Quebrada Issue 57A
Issue 57A - 10/24/99
Neo Ladies Commercial Tape 2/25/98

Chaparrita ASARI vs. Cooga (Jd')

The first 10 minutes of this match were dull, but final four were good with all the high spots. The fact that these two have nothing to bridge to the high spots was really evident here. Cooga really needs to expand her move set. ASARI has a good move set, but we've been seeing the same moves for years and she still hasn't improved any when it comes to using them. Thus, while this wasn't a bad match, it bored me.

Michael: This match was pretty good, and better then I thought it would be going in. It wasn't great, but keeping it short allowed Cooga to look better than usual, and Asari wasn't sloppy so it worked. It kind of sucks though that Chaparrita hit a (rare) perfect press and didn't get the win with it. Cooga isn't Liger, so it would've been nice to have seen ASARI actually lose to a proven finisher instead of a palm thrust.

Miko: I was not all that impressed by this match, and for the most part it was Cooga dragging it down.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro
