ARSION Candy Okutsu vs. Rie Tamada 5/5/98 Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 63C - 1/21/00
ARSION ARS'98 Commercial Tape 5/5/98

Tournament ARS '98 Junkessho (semifinal):
Candy Okutsu vs. Rie Tamada

This was a regular pro style match. This was very similar to Rie's match with Omukai. It was good in points, particularly at the outset, but it was too sloppy and it was hurt by Rie's goofy strikes that took too long and weren't stiff enough. The highlight was Rie dropkicking Candy in midair then jumping really far on her plancha. Rie's shoulder seemed to go out of place when Candy gave her a drop toe hold, so she rolled to the floor and they popped it back in. Candy attacked Rie's shoulder, and, as you'd imagine, she seemed to be in a lot of pain. Too bad she Rie doesn't sell this well when her injuries aren't legit. After a really weak sequences of strikes, Candy used a kubigatame (small package) for the flash pin.

Keith: The small package flash win wasn't that bad because it showed that wins can come from anywhere and that the types of falls can vary.

Miko: More a normal pro style match with good back and forth action. Tamada seemed to injure her shoulder early on, but the match maintained a good pace.

Special thanks to: Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!, & Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro


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