Quebrada Pro Wrestling, Puroresu, & Mixed Martial Arts Reviews by Mike Lorefice

Lucha Libre On Galavision 1/19/03
by Michael Smith

Taped Arena Coliseo, D.F.

Felino (captain) & Negro Casas & Atlantis
Black Tiger (captain) & Rey Bucanero & Fuerza Guerrera

1) Felino y Rey started out with a nice series of reversals that Felino eventually got the best of. Fuerza and Atlantis were in next and their stallfest only served as a backdrop to a beautiful, bikini-clad, camerawoman at ringside. Black Tiger and Black Houses followed them up, but Felino y Atlantis immediately joined in to triple up Tiger. To finish him off Felino came off the top with an OOOOHH YEAAAH!!!! elbow and then helped Atlantis get Tiger up in la tapatia for the tap.

2) Felino started here as well, this time vs. Fuerza. His getting the upper hand on Sr. Juice was short-lived, however, as los rudos went on to dominate the next two minutes that the fall lasted. Tiger pinned Casas following a superplex as Fuerza covered Felino after doing something to him off camera to even Steven things.

3) Things got off to a rocky start here, and never recovered. Los rudos went after Atlantis’ mask, but instead of fighting back he just meekly meandered across the ring like he was collecting social security. Felino finally came in to get a pace going again but wound up kissing the floor as the 2nd rope snapped when he was thrown into it. Like the turnbuckle hook, the match totally fell apart at this point. Felino was apparently hurt as Bucanero subtly signaled to the back and then stopped choking him with the ropes. Back in the ring, Casas had the cable across his throat as well and then Atlantis emerged out of nowhere. After another awkward moment involving the lost city, Tiger finally unmasked him and then snapmared and covered him. To cap it off Casas was clearly shown telling Fuerza and Rey to just go to the finish and pin him while they tried some LCO rope action with him. Even before the fiasco with the rope breaking this was pretty bad. 10:29 (including replays)

Rayo De Jalisco Jr. (captain) & Vampiro & Brazo De Plata
Universo Dos Mil (captain) & Emilio Charles Jr. & Apolo Dantes

1) During the intros Rayo & co. jumped los rudos. Wild but mild first fall that los rudos went on to dominate (a lot of action, none of it good). After a confusing moment between them where Porky no sold chops and kicks from Charles and Dantes and they did the same to him (all looking confused as if it weren’t planned) Dos Mil decided to end the nonsense. So he slammed Plata and Dantes came off the top with a splash for 1a. Vampiro was the next to fall as after more communication problems between the teams he took a reverse suplex and the triple pin.

2) This Time Around/Owed To G los rudos attacked Rayo before the whistle. After briefly taking a beating Rayo got fiiiiired up and took them out. Brazo hit a splash off the bottom rop to beat Dantes while Rayo came off the 2nd with a back splash on Charles for the simultaneous pins.

3) If you know how lame Jason X was then you can picture this fall. And if you don’t, then image Super Porky being by far the best worker here and you can see how bad this was. Vamp looked awful as he seemed to have no idea what was going on (not that anyone else did either) including the ref pushing him away from the corner when he was apparently going upstairs. Dos Mil wound up unmasking Rayo, but De Jalisco Jr. no sold the terror since he was painted up like Vampiro used to be. So he played roll shambo on Universo and then covered him to end this mess. After the match he continued to punk Universo including unmasking him. 11:49 (including replays).

Torneo Cibernetico Interstatal:
Zumbido, Safari, Hombre Sin Nombre, Halloween, Volador Jr., Damian 666,
Negro Casas & El Hijo Del Santo
Felino, Olimpico, Tony Rivera, Nicho El Millonario (Psicosis), Mascara Magica,
El Satanico, Averno & Mephisto
Taped ?

Like the other matches of this type that have aired recently, this was basically a collection of short sequences leading to eliminations. It eventually came down to Magica vs. Santo and Mascara beat him with a nifty modified version of the torture rack. The best of these matches yet, as everyone was on and Santo losing came off like a big surprise. 20:07

CMLL Trios Titles:
Dr. Wagner Jr. (captain) & Fuerza Guerrera & Blue Panther
Tarzan Boy (captain) & Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero

1) Each of Los Guerreros del Inferno was in the ring for the entire 2 minutes this fall lasted. They were a little choppy at first in not being on the same frequency, but following an Ultimo clothesline on Wagner, Tarzan caught the bad doctor with a beautiful plancha. On the inside, Guerrero locked Guerrera in a helacool variation of the sharpshooter as Bucanero cinched in a combo front chancery and chickenwing on Panther for the stereo submissions.

2) Los Guerreros started this fall out with some stiff shots on Wagner, but their advantage on him was short lived. After Wagner was sent to an opposite corner, Tarzan’s boys sent him towards Wagner with a double whip. However, Doc vaulted Tarzan over the turnbuckles and ringpost to the floor in an absolutely crazy spot. Tarzan was literally like this close to landing head first and breaking his neck. Luckily, he tucked it in time to avoid any injury. The rest of the fall saw the older heels engage in a snugfest on Los Guerreros, as Wagner and Fuerza went helastiff on everyone. Finish saw Wagner superbomb Tarzan and then pin him with a bridge as Fuerza stood on Doc’s legs. Pretty impressive spot that was.

3) Everyone went all-out here and this was by far the best and most even of the falls. Tarzan and Fuerza especially shone, as they pulled out all kinds of inventive submissions trying in vain to get the other to tap. Things went so fast that towards the end they were starting to have problems keeping up with their own pace. Wagner finally put Tarzan away with a roll through on a Tarzan huracanrana. The fans were divided throughout since both groups are rudos, but they still gave pretty good heat to the match. Overall, it was good but going a few more minutes and being able to better build to the frantic finish would’ve helped them. 12:45.



AAA's portion was only about 25 minutes including commercials and vignettes. The following matches that aired took place in a hexagon and were clipped to about 3 minutes each.

Rey de Reyes - Group I: Octagon vs. Pentagon vs. Mascara Sagrada vs. Mascara Maligna
Rey de Reyes - Group II: Cibernetico vs. Dos Caras vs. Oriental vs. Texano
Rey de Reyes - Group III: Pirata Morgan vs. Gronda vs. Zandokan vs. Pimpinela
Rey de Reyes - Group IV: El Picudo vs. Canek vs. Septiembre Negro vs. El Hijo Del Solitario