Quebrada Issue 57A
Issue 57A - 10/24/99
Neo Ladies Commercial Tape 2/25/98

The Bloody & Ryuna (Jd' team)
Saya Endo & Chikako Shiratori

Saya & The Bloody worked well together, and basically saved the match. Shiratori was alright, while Fang added nothing. This was predominantly a brawl, with even Shiratori swinging a chair. I don't mind seeing 20 minutes of The Goddess, but realistically this was way too long for these four to be out there and even looking at Shiratori wasn't as pleasurable as it usually is because she juiced.

Michael: Only the geniouses that run Neo and Jd' would book this match to go 20 minutes. I mean, was there any interval longer than 30 seconds that didn't involve a chair or chain being used? You know I don't get off on seeing stiff chairshots, but Chikako would've done more damage pegging Ryuna with a whiffle ball than she did using the chair. During the occassions that Saya and Bloody decided to actually wrestle it was pretty good, but not enough to make this match passable.

Miko: Bloody and Ryuna need to watch some LCO tapes and learn from them.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro


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