Quebrada Issue 58C
Issue 58C - 12/18/99
Battle Station JWP 9/16/98

The Single 4 x 4 New JWP Announcement:
Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Devil Masami

Devil didn't seem to be into this match at all. She sold her leg big, but we don't see from what. What we did see was Devil no sell two of Miyaguchi's suichoku rakka shiki no brainbusters in a row. This was just ridiculous considering Miyaguchi uses that move as a finisher. Miyaguchi scored the upset with a heel hold, which came off kind of flukish. Even though Miyaguchi beat the legend, no one seemed to care.

Miko: I'm assuming Tomoko must really have been doing awful things to Devil's leg during the portion they edited out because it looks weird to see Devil selling her leg like it's about to fall off, but then no selling two brainbusters. Devil dragged this match down, but at least Miyaguchi picked up the win.

Special Thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro

14:35 (7:29 aired)

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