie Bennett & Mima Shimoda. 22:14

8/14: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Akira Hokuto & Chaparrita ASARI. 15:19

AJW W.W.W.A. Championship Night Osaka Queen's Holy Night
Commercial Tape 8/30/95 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan
-3hr. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Rie Tamada & Yoshiko Tamura & Yumi Fukawa vs. Chaparrita ASARI & Misae Watanabe & Yuka Shiina 8:56. *1/2

Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa 8:55. ****

Yumiko Hotta & Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita vs. Jaguar Yokota & Bison Kimura & Reggie Bennett 12:55. ***1/4

Lioness Asuka vs. Bull Nakano 1:29. *

Mima Shimoda vs. Akira Hokuto 11:26. ***3/4

WWWA World Single Title Match: Aja Kong vs. Dynamite Kansai 18:09. Kansai wins WWWA title ****1/4

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Sakie Hasegawa. Rapid pace with super workrate tons of high spots and near falls ****1/2

AJW Memorial DVD Series Vol. 9 Budokan DESTINY DVD 9/2/95 Tokyo Nippon Budokan
-4hr 40min. Q=Perfect. 4 DVDs

*The last excellent top to bottom show AJW presented*

Zenjo Up To Type II: Misae Watanabe & Naomi Kato vs. Yoshika Tamura & Yuka Shiina 8:24

Midget Puroresu Gabyo (thumbtack) Match: Tiger Jeetmezucito vs. Buddha Nakamaki Hiroshi 11:42

All Japan Tag Title Decision Match: Chaparrita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa 12:34

Toshiyo Yamada & Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Blizzard YUKI & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito 18:24

UWA World Women's Tag Title Match: Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs. Jaguar Yokota & Lioness Asuka 15:49

THE DESTINY STRONGEST: Yumiko Hotta vs. Reggie Bennett 14:23

THE DESTINY BEASTY: Aja Kong vs. Bison Kimura 8:03

THE DESTINY MEGA-POWER: Kyoko Inoue vs. Bull Nakano 21:02

THE DESTINY CLIMAX: Manami Toyota vs. Akira Hokuto 20:43. ****

AJW Japan Grand Prix '95 Final Commercial Tape 9/3/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-3hr. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Yuka Shiina & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Yumi Fujimoto 5:13. Short Nothing match. 1/2*

Yoshiko Tamura & Misae Watanabe vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Chaparrita ASARI 12:33. *1/4

Midget Handicap match: Tiger Jeetmezucito Singh (Tomezo Tsunokake) vs. Mr. Buddhaman & Little Frankie 5:55. Tiger was rolled around in a dolly, hung over the Korakuen balcony, and rolled up in a gym mat so everyone could diving body press him. *

8 Women Elimination Match: Reggie Bennett & Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda & Rie Tamada 18:59. Spot wrestling. Work was really strong, but eliminations came too quick. ***1/4

Japan Grand Prix '95 3rd Place Match: Takako Inoue vs. Bison Kimura 9:30. Surprisingly strong match. Takako worked over Bison's shoulder, but in an exciting way as she did things like her Takako Panic to the shoulder and turned Bison's blazing chop off the 2nd into a wakigatame. What they did was excellent, but the match was too short. ***3/4

Aja Kong Debut 10th Anniversary: Kyoko Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Aja Kong & Reggie Bennett 15:27. They tried a lot of things, but too many spots were botched. After the match they honored Aja, with some of her class of 1986 members like Miori Kamiya, Reibun Amada, & Megumi Kudo (who wasn't shown for some reason), as well as obviously Bison, showing up to present gifts.

Japan Grand Prix '95 Final: Manami Toyota vs. Yumiko Hotta 23:39. An excellent match that may be the best of Hotta's career. Pacing and implementation of the holds was excellent. Toyota's selling and comebacks were way better than normal due to Hotta, although they still could have been better. The finishing sequence was tremendous with each move looking like it would be the end if it hit. Hotta was really stiff for the most part, but some of her strikes missed or barely hit which hurt. Toyota took a hell of a beating, but eventually put Hotta away to win the JGP for the 2nd time. Emotional post match with Hotta shaking a crying Toyota's hand and basically telling her to bring the belt back to AJW (this was just after Kansai had won the red belt, and the winner of the JGP gets a title shot), which Toyota would do on 12/4/95. ****3/4

AJW Zenjo Innocence 1995 #28 Handheld 10/7/95 Iwade Municipal Citizen Gym
-1hr 35min. Q=Ex

Mina Taniyama vs. Kayo Noumi 2:36

Misae Watanabe & Yumi Fukawa vs. Mari Mogami & Nobue Endo 13:39

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Chaparita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa vs. Mariko Yoshida & Yoshiko Tamura 12:26

Tomoko Watanabe & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kaoru Ito & Manami Toyota 12:14

Kyoko Inoue vs. Sakie Hasegawa 9:27

Aja Kong & Etsuko Mita vs. Mima Shimoda & Yumiko Hotta 15:39

AJW Nagoya Super Whirlwind '95 Commercial Tape 11/3/95 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan
-1hr 35min. Q=Master

undercard digest

Lioness Asuka vs. Kyoko Inoue 9:33. Kyoko pins Lioness out of nowhere. Tremendous disappointment because it was over before it had a chance to become any good. This booking is puzzling to say the least, and I tend to doubt Kyoko got maximum effect out of this win. *1/4

Aja Kong vs. Takako Inoue 13:09. Takako did her spots, but none of them are dangerous enough to be a threat to put Aja away, so Takako couldn't even compete. **

Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida 16:57. 1st half was nothing special containing matwork that didn't go anywhere, bu the 2nd half had all the big moves. Some of the spots weren't as fluid as normal and the match lacked heat. The finishing sequence was really good as Sakie & Toyota really kicked it into overdrive. Toyota's moonsaults were incredibly fast. ***1/2

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Titles: Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda vs. Bull Nakano & Tomoko Watanabe 0:05, 2:05, 16:01. I'd probably think more of this match if it was one fall because the first two falls were too short to even form an opinion on. The third fall was really good though. This also lacked heat and the matwork took the match down because it was obviously just rest holds. Hokuto & Bull, though obviously not what they once were, fired up. They always worked well together and this was no exception. Shimoda & Watanabe being much better than they were in the early days of these units helped make up for what Hokuto & Bull were lacking, but the veterans didn't hide behind them by any means. Hokuto took all the credit for the victory, snubbing her kohai by walking off with both trophies and title belts. ***1/2

AJW Wrestle Marinepiad '95 Commercial Tape 11/18/95 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan
-3hr. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Mari Mogami vs. Kayo Noumi. These two were just starting out. This was a really bad rookie style match.

All Japan Junior Title Match: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Misae Watanabe (Genki). Basic rookie style match.

Mariko Yoshida & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Mina Taniyama. Yoshida was a women among girls, but she mainly let Fukawa carry the load so as to not show everyone up. Fukawa did a pretty good job, but Saya & Tanny weren't good at all. Overall, it was decent.

Toshiyo Yamada & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe. Solid match with good work. Watanabe was the best of the four, but she accidentally squashes poor little Chaparrita like a pancake at one point. Good match.

Mima Shimoda vs. Etsuko Mita. This should have been at least a very good match, but for some reason these two didn't have it today. In Mita's case, she might have been injured early on. The set up and transitions weren't as good as normal. A double juice brawl with all their big spots, and nice teases of them. Good match.

Bull Nakano & Lioness Asuka vs. Aja Kong & Reggie Bennett. Good work, but not very graceful. Mainly spots. Good.

WWWA Ranking Match: Yumiko Hotta (#2) vs. Kyoko Inoue (#6). Best match on the show. Very solid and built well. Proper pacing and selling.

Reyna Jabuki (Akira Hokuto) & Blizzard Yuki (Sakie Hasegawa) vs. Manami Toyota & Black Blizzard (Kaoru Ito). Mainly spots. Very good match, but disappointing given the talent. Sakie blows her most glamourous flying spot of the match, and gets injured landing really badly on it.

AJW Kokugikan Super Woman Legend Monday Night Sensation Commercial Tape 12/4/95 Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
-3hr 55min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

All Japan Junior Title Match: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Yuka Shiina 6:35

All Japan Tag Title Decision Match: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Misae Watanabe 9:54. TamaFuka wins title.

Etsuko Mita & Mari Mogami vs. Mariko Yoshida & Mina Taniyama 10:39

All Japan Title Match: Tomoko Watanabe vs. Chaparrita ASARI 7:30

Freedom Explosion ~RIVAL BEAT~: Kaoru Ito vs. Sakie Hasegawa 11:58

IWA Single Title Match: Reggie Bennett vs. Takako Inoue 10:13. Takako wins title.

All Pacific Title Match: Yumiko Hotta vs. Toshiyo Yamada 11:00

Trio Las Revancha

Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda vs. Lioness Asuka 6:49

Akira Hokuto vs. Mima Shimoda 7:45

THE HIGHEST DREAM: Kyoko Inoue vs. Aja Kong 19:56

WWWA World Single Title Match: Dynamite Kansai (JWP) vs. Manami Toyota 22:37. Toyota wins title.

AJW Tag League The Best '95 Commercial Tape 10/10/95 & 12/10/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 45min. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

10/10/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Tag League The Best '95 League Match: Reggie Bennett & Yumiko Hotta vs. Chaparrita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa

Tag League The Best '95 League Match: Kyoko Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Aja Kong & Takako Inoue

Tag League The Best '95 League Match: Sakie Hasegawa & Mariko Yoshida vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

Tag League The Best '95 League Match: Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita

12/10/95 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Rookie of the Year Tournament Final: Mari Mogami vs. Kayo Noumi

Sakie Hasegawa & Yumi Fukawa vs. Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada

Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Etsuko Mita & Toshiyo Yamada & Lioness Asuka

Tag League The Best '95 3rd Place Match: Reggie Bennett & Yumiko Hotta vs. Aja Kong & Takako Inoue

Tag League The Best '95 Final: Kyoko Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

AJW Manami Toyota Flying Angela THE BEST Commercial Tape 12/25/95
-2hr 45min. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

The first 2 hours show highlights of Toyota's best and most famous matches including winning the Japan Grand Prix, the great series vs. Toshiyo Yamada culminating with the famous hair vs. hair match, Toyota & Yamada defeating Aja & Bison to win WWWA tag, teaming with Yamada vs. Ozaki & Kansai in three classic matches, Toyota defeating Aja for WWWA Title, Toyota's legendary 60 minute draw with Kyoko Inoue, & Toyota defeating Kansai for to win the WWWA World Single Title for the second time. The last 40 minutes is the 30 round match for Korakuen Hall on 12/25/95

AJW TV 1/21/96 taped 1/3/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Near Perfect

1995 Year End Award Party

All Japan Tag Title Match: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Kumiko Maekawa

Sakie Hasegawa vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong & Mima Shimoda vs. Yumiko Hotta & Etsuko Mita

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #122 3/19/14
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #123 4/16/14
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#122 taped 1/3/96 Tokyo

AJ Tag Title: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Nobue Endo & Kumiko Maekawa

Sakie Hasegawa vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong & Mima Shimoda vs. Yumiko Hotta & Etsuko Mita

Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

#123 taped 3/31/96 Yokohama

Sakie Hasegawa Retirement: Michiko Nagashima & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito

IWA Title: Takako Inoue vs. Mima Shimoda

Aja Kong & Combat Toyoda & Cooga vs. Bison Kimura & Megumi Kudo & KAORU

AJW Ota-ku Champion Legend '96 Commercial Tape 1/22/96 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan
-3hr. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Elimination Match: Kumiko Maekawa & Yuka Shiina & Mari Mogami & Kayo Noumi vs. Misae Watanabe & Yoshika Tamura & Nobue Endo & Mina Taniyama

Mariko Yoshida & Yumi Fukawa & Chiquita Azteca vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Chaparrita ASARI & Etsuko Mita

Reggie Bennett vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Aja Kong vs. Kaoru Ito

Sakie Hasegawa vs. Bull Nakano

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Akira Hokuto & Mima Shimoda vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue 29:47

WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Yumiko Hotta

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 1 Zenjo Strongest '96 Commercial Tape 2/12/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 15min. Q=Master

Yuka Shiina & Mina Taniyama vs. Nobue Endo & Misae Watanabe

Zen Nihon Junior Senshuken: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Mari Mogami

Reggie Bennett & Mima Shimoda vs. Yumiko Hotta & Etsuko Mita

Aja Kong vs. Toshiyo Yamada 11:17

Sakie Hasegawa Single Countdown 7-ban Shobu: Bison Kimura vs. Sakie Hasegawa 13:10

Captain Fall Survival War: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito & Yumi Fukawa 28:05. At least excellent.

AJW TV 3/17/96 taped 2/20/96 Kumamoto-shi Taiikukan
-1 1/2hr. Q=Near Perfect

Yumi Fukawa & Mari Mogami & Misae Watanabe vs. Nobue Endo & Kayo Noumi & Mina Taniyama

Sakie Hasegawa vs. Yuka Shiina

Kyoko Inoue vs. Kaoru Ito

Manami Toyota vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Mima Shimoda & Takako Inoue & Reggie Bennett vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Yumiko Hotta & Etsuko Mita

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 2 Zenjo HIGHEST '96 Commercial Tape 3/20/96 Fukuoka Hakata Starlanes
-1hr 15min. Q=Near Perfect

Misae Watanabe vs. Mari Mogami. Digest

Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito & Yumi Fukawa vs. Etsuko Mita & Chaparrita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa. Digest

Aja Kong & Tanny Mouse & Yuka Shiina vs. Takako Inoue & Nobue Endo & Yoshiko Tamura 8:33

Reggie Bennett & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Yumiko Hotta 17:27

Sakie Hasegawa Single Countdown 7 FINAL: Manami Toyota vs. Sakie Hasegawa 31:33. Hasegawa put all she had left into this match. It was the culmination of a career where effort took her farther than ability. Ironically, it was one of her best singles matches, despite her career being derailed by injury just as she was about to reach new heights. They wasted little time, rolling out every high spot in their arsenal pretty much from start to finish. It was a glorious mess, but hit or miss, they plowed forward, figuring the next move would make up for it. Hasegawa did four rolling sentons, going back to it until she was satisfied with her execution. She was in the lead most of the match, pushing Toyota to the brink. You knew she couldn't win, but they did everything they could to make you forget that because the match was about her. The crowd was somewhat disappointing in the first half given that they were really going after each other, but once they got going they didn't stop. ***3/4

NJ Tokon V Mania Vol. 5 WCW World in New Japan Commercial Tape 11/14/95 Hamamatsu Arena
& AJW Sakie Hasegawa Retirement Road Commercial Tape 2/12/96-3/20/96
-2hr. Q=Ex

Akira Nogami vs. Koji Kanemoto

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Shinjiro Otani

The Giant vs. Tadao Yasuda

Booker T vs. Shinya Hashimoto

Yuji Nagata vs. Kurosawa

Lord Steven Regal & Bobby Eaton vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Osamu Nishimura

Nasty Boys vs. Masahiro Chono & Hiroyoshi Tenzan

Sting & Keiji Muto vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

Sakie Hasegawa Retirement Road

2/12/96 Korakuen: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Bison Kimura

3/9/96 Korakuen: Sakie Hasegawa & Tomoko Watanabe & Kaoru Ito vs. Takako Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada & Aja Kong

MPW 3/15/96 Osaka Rinkai Sports Center, Blizzard Yuki Retirement Match: Blizzard Yuki vs. Chaparrita ASARI

3/20/96 Hakata Starlanes: Sakie Hasegawa vs. Manami Toyota

AJW Wrestling Queendom Yokohama Beautiful God Kingdom '96 Highest Wars
Commercial Tape 3/31/96 Yokohama Arena
-5hr 40min. Q=VG-Ex (sporadic jitter)/Near Perfect/Near Perfect. 3 DVDs

Tomoko Kuzumi & Yuki Miyazaki & Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Saya Endo & Misae Genki & Yoshika Tamura 11:38

Chikako Shiratori & The Bloody Phoenix & Flor Metallica vs. Yuka Shiina & Tanny Mouse & Kumiko Maekawa 17:56

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Etsuko Mita 10:26

All Japan Tag Title Match: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Hiromi Yagi & Kanako Motoya 12:05

Sakie Hasegawa Retirement Match: Tomoko Watanabe & Michiko Nagashima vs. Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito 14:47

Shootboxing: Fumiko Ishimoto vs. Bat Yoshinaga R3

Reggie Bennett & Chiquita Azteca vs. Mariko Yoshida & Chaparrita ASARI 13:57

IWA Women's Title Match: Takako Inoue vs. Mima Shimoda 13:32

Aja Kong & Combat Toyoda & Cooga vs. Bison Kimura & Kaoru & Megumi Kudo 23:02

Vale Tudo Match: Yumiko Hotta vs. Leticia Orsini 9:13

WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue 21:19

AJW Handheld 4/4/96 Nagareyama
-2hr 25min. Q=VG. 1 DVD

Yumi Fukawa vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Tanny Mouse vs. Yuka Shiina

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Kaoru Ito & Saya Endo vs. Chapparita ASARI & Kumiko Maekawa

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Reggie Bennett

Kyoko Inoue vs. Mariko Yoshida

Aja Kong & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Etsuko Mita & Yumiko Hotta

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 3 Zenjo CHAMPIONS '96 Commercial Tape 4/9/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 10min. Q=Master
AJW Zenjo CHAMPIONS '96 4/9/96

1st Junior All Star Match: Chaparrita ASARI & Yumi Fukawa & Yuka Shiina & Tanny Mouse vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Yoshiko Tamura & Saya Endo & Misae Genki. Highlights

Midget International 6 Man Tag Match: Ultramancito & Mascarita Magico & Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tigrecito & Espectro De Ultratroncito & Tomezo Tsunokake. Highlights

Yumiko Hotta vs. Etsuko Mita. Highlights

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Mariko Yoshida. Highlights

Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong & Mima Shimoda 29:46

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Titles: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Reggie Bennett & Tomoko Watanabe 11:31, 7:07, 12:01

AJW TV 5/19/96 taped 4/21/96 Okinawa Convention Center
-1 1/2hr. Q=Near Perfect

Yuka Shiina & Saya Endo vs. Misae Watanabe & Tanny Mouse of 9:32

Mima Shimoda & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue of 14:46

All Pacific Senshuken: Yumiko Hotta vs. Reggie Bennett of 6:52

Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito vs. Aja Kong & Tomoko Watanabe of 19:22

AJW G*Top One Day Tag Tournament Commercial Tape 5/1/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Ex

G*TOP One Day Tag Tournament 1st Round

Kyoko Inoue & Tanny Mouse vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Misae Genki 7:29

Mima Shimoda & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kumiko Maekawa 13:10

Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada vs. Takako Inoue & Yumi Fukawa 10:43

Kaoru Ito & Yuka Shiina vs. Manami Toyota & Yoshika Tamura 11:41


Kyoko Inoue & Tanny Mouse vs. Mima Shimoda & Chaparrita ASARI 11:06

Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada vs. Kaoru Ito & Yuka Shiina 4:24

Final: Kyoko Inoue & Tanny Mouse vs. Mariko Yoshida & Rie Tamada 12:15

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 4 Zenjo G*TOP Week Commercial Tape 5/3/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1hr 10min. Q=Master

Yuka Shiina & Misae Genki vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Yoshiko Tamura. 1:50 shown

Hair vs. Mask: Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tigrijo. A few dives here at least. Tigrijo seemed pretty good actually, but had nothing to work with. 2:52 shown

EMLL Campeonato Mundial De Miniestrellas: Mascarita Magica vs. Espectro De Ultratumbido. Good action, but awfully short. 3:07 shown

WWWA Sekai Midget Title Match: Little Frankie vs. Ultramancito. 2:09 shown

New Face Pin Up Board: Saya Endo. Not exactly the person that comes to mind when you see the words pin up...

Zen Nihon Tag Title Match: Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa vs. Saya Endo & Tanny Mouse. They clip a bunch of matches that were probably really good after this to show almost all of this match? TamaFuka worked pretty well as a team, but Tamada was deliberate and sloppy as usual, while Saya & Tanny brought nothing to the table. *1/4

Mima Shimoda vs. Tomoko Watanabe. 3:21 shown

Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita & Takako Inoue. This had great action and look like it could have been ****, but only 1/3 is shown.

