Quebrada Issue 56B
Issue 56B - 10/20/99
Jd' #27 7/10/98

Cooga vs. Kazuko Fujiwara

Cooga did just about everything, but didn't try anything. It was just a bunch of rest holds. This is the kind of match that makes me think of Faster Pussycat, Wake Me When It's Over.

Michael: Cooga's main problem is that she tries to hard too get the crowd into the match, which usually winds up hurting her matches. I'm not saying she's a great worker, but in nearly every match she'll do something like put her opponent in a rest hold and fish-hook their mouth or pull at their nose to try and get the crowd into it. It just doesn't work. The Emi match from 2/2 was a perfect example of that.

Cooga has so many problems that it would be hard to single out any one as being the biggest. Obviously, I agree that doing crowd response spots doesn't work unless you can get the crowd to pop. You'd think Cooga, especially at her age and experience level, would have figured out by now that she's not going to get a reaction so she should just replace those spots with something else. I think she's just too lazy.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith
