Quebrada Issue 68D Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 68D - 3/22/00
Jd' TOGETHER '98 Commercial Tape 12/26/98

Request Ni Yoru Yume no Tag Match (Dream Tag Match):
Hiromi Yagi (free) & Sumie Sakai (Jd')
Tiger Dream (ARSION) & Chaparrita ASARI (Neo)

They did every great spot they know, but the match was marred by all kinds of execution problems. Yagi was pretty sharp, but the rest weren't up to the normal standard. Basically an indy looking spotfest that was strong moves wise, but really weak in the mental aspects.

ASARI wore her mask to the ring, so her and Tiger Dream could do a super heroine pose before the match. Sakai wore a Jaguar outfit because they were "pushing her" as the next Jaguar. She was featured here, doing all her cool flying moves, because she was the one doing the job. Her Orihara moonsault would have been the highlight of most of the matches on this show, but it doesn't even register in comparison to the breathtaking dive ASARI did. The incredible move ASARI did was her sky twister press to the floor, which may well be the best move in wrestling. Of course, nothing can match the unbelievable skill it takes to bounce off the ropes twice and deliver an elbow drop. Thus, even though my grandmother could do it, we should vote for that move because....well...my grandmother is also a better cook than the chef, repeats herself much less, and it's said that there was less light shown when she'd hit my mother, so I can't really think of a good reason. Anyway, ASARI only uses the sky twister to the floor on occasions like major interpromotional shows, which is smart because that makes it special. It's not a move you'd want to do ever day anyway because it's so dangerous for both wrestlers. Certainly it's a lot harder to get in the right spot to catch someone that is quickly spiraling in the air. In fact, Sakai came up a little bit shaken up, appearing to catch a knee to the head.

"Definitely the spot of the night. The crowd reacted very strongly to this move, even though ASARI has done it in the past," wrote Keith.

The other really cool thing ASARI did was a moonsault where Tiger Dream stood on the second rope and helped propel her over. The problem was that they lost their balance on the ropes, so poor Yagi had to lie there forever.

"I thought conceptually this was an interesting double team spot, if they could've maintained the momentum by not slipping. However, another part of my mind asked, 'What does this do?' I guess if they could've retained the momentum, I might've reacted differently, but the move came off a little silly because the assist doesn't look that strong," wrote Keith.

The spot is no different than any number of athletic spots used these days. They don't do any more damage, but they are supposed to look better or cooler than if the spot was done the "normal" way. Just look at any Rob Van Dam if you want to see a bunch of wasted motion.

Tiger Dream eventually pinned Sakai in a Tiger suplex hold.

Special thanks to: Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!

14:29 (7:42 shown)