Zenjo G*TOP Week Special Digest: Highlights of Takako vs. Watanabe, Toyota & Yamada vs. Aja & Kyoko, Toyota & Yoshida vs. Mita & Shimoda, and Hotta vs. Ito

Shin Zenjo Greatest 4: Manami Toyota & Yumiko Hotta vs. Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue. Not the most spectacular match they've ever had, but it was a little over 20 minutes of solid action with every spot hitting. ***1/2

AJW WRESTLE MARINEPIAD ~Junior All Star Trial Road~ Commercial Tape 5/11/96 Kanagawa Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan
-3hr. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Junior Trial Road I: Etsuko Mita vs. Misae Watanabe 5:15. The pairing was logical as Misae is Mita’s size, but it was nothing more than a competent and well-executed squash.

Junior Trial Road II: Kaoru Ito vs. Yuka Shiina 3:52. The energetic but unspectacular wrestlers delivered a technically sound match that was not surprisingly hard to get excited about considering Shiina’s big offense was a jackknife cradle after avoiding a reverse hip attack off the 2nd.

Junior Trial Road III: Tomoko Watanabe vs. Yoshiko Tamura 1:33. Tamura, AJW’s reigning junior champion, was almost able to hang with Watanabe until Tomoko hit her lariat for the win. Mind you, this took 90 seconds.

Junior Trial Road IV: Yumiko Hotta vs. Saya Endo 3:20. Saya at least showed some character bowing respectfully during the pre-match handshake to get Hotta off guard, only to German suplex Yumiko as soon as she turned her back. Of course, the last thing one wants to do is get the ass kicker mad. Hotta proceeded to toy with and taunt Endo, telling her to throw her best low kick only to laugh it off (it was pretty pathetic) and fire back with one that knocked Saya off her feet.

Heat Up The Junior All Stars: Kumiko Maekawa & Tanny Mouse vs. Chikako Shiratori & Flor Metalica 12:25. Finally, a competitive match. The Jd’ team played heel, roughing the AJW juniors up. Shiratori & Flor at least have full move sets, and did a decent job of carrying the match. Metalica gave her typical Black Album performance, considerably mediocre. Shiratori and Maekawa were a bit better with Maekawa being the most impressive of the AJW juniors so far, at least throwing some good kicks. Tanny has no offense, but is a modern day Numacchi, so bad and goofy the fans react to her. Given Mouse is the worst of all the juniors and someone who could never advance beyond cult laugh at her status, she of course is the first AJW junior to be put over. *1/2

Junior Trial Road V: Mariko Yoshida vs. Yumi Fukawa 6:25. Yoshida took the match seriously even though Fukawa wasn’t going to be competitive, turning in a really good performance. Fukawa attacked when Yoshida was entering, getting off to a “big” start including a plancha before Yoshida took over 35 seconds into the match. Still, they did a fairly exciting match where Fukawa at least showed a bit of heart. *3/4

Zenjo vs. Jd’ Hyper Soul: Toshiyo Yamada & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Bison Kimura & Chiquita Azteca 15:23. Some good action and brawling here. Yamada & Bison turned in good performances providing solid work, while ASARI & Azteca were flashy. ASARI was over enough there was at least the slight notion she could pin Bison with her sky twister press. ASARI greeted Azteca’s tope with a chair and tried to tear her mask off. After the match, they got into a fight with Azteca challenging ASARI to a mask vs. hair match. ***

Junior Trial Road VI: Aja Kong vs. Rie Tamada 14:07. If Tamada is considered their best junior, she should have beaten a lesser veteran such as Watanabe instead of getting destroyed by the best senior. Following in the footsteps of her partner Fukawa, Tamada attacked the entering opposition and delivered an early plancha. The fans reacted to Rie being able to German suplex Aja, but it was quickly all downhill for her, as Kong beat the living crap out of her. That said, Kong did a great job of making this compelling. Though at heart it differed from the previous 5 junior trial road matches only in length, Aja garnered heat and intensity. Tamada kept kicking out, but otherwise showed no signs of life. Aja eventually pulled her up after a piledriver and challenged her to give her a match. Tamada fired up and tried to mount an attack, though Aja countered most of it. Tamada did a few counters of her own, but mostly earned points for hanging in, the fans getting behind her (hoping for a competitive match already) even though no one believed she had even a slight chance. The second best match on the show wrestling wise, but I’d rather see a match where anyone can win. **3/4

Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue 52:11. Memorable for the cumulative effect of putting together 52 high quality minutes, but never truly spectacular the way the 6/22/96 rematch was. The first installment was more suitable for Shimoda & Takako, as it was far slower paced. They built this match up much better than the rematch, though it was mainly softening the opposition up for the high spots, and it was always obvious the match was going to be considerably lengthy. The first half helped the match overall, but not a great deal. The second half was excellent, picking up on the outside with Kyoko tossing Toyota off the top rope to the floor. Toyota injured Takako’s back, delivering a knee off the apron to her kneeling foe. As they tended to Takako, Toyota flipped off the crowd. Toyota followed by putting Takako in a camel clutch where she held Takako’s arm, waving it at Kyoko in taunt. Shimoda put the boots to Takako’s back, but Takako came back injuring Shimoda with a hard slap to the mouth. Double Inoue extracted their revenge with a spot where Kyoko camel clutched Shimoda and Takako stuffed her boot in her fact. This might have been a great match if they had moved these injuries about 20 minutes earlier. Instead, by the time they introduced them they didn’t have that much time to develop them. As it was, they waited until the final 10 minutes to truly kick into gear. Toyota didn’t stand out nearly as much in this match as she did in the rematch as it wasn’t her workrate style, but Shimoda & Takako made up for it with far better performances. Shimoda didn’t do a post match interview, as she was driven off in an ambulance. ****

