Quebrada Issue 68D Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 68D - 3/25/00
Jd' TOGETHER '98 Commercial Tape 12/26/98

Bukyogun Shuryo (leader) vs. Oz Academy Kocho (headmaster) Chojo (top/climax) Taiketsu (Showdown): Lioness Asuka (Bukyogun) vs. Mayumi Ozaki (Oz Academy)

MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! Ozaki vs. Lioness in their first ever singles match as the semifinal of a major show and it only goes seven minutes? What the hell?

Basically a GAEA match with bombs back and forth for the whole seven minutes. Ozaki didn't seem to have it on this day, and Lioness was below her typical standard as well. The wrestling didn't seem as natural as always does in Ozaki's matches. It surprised me that this was the case, but being unfamiliar with each other hurt this match a lot.

Lioness was not assisted by any of her understudies, while the Oz Academy often teamed up on Lioness. This would have been a good excuse for Ozaki to win, but wound up just making it even lamer that Ozaki faired so poorly.

Lioness used every powerbomb in the book, including her freebird bomb. She finally knocked Ozaki out with her towerhacker bomb, but she pulled her up and locked Ozaki in tequila sunrise position. Ozaki made this great face like, "oh shit, this is my own move," before Lioness did it to her for the win. I thought it was pretty degrading that Ozaki lost so fast and to her own finisher. After the match, Lioness, Aja, & Ozaki shook hands, which lead to their alliance in GAEA as the SSU (Super Star Unit).

Keith: The only thing that came out of this match was the ending. But it's kinda like Nitro where they leave you in the dark wondering. The announcers made the same Clueless Schiavone fuss about the alliance between Aja, Ozaki, and Asuka. What made the situation even more bizarre was that Oz Academy had just been feuding with Asuka's group then you had this. Okay, so Ozaki respects Asuka, but I would've liked them to had some in ring post-match interview to keep the crowd informed. You just end up getting this image of these three top stars shaking hands.

Special thanks to: Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!
