Quebrada Issue 53B
Issue 53B - 9/26/99
JWP on WOWOW 12/13/97

3 vs. 1 Handicap Match:
Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato (GAEA) & Chikayo Nagashima (GAEA)
Mayumi Ozaki

Only Ozaki could pull a match like this off. It was a good match that was hurt by the facts that the finish came too soon and the understudies looked weak because had to triple team Ozaki to get anywhere. The storyline was good, but Ozaki should have been pretty much dominated like she was by Kansai & Cuty on 10/30. Chikayo surprisingly took the match down, as she was as off as she's ever been.

At one point, Ozaki knocked everyone out with urakens, but instead of pinning them she called for them to get up. Eventually Ozaki was pinned, and rightfully so, but I just question the purpose of this match because I don't think the understudies gained anything from this pin. After the match, Ozaki announced that she would go freelance, which was the latest in the seemingly monthy huge blows to JWP. 12:05 (8:48 aired).

Jason: The finish almost came out of nowhere. After getting knocked out by Ozaki's uraken, the understudies wouldn't have been able to execute the finish even though Oz was triple teamed. Nagashima really did take the match down, especially after missing the footstomp off her partner's shoulders. They tried to cover it up, but it didn't help their credibility in the match.

Keith: I agree with the statement that Chikayo took the match down a notch. She missed a chair spot and a few other spots. Sugar looked good, as did Amano. The thing that hurt the match the most was that having to manage the three-on-one aspect. Two-on-one is doable if the person is a monster like a Dump, Kansai, or Aja. Even though Ozaki has a tremendous amount of talent she isn't necessarily a "monster" in size, although she has the heart of a lion. The other problem is that when one of Ozaki's kohai's wasn't in action, she would look silly standing around with nothing to do.
There was more than one storyline being run throughout this match. Aside from the fact that this match represented the Oz Academy's "graduation," it also represented Ozaki's "sotsugyo-shiki" or "graduation/elevation" from JWP. To allow Ozaki to give Amano the pin was a good move since it rightfully would establish Amano's status in JWP. Whether Amano would be used right after that pin was another question entirely. It took the unselfishness of an Ozaki to put up her reputation like that right before announcing she was going freelance.

Special Thanks to: Jason Higgs & Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!