AJW Handheld 5/12/96 Ugyu
-1hr 45min. Q=VG

Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake

Kaoru Ito & Yumi Fukawa vs. Saya Endo & Yuka Shiina

Mariko Yoshida vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Etsuko Mita & Tomoko Watanabe & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Kyoko Inoue & Tanny Mouse & Yumiko Hotta

Aja Kong & Rie Tamada vs. Chapparita ASARI & Manami Toyota

AJW Joshi Puroresu The Dream & Future 1st Junior All-Star War Commercial Tapes 5/18/96 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan
-5hr. Q=Master. 3 DVDs

Chihiro Nakano & Makie Numao vs. Sayori Okino & Keiko Aono 10:43

Reiko Amano vs. The Bloody Phoenix 12;04

Graduation Tournament 1st Rd: Sugar Sato vs. Aki Kanbayashi 7:55

Graduation Tournament 1st Rd: Misae Genki vs. Kyoko Ichiki 9:39

Graduation Tournament Final: Misae Genki vs. Sugar Sato 6:59

Junior Idol Fiesta: Kanako Motoya & Yumi Fukawa vs. Hiromi Yagi & Kaori Nakayama 11:19

Yuka Shiina vs. Yuki Miyazaki 9:01

Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Saya Endo 10:05

Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Yoshiko Tamura 11:15

Chikayo Nagashima & Sonoko Kato vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tanny Mouse. 20:00

Chikayo Nagashima & Sonoko Kato & Sugar Sato vs. Kumiko Maekawa & Tanny Mouse & Misae Genki 8:05

WWWA World Super Lightweight Champion Decision Match: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Toshie Uematsu 14:36

Chikako Shiratori & Michiko Omukai vs. Meiko Satomura & Rie Tamada 10:58

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 5 Zenjo FINEST '96 Commercial Tape 6/9/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1hr 10min. Q=Near Perfect

IWGP International wrestling Grand Battle Midget Title Match: Hashi Buddhaman Ya (Mr.Buddhaman) vs. Nobuhiko Bakada (Tomezo Tsunokake). Spoof on Hashimoto vs. Takada

Takako Inoue vs. Yumi Fukawa 7:03

New Face Pin Up: Misae Genki

Etsuko Mita & Misae Genki vs. Yumiko Hotta & Saya Endo 8:28

Kumiko Maekawa vs. Chikako Shiratori 9:57

Kaoru Ito & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Mima Shimoda & Toshiyo Yamada 22:19

Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue & Rie Tamada vs. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida & Chaparrita ASARI 24:05

AJW Zenjo Video Series Super Collection VOL. 6 Zenjo TAG WARS Commercial Tape 6/15/96 Omiya Skate Center
1hr 10min. Q=Near Perfect

1996 Audition

Rie Tamada vs. Misae Genki

New Face Pin Up Board: Yoshiko Tamura

All Japan Junior Title Match: Yoshiko Tamura vs. Yumi Fukawa 20:00

Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kumiko Maekawa

Yumiko Hotta & Chiquita Azteca vs. Aja Kong & Saya Endo

Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita vs. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue

Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito vs. Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda 20:32

AJW W.W.W.A. CHAMPIONS NIGHT in SAPPORO Commercial Tape 6/22/96 Hokkaido Sapporo Nakajima Taiiku Center
-2hr. Q=Master
AJW 6/22/96

All Pacific Crown Decision Tournament 1st Round: Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe 12:49. Probably the worst thing about Watanabe & Ito forming a team in 1997 is their matches against each other tended to be among their more impressive. This one, though shorter due to the tournament final being later in the night, was better than usual, as their matwork was purposeful then they threw all they had at each other. Ito worked Watanabe’s back early, setting up a hot comeback where Watanabe tried to get the crowd involved. The audience was initially reticent, but began to come around when Ito hit a tope but injured her knee when Watanabe avoided her diving footstomp to the floor. Watanabe attacked the knee with her Dragon screw to figure four, but Ito persevered, still relying on her footstomps despite the fact each one hurt her. They execute really well, delivering a very good crisply wrestled match. ***1/2

All Pacific Crown Decision Tournament 1st Round: Mariko Yoshida vs. Reggie Bennett 10:24. Essentially a glorified squash. Yoshida used her athleticism early with a nice climb-up knee, but Reggie quickly took control turning her monkey flip into a sidewalk slam. Yoshida had occasional success jumping at Bennett with dropkicks and flying moves, but was simply overwhelmed. Yoshida does take Bennett’s power moves better than most, but having such a one-sided match in a four wrestler title tournament seemed rather pointless given Bennett has been in the league for ages. **

WWWA World Super Lightweight Title Match: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Rie Tamada 12:09. Given their inexperience, the fact that the finish is very good is quite promising. The fans got into the final portion that contained all the hot moves, including ASARI doing a 450 splash to the floor. The middle is average though, and the beginning is weak, lacking point and direction. The execution could have been a little better, but at least when ASARI was a little off it was with something spectacular, moves no other woman was doing at all. Rie, on the other hand, didn’t even execute the pedestrian dropkicks and body attacks that are all she gets out of her quickness and athleticism to perfection. **1/4

