Quebrada Issue 57A
Issue 57A - 10/24/99
Neo Ladies Commercial Tape 2/25/98

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita
Kyoko Inoue & Misae Genki

The work was very good work, and, of course, so was the typical Las Cachorras Orientales brawling. Still, for the most part it was just spot wrestling. There was tons of action and all kinds of near falls, but it would have been nice if they could have developed a storyline given they were out there almost a half an hour.

Genki impressed me once again. Sure, she was carried by LCO, but she can now work on a level where the match doesn't go downhill when she comes in. Her selling, particularly when she was "KO'd" by a chair shot, has also improved, but someone (and I have no idea who) will still have to lead her there if she's ever going to become a really good seller.

Michael: Ok, aside from that lame ass American spot with Kyoko chasing Saya (which was only good because Saya couldn't stop laughing during it) this was a very good-excellent match. Being that this was back when LCO showed up to work every night they put on a heel clinic that Bloody and Ryuna could've learned alot from. More importantly though, this was a strong building block for Genki. She didn't get much offense in aside from those consecutive backdrop drivers but she kicked out of two moonsaults, a superbomb, and a DVB which are all legit finishers and she did most of it without Kyoko's help. This was also back when Kyoko still had a little mobility so she was able to hold up her end of the match as well. Definately the saving grace for this show.

Miko: I enjoyed this match. The contrast to the previous match, particularly when it came to the brawling, was tremendous. Genki can't carry a Tanny Mouse, but if she's in there with strong workers she can put up a good match.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro


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