Quebrada Issue 56A
Issue 56A - 10/20/99
Battle Station Jd'
taped 1/11/98

Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita & Saya Endo
Cooga & The Goddess Chikako Shiratori & Sachie Abe

This was a pretty disappointing match that lacked flow. LCO tried to lead the Jd' women through the brawl, but the Jd' women couldn't always follow them. To make things worse, Cooga didn't want to take even a semi-hard chair shot. The match actually worked better when LCO weren't brawling because the opposition is more at home in a straight match. The Jd' team eventually got some offense in, but it never looked like they could win. Saya was better than all three of the Jd' women, which is pretty sad when you think about it. Abe looked pretty good at the end, so that probably made her the best of the Jd' trio. This match seemed to go on forever and it was quite disappointing by LCO standards, although in this case it wasn't even remotely their fault.

James: This was just BAD! At this point, you have to wonder if there is any kind of match that Cooga can work properly. She has deteriorated so much. If it had lasted ten minutes, maybe fifteen, they might have got something good from this.

Miko: Sloppy seemed to be the theme for the night. To make things worse, Shiratori injured her shoulder legit during the match, and from that point on it was a 3 on 2. Mita & Shimoda pretty much kicked the faces ass, so the good girls only got a chance to do much offense when Saya was in. At least Shimoda seemed to be having alot of fun out there.

Special Thanks to: James Phillips- Japanese Womens Wrestling & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro

25:36 (23:02 aired)

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