All Pacific Crown Decision Match: Kaoru Ito vs. Reggie Bennett 9:56. Ito, who was the third best wrestler tonight behind Kyoko & Toyota, looked impressive dominating the match, but unfortunately was dispatched of rather quickly and unceremoniously. Bennett did sell more for Ito in the first few minutes than she did in the entire Yoshida match. And it was a good match, it’s just that it really needed to go another 3-5 minutes. Ito took it to Bennett aggressively, punishing Reggie’s right knee. Bennett did a good job of selling the knee injury, which aided the story that Ito was using the speed differential to get off before her oversized opponent. Ito was better in 1996 than from 1997 on when she was heavier, as she was large enough to take it to the big girls but small enough to pull off a huracanrana, and more importantly far more energetic. **3/4

2/3 Falls WWWA World Tag Title Match: Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs. Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda 3:29, 10:47, 16:33. The rematch from WRESTLE MARINEPIAD 5/11/96 was entirely in Toyota’s workrate style. The previous match was slowly paced by mid ’90’s AJW standard, but this was a total sprint with a first fall that was faster than any GAEA Nitro sprint, except these women actually have stamina, for the most part maintaining the pace for the entire half hour. This time they never got any type of story going, just did countless spectacular spots. Beyond her usual bit of sloppiness Toyota was outstanding, and Kyoko may have been even more impressive given she hits all her spots and is able to combine power with the incredible speed and energy. Shimoda & Takako were out of their element though, forced to either rush or slow the pace down. The match kind of died when they did a segment together at the start of the third fall, but for the most part they had Shimoda & Takako opposing the other team’s star, with Toyota or Kyoko dictating and carrying them in the fast paced style. The first fall had a great surprise finish where Toyota did one of her springboard reverse counters to an attempted Inoue double team. Kyoko bailed out, but Takako tried to duck, which seemed a successful strategy until Toyota hooked a sunset flip as she was flying over Takako for the pin. After the crazy start, the second fall was more or less the normal beginning of their match with some weardown, but it didn’t take long to get and remain lightning paced. It wasn’t so much the pace itself, but the speed in which they were pulling the moves and counters off, whether it be Kyoko whipping her opponent over for a fisherman suplex that was a snap at heart or Toyota turning Kyoko’s Niagara driver into a sunset flip. Toyota took a great flip bumb on Kyoko’s lariat for the second fall. Toyota & Shimoda captured the titles, which Double Inoue had previously won from Shimoda with Hokuto on 1/22/96. ****

AJW Japan Grand Prix '96 PART 1 Commercial Tape 7/14, 7/28, & 8/4/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-3hr. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

7/14 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Aja Kong vs. Yumiko Hotta. Very good

7/28 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Kyoko Inoue. Good

8/4 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Mariko Yoshida. Good

Kyoko Inoue vs. Reggie Bennett. Good

7/14: Manami Toyota & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Kyoko Inoue & Chaparrita ASARI. Good

8/4: Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda. Excellent

Shukan Puroresu Video Vol. 24 Manatsu no Ya no Budokan (Budokan Midsummer Night)
DISCOVER NEW HEROINE Commercial Tapes 8/12/96 & 8/13/96 Tokyo Nippon Budokan
-4hr. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

    Tag Tournament Round 1

Aja Kong & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Sakura Hirota (Gaea team) 9:14

Jaguar Yokota & Yuko Kosugi (Jd' team) vs. Megumi Kudo & Kaori Nakayama (FMW team) 5:58

Shark Tsuchiya & Miss Mongol (FMW team) vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa 5:00

Toshiyo Yamada & Sonoko Kato (Gaea) vs. Etsuko Mita & Misae Genki 4:57

Mima Shimoda & Chikako Shiratori (Jd') vs. Bison Kimura & Yuki Lee (Jd' team) 5:44

Takako Inoue & Kyoko Ichiki (IWA Japan) vs. Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi (JWP team) 9:08

Manami Toyota & Rie Tamada vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Rieko Amano (JWP team) 9:07

Kyoko Inoue & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Devil Masami & Tomoko Miyaguchi (JWP team) 10:00

    U*TOP Tournament (shoots) Round 1

Yoko Takahashi (Jd') vs. Elina Rodina 4:45

Reggie Bennett vs. Elma Wayhoff 9:00

Lioness Asuka (Free) vs. Margot Neyhoft 7:28

Yumiko Hotta vs. Valerie Witt 6:31

    Tag Tournament Round 2

Megumi Kudo & Kaori Nakayama vs. Bison Kimura & Yuki Lee 6:36

Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa 11:38

Toyota & Tamada vs. Yamada & Kato 6:23

Aja & Tamura vs. Kyoko & ASARI 10:53

Battle Royal

    Tag Tournament Semifinals

Bison & Lee vs. Kansai & Kuzumi 2:51

Aja & Tamura vs. Yamada & Kato 5:58

    Tag Final

Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Aja & Tamura 18:03

    U*TOP Semifinals

Elina vs. Bennett 5:38

Lioness vs. Hotta 3:12

Aya Mitsui kickboxing exhibition

U*TOP Final: Yumiko Hotta vs. Elina Rodina 9:14

AJW Joshi Puroresu Yearbook DVD Shukan Puroresu Video Vol. 24 Budokan Midsummer Night 8/12/96 & 8/13/96 Tokyo Nippon Budokan
-45min. Q=Perfect

