Quebrada Issue 57B
Issue 57B - 10/24/99
Neo Ladies Commercial Tape 5/6/98

Saya Endo vs. Yoshiko Tamura

These two have had pretty good matches in the past, but that doesn't mean you send them out there for 26 ½ minutes. Neither have close to the move set to do a match this long, so they were "forced" to do a ton of uneventful matwork to kill time. The beginning of this match was just bad and boring. There weren't any high spots, and they didn't work the submissions or do anything to give them any meaning.

Eventually, it turned into a good match with some good near falls down the stretch, but it was too little too late. If they scrapped the first 10 minutes, it could have been another decent match. It seemed like these two were just the sacrificial lambs though. The card only had five matches and two of them were less than 8 minutes, so somebody had to log some ring time. The thing is, if they let ASARI do something against Shimoda, that match could have gone at least another five minutes, and both matches would have been better.

Michael: Match was alright considering neither girl had worked a singles match this long before. I thought both girls sold the submissions pretty well while they were in them (which was basically the whole match), but Saya used way too many moves that depended on leg strength towards the end, including a bridge on the dragon suplex she got the win with, for me to believe that her knee was really hurt. They did a good job of making it look like the match was going to be a draw, so the finish was a suprise since it somewhat came out of nowhere.

Miko: This match didn't draw me in right away, though they got off to a fast start. I guess I'm just not really a Saya fan, but as the match went on I got more into it. I'm probably overrating it a little by saying it was good, but I ended up enjoying the match.

Special Thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro
