Quebrada Issue 71E Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 71 - 6/10/00

THE THIRD ARSION World Free Fighting:
Mikiko Futagami vs. Chi Eun Joo

This was probably Gami's first shoot match. Eun Joo is a university Tae Kwon Do champion in Korea. She didn't appear to have trained at all in mat wrestling or submission, and that really cost her in the end. All she did when they were on the mat was try to strike, but she didn't know how to strike from this position, so she was basically pawing at Gami. To make things look even bleaker for her, Eun Joo appeared to break her right thumb during the match. They taped it up and sprayed it after a rope break before restarting the match. Eun Joo must have had a really miserable experience because Gami just kept grabbing a body part and wrenching it. Futagami wasn't locking in winning moves, but Eun Joo extremities were being twisted against the grain the whole match. It had to be very painful for her even though it wasn't painful to the extent where she would submit.

Gami stayed focused and showed some of the "1002 holds" that it says she knows on her tights, as apparently she doesn't know that our paragon of virtue claimed to know 1004 before jumping to the land of punching and kicking outside of the ring to break up the monotony of punching and kicking inside the ring. Anyway, eventually Gami got Eun Joo in a situation where she needed to tap, but Eun Joo refused to give up, so referee Daichi Murayama made the right call in stopping the match. Unfortunately, Chi's ankle may have been broken before Murayama stepped in. This was very one sided, and not very good.

Miko: Another good match. What happens to the Korean girl in this match demonstrates clear why in a MMA bout you should NEVER wear a gi. It's not likely to help you, but the of it being used against you are good. Not only did grabbing the GI help Gami take down her opponent, she was able to use the extra leverage from grabbing the GI to escape a choke. Overall, Eun Joo didn't look bad, her standing strikes were okay, mostly kicks, and she showed a lot of spirit hanging tough during the grappling. However, she was clearly out of her element. She simply didn't know how to strike on the ground, so Gami could simply ignore most of her strikes there and work on submissions.

Jerome: Eun Joo's kicks were pretty good, but Gami had no difficulty taking her down. Once they were down, it was obvious that Eun Joo was totally clueless about working on the mat. She couldn't grapple with Gami, and she was not able to throw efficient strikes. Sadly, she also injured her right thumb. Gami twisted any body part she could grab, but Eun Joo didn't quit. Eventually, Gami wrenched an ankle until the referee decided to stop the match because Eun Joo wouldn't submit even though she was clearly in pain. That match was interesting, but didn't accomplished a lot for Gami. She got the win, but her opponent was no match, so we don't know her real value in a shoot. That said, Mikiko ended up looking good because it was a lesser opponent, so maybe if AJW did the same thing with Yumiko Hotta, her shooter persona would have been over a lot more.

Special thanks to: Jerome Denis & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro

7:51 (5:18 shown)