Tag Tournament Round 2: Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Tomoko Watanabe & Kumiko Maekawa 11:38

Tag Tournament Final: Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Aja & Tamura 18:03

U*TOP Semifinal: Lioness Asuka vs. Yumiko Hotta 3:12

AJW Japan Grand Prix '96 PART 2 Commercial Tape 8/30/96 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan
-2hr 5min. Q=Master

Manami Toyota & Yoshiko Tamura vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Rie Tamada. Good

Japan Grand Prix '96 Koshiki Leaguesen

Kaoru Ito vs. Tomoko Watanabe. Very good

Takako Inoue vs. Mariko Yoshida. Pretty good

Etsuko Mita vs. Mima Shimoda. Good

Yumiko Hotta vs. Reggie Bennett. Poor

Kyoko Inoue vs. Aja Kong. Aja wins Japan Grand Prix ****1/4

AJW THE RISING GENERATION QUEENS CARNIVAL Commercial Tape 9/1/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 55min. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Miho Wakizawa vs. Rumi Sekiguchi 4:25

Yuka Shiina & Momoe Nakanishi vs. Misae Genki & Yachio Kamamoto 8:44

Nana Takahashi vs. Aya Koyama 8:15

Kickboxing: Yumiko Watanabe vs. Saya Endo

All Japan Junior Title Match: Yoshika Tamura vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi 10:31

Tomoko Watanabe vs. Kumiko Maekawa 7:11

All Japan Tag Title Match: Yumi Fukawa & Rie Tamada vs. Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima 18:17

Manami Toyota vs. Candy Okutsu 13:05

WWWA Super Light Heavyweight Title Decision Match: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Chiquita Azteca 21:26

AJW TV 10/6/96 taped 9/28/96 Hakata Star Lanes
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

Takako Inoue & Tomoko Watanabe & Yumi Fukawa vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Etsuko Mita & Chapparita ASARI

Kyoko Inoue vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Aja Kong & Rie Tamada vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kumiko Maekawa

2/3 Falls WWWA Tag Title Match: Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida

AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #128 9/17/14
& AJW Retro Hour Zenjo Classics #129 10/20/14
-1hr 55min. Q=Perfect

#128 taped 9/28/96 Fukuoka

Saya Endo & Momoe Nakanishi vs. Nana Takahashi & Misaw Genki

Kyoko Inoue vs. Yoshiko Tamura

Aja Kong & Rie Tamada vs. Yumiko Hotta & Kumiko Maekawa

WWWA Tag Title: 2/3 Falls Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs. Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida

#129 taped 11/21/96 Kobe

AJ Title: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Rie Tamada

Toshiyo Yamada vs. Tomoko Watanabe

Reggie Bennett vs. Takako Inoue

Aja Kong & Yumiko Hotta vs. Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue

AJW Nagoya Ultra Whirlwind '96 Commercial Tape 10/6/96 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan
-2hr 50min. Q=Ex. 1 DVD

Saya Endo & Miho Wakizawa vs. Nana Takahashi & Yachiyo Kawamoto 11:18

Yuka Shiina vs. Momoe Nakanishi 7:58

Tomoko Watanabe & Kaoru Ito vs. Misae Genki & Yoshika Tamura 11:53

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Rie Tamada & Yumi Fukawa & Chaparrita ASARI 14:41

Kickboxing Match: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Yumiko Watanabe

IWA World Women's Title Match: Takako Inoue vs. Mariko Yoshida 23:00

Kyoko Inoue vs. Yumiko Hotta 19:13

WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong 21:07

AJW TV 11/24/96 taped 11/21/96 Kobe World Kinen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

Misae Genki & Saya Endo & Nanae Takahashi vs. Yumi Fukawa & Yuka Shiina & Momoe Nakanishi 12:46

All Japan Title Match: Kumiko Maekawa vs. Rie Tamada 9:59

Tomoko Watanabe vs. Toshiyo Yamada 11:33

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Chaparrita ASARI vs. Mariko Yoshida & Kaoru Ito & Yoshika Tamura 18:00

Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue vs. Aja Kong & Yumiko Hotta 20:05

AJW Kokugikan Chojoden REAL EARNEST Commercial Tape 12/8/96 Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
-4hr 40min. Q=Ex. 2 DVDs

Rookie of the Year Decision Match: Momoe Nakanishi vs. Miho Wakizawa 5:06

Tomoko Kuzumi & Emi Motokawa vs. Misae Genki & Tanny Mouse 15:38

Chiquita Azteca & Pequeno Azteca & Bloody Phoenix vs. Yumi Fukawa & Yuka Shiina & Yoshika Tamura 13:31

All Japan Title Match: Rie Tamada vs. Chikako Shiratori 10:27

WWWA World Super Lightweight Title Match: Chaparrita ASARI vs. Fusayo Nochi 14:33

Kickboxing: Yoko Takahashi vs. Saya Endo

Kickboxing: Aya Mitsui vs. Kumiko Maekawa

U*TOP Match: Kaoru Ito vs. Malika 0:52

U*TOP Match: Elina Rodina vs. Yumiko Hotta 4:31

Tomoko Watanabe & Reggie Bennett & Momoe Nakanishi vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Toshiyo Yamada 18:47

Aja Kong & Dynamite Kansai vs. Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida 19:15

WWWA World Single Title Match: Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue 24:28