Quebrada Pro Wrestling, Puroresu, & Mixed Martial Arts Reviews by Mike Lorefice

Lucha Libre On Galavision 1/12/03
by Michael Smith


Juventud Guerrera (captain) & Averno & Mephisto
Super Crazy & Volador Jr. & Felino (captain)

Primera Caida began with Crazy (who’s added some weight since his ECW days) and Mephisto exchanging a nice series of reversals. Volador and Averno were next, and also matched each other’s moves. After both sequences, the wrestlers posed for applause but unfortunately didn’t receive any. Felino and Juvi were next. Shortly after a dropkick to the knee by Felino (that Juvi took a great bump on) he put Guerrera into a reverse single leg figure four for the give up.

Segunda Caida started off with Averno and Volador, and featured a cool shining wizard enzugiri by Volador on a standing Averno. Crazy and Mephisto then resumed for a brief moment, culminating with a stiff basement dropkick by Crazy. Back to The Juice and Felino, Juventud hit a knee dropkick of his own followed by a helacool spot where he took Felino up in a pump handle and then dropped him into a face first Juvi Driver. This was the precursor to a 619 by Juvi and then he went hard after Felino’s mask. After some rudos domination and dives to the outside by everyone minus Felino and Juvi, Guerrera rolled out his second sweet spot of the match by swinging Felino reverse way out of a torture rack into a sit out powerbomb. Felino then tried to counter another pump handle by flipping out of it but when he landed on his feet the Youth Warrior tore off his mask and then clotheslined him down. This led to a DQ and sweep for los technicos, but Felino was fully exposed before hitting the mat and eventually Crazy covered him with his t-shirt. Los rudos continued the beating as the replays began. Very good match seriously highlighted by the stuff with Guerrera and Felino.

Shocker & Mr. Niebla & Brazo De Plata
Dr. Wagner & Black Tiger & Mascara Ano 2000

The first fall wasn’t shown but won by Shocker’s trio. The second stanza went by fairly quickly and uneventfully save for a splash mountain into a sit-out flapjack by Tiger on Shocker. Wagner unmasked Niebla but wasn’t DQ ’ed (I guess since they were outside). The finishes were Ano getting Shocker to tap to a camel clutch and Brazo to double armbars. Finishing up, los rudos controlled things until Niebla returned with a new mask and kicked ass on everyone including tearing Wagner’s mask. In his being fired up Niebla went for Boo Bradley’s old forward roll finish, but Wagner rolled back on the pin and got the win. Match was decent but nothing memorable.


Taped Chilpancingo, GRO


Mascarita Segrada & Mascara Segrada
Abismo Negro & Mini Abismo Negro

This was in the hexagon with the big guys as the captains. The first fall was short but good with everyone being on with their stuff and Mascarita shining. Unfortunately, for him he also tapped to Mini Abismo’s stretch while big Abismo caught Mascara with a backslide for the win.

The second verse began with M.A.N. kicking Mascarita square…. in the nuts but not getting DQ’ed. The ref, Tirantes, did grab and throw him down though as Mini went after Mascara. This didn’t make sense but it did lead to Abismo decking Tirantes with a punch. Tirantes got stretchered out and had the punch actually connected this may’ve been OK. Anyway, the Abismo’s went and got a shady ref named Salazar who repayed them by counting helaslow for los technicos. This fall was even better than the first as the Segrada’s did some sweet science and eventually won by getting the Abismo’s to simultaneously Spinal Tap.

Finally, the third fall started with Mascarita hitting a rana rollup for a s..l..o..w two and then a fast two for a rollup by Mini Abismo. After a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Mascara on non-mini Abismo, the ref counted one and then just stopped and got up. Mascara had all he could stand and he could stands no more, so he clotheslined and dropkicked him. This brought out Pimpinella for the hat trick. After more hot action Segrada pinned Mini Abismo with a splash but that was followed by big Abismo pinning Mascarita with a Ligerbomb. After Mini made some trash lid noise on Mascara’s head big Abismo put him in a straight jacket (camel clutch with the recipient’s arms crossed over his neck) for the victory. Really strong match but it was hurt a little by the stoppages due to the two ref bumps.

Jason & Leatherface & Venganza (captain)
La Parka & Hijo Del Perro Aguayo & Latin Lover (captain)

This was a pretty bad and lame brawl controlled by the monsters, who were DQ’ed in both falls. The first time it was for stomping La Parka and not stopping and the second for Venganza executing the low punt on Perro Jr. Leatherface went thru some flames and Lover hurt his arm, but nothing else of